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October 06, 2010 at 10:36AM View BBCode

May we have an update on how things are going?

October 06, 2010 at 03:35PM View BBCode

Looks like things are moving a little bit in here.

October 06, 2010 at 08:15PM View BBCode

we've been stuck at the end of the first quarter for preseason week 4 for a few days now, what's going on?

October 08, 2010 at 04:44AM View BBCode

I think we are being very cautious at this point.

October 10, 2010 at 08:10PM View BBCode

Sorry... I made some changes that blew up my development database, so I've been trying to figure out what went wrong.

October 12, 2010 at 01:12AM View BBCode

No problem. We are in it for the long haul at this point.

October 26, 2010 at 10:58PM View BBCode

hows everything going chris?

October 26, 2010 at 11:21PM View BBCode

Things are going well. I am working on the coach strategies right now. I have made adjustments to the Kicking Strategy page; it does not have the advanced settings yet but the ones that are there should make more sense now. I recommend resetting the page to the defaults before making any adjustments. The Returns page is functional as well, and both of these pages are partially implemented in the game code. Basic Offense doesn't work yet, I am hoping to finish that tonight or tomorrow and pair it with a Basic Defense page.

Once these are ready, I am going to work on having the games run on their proper schedule rather than manually. All this should be in place by the weekend. At that point, I will either have to restart the league or write some code to repair some scheduling corruption brought on by a bad bit of code.

Following that, my plans are:

- Start encoding real plays so strategy can move beyond the 5 or 6 test plays in the system. I may need to rope a volunteer or two into helping me build the plays and formations, which is just a matter of filling out a spreadsheet for each play, but we need a lot of plays and time I spend doing that is time I am not writing code.

- Complete the code for trades.

- Complete the drafts.

- Complete or remove scouting.

- Rework the signups to allow for multiple teams.

This will all take place over the next 30-40 days. Around the end of that time, a second Beta league representing a single-season league will need to be formed. Once it can run automated and I, Tyson, and you are satisfied that the game is playable and fun, I'll be opening single season signups. Then I will go back to testing the multi-season features and adding advanced play calling and possibly more plays. I am sure single-season leagues will turn up a multitude of bugs, and once those are squashed, the first pay league, the Jim Brown League, will be opened for signups. My goal is for this to happen before the Super Bowl but I am not sure there is time for this, as everything seems to take a bit longer than I schedule for.


October 27, 2010 at 02:01AM View BBCode

Thanks for the update and any other testing id be all for it, am for sure interested in the first pay league

October 29, 2010 at 11:53PM View BBCode

If you need plays, I know a ton, both offensive and defensive. I was an offensive coordinator for a high school team for a couple years after my playing days ended.

October 31, 2010 at 07:12AM View BBCode

Originally posted by celamantia
Things are going well. I am working on the coach strategies right now. I have made adjustments to the Kicking Strategy page; it does not have the advanced settings yet but the ones that are there should make more sense now. I recommend resetting the page to the defaults before making any adjustments. The Returns page is functional as well, and both of these pages are partially implemented in the game code. Basic Offense doesn't work yet, I am hoping to finish that tonight or tomorrow and pair it with a Basic Defense page.

All of the Kicking and Returns settings are now implemented in code. I will probably run a quarter or two tomorrow (well, today, Halloween) to test the logic. The Offense page still doesn't work; I am trying to get it running in time for tomorrow's quarter but it is 3am and I can hardly see straight.

November 01, 2010 at 06:27PM View BBCode

I've run the 2nd and 3rd quarters of the final preseason game. The field goal preferences seem to be working. The Punt preferences were broken for the 2nd quarter, they seem to be fixed for the 3rd quarter except for the setting to let punts drop.

November 28, 2010 at 07:46PM View BBCode

The final quarter of the final preseason game has run. Punts and punt returns should be more in line with reality and punt and return strategies should be being honored, including allowing punts to bounce near the end zone.

I am working today on getting games on a proper schedule for the regular season. Other goals for today are getting trades working and getting basic offensive strategy in place and honored. I am also going to see if I can fix some of the fatigue issues (ball carriers and receivers aren't getting tired fast enough, so they rarely sub out).

In other news, the depth charts now correctly show which charts are populated and which are not, and the number of players on the depth chart is indicated.

Also, please note that preseason punting stats are fairly well hosed; stats for regular season games should be correct.

November 28, 2010 at 09:18PM View BBCode

Not sure if this rounding issue has been dealt with in the kicking changes.

In the [url=]Detroit vs. BC game[/url] BC has the ball at the Detroit 49, with 3:03 remaining .

BC kick a 32 yard punt which is somehow fair caught on the 21. Last time I looked 49-32 was 17 not 21 so something is messed up there .

November 28, 2010 at 10:00PM View BBCode

Originally posted by tworoosters
BC kick a 32 yard punt which is somehow fair caught on the 21. Last time I looked 49-32 was 17 not 21 so something is messed up there .

I haven't dealt with rounding issues yet but this is pretty severe for a rounding issue. I think the problem is that there are multiple roundings taking place, which is why the apparent gap is so large, but I need to trace through the code and figure out precisely what happened here. I'm guessing that there is a bug in the rounding, in addition to the normal problem of the rounding, or at least some numbers being rounded and others cropped.

Let's see. On that play, the line of scrimmage is at position 511, which rounds out to the 49 yard line. The kick lands at position 790, which is reported as the 21... so this is correct. Only one tenth of a yard is lost in rounding... so where is the 32 yard figure coming from?

The punt yards is counted as:


That -105 is where the kick takes place: 10.5 yards behind the LOS. The ball is snapped 15 yards back to the punter, whose kicking motion moves him forward 4.5 yards before kicking the ball. So that 4.5 yards is getting lost in the shuffle somewhere... or perhaps doubled up? "Doubled up" makes more sense.

The "/10" cuts off the yardage to the largest full yard rather than properly rounding; this grew out of our discussion on how stats are handled so I think that is correct. I'll look for an issue with the motion of the punter.

Thanks for spotting this!


November 29, 2010 at 08:28AM View BBCode

Okay, I have started up the scheduler, so games should start running every other day. First quarter is scheduled for 7AM, second is 10AM, third is 1PM, fourth is 4PM. If overtime is necessary it will run at 7PM. (These are Eastern time.)

There is a dummy quarter that runs at 10PM; it should only do something if one of the earlier quarters crashes and I have to fix something.

I'll probably let the scheduler run for a few days then pause it to give me time to get the strategy stuff in before the season gets too deep.


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