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Player Energy

November 21, 2002 at 10:07PM View BBCode

Does a player's playing level decrease when his energy bar is down?

November 22, 2002 at 12:23AM View BBCode

Nope. It just determines whether he can play or not. Actually, I think there are times when ABE might be forced to bring in a tired pitcher (if everyone is used up in extra innings, for example). In those cases I do think the pitcher's performance is hurt. But I think that's the only case.

November 22, 2002 at 02:19AM View BBCode

That was an interesting question. Let me get it straight though, the three single-season seasons Ive played, Ive gone out of my way to rest players in the yellow to keep my lineup fresh, even if that meant occasionally putting a righty who only hits lefties in the lineup out of position to play against a righty because he is fresh. Was I basically wrong in doing this?

November 22, 2002 at 02:26AM View BBCode

I'd have to say "yes". The only time I rest someone before they're totally depleted and I'm forced to is when I've got an important series coming up and I want to make sure they're available.

November 22, 2002 at 06:30PM View BBCode

What about relief pitchers when the bar is yellow because they just pitched the previous day?

November 22, 2002 at 07:30PM View BBCode

I don't think that impacts performance at all.

Related question

November 25, 2002 at 02:53AM View BBCode

Rest does not appear to be cumulative, as far as I can tell. If a guy's bar goes to red and I sit him out for one game he's back to green, but he'll immediately start going down again if he's not a healthy player.

But would sitting him for two games prevent the cycle of declining health from kicking in right away? Or would it just be a waste?

I've also noticed that if I rest a guy when he gets down to 2 yellow bars, it doesn't seem to get him any extra days of playing time later. I might as well let him go down to red every time, right? If he's at 2 or 3 yellow bars and gets rested once, it doesn't "store" those potential healthy games up for later, does it? He just gets tired again right away.

Any thoughts? Am I seeing this correctly?


November 25, 2002 at 04:20AM View formatted

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You are correct. The only time you want to bench a player that isn't "red" is if you have an important game coming up that you need him for.

Rest isn't cumulative, and sitting him for 2 days would just be a waste... unless of course he sucks. :)

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