The JJL NL 1966 Tankoff
September 04, 2007 at 10:08PM View formatted
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After losing 16 in a row, STL manager David Hassalhoff, has noticed the schedule will be particularly soft the next two series.
"We thought we had the corner on the market for tanking down the stretch. But these guys (NY and PIT) are puting out a true effort reminiscent of some of the famous tanking efforts the fucking dumbass that runs PHI has orchistrated".
The pitching matchups that can be seen in these series are some of the greatest matchups seen to date.....
September 06, 2007 at 03:41AM View BBCode
Yeah.....lame Os.
The NL is an embarrassment......just like my spelling.
September 06, 2007 at 04:01AM View BBCode
Tank away guys... This draft sux!
Well just the top of the class sux. Those of us that never tank will still get decent players later in the round.
Tank you very much! :lol:
September 06, 2007 at 04:13AM View BBCode
that's a very good point. I couldn't believe that Craven Moorhead was being deprived ICs for the draftees that are out there. I'm sure I'll net 3 decent players from this draft and the 1st one I draft will only be moderately better than the 3rd one.
September 06, 2007 at 02:35PM View BBCode
Yeah poor Craven. I guess he'll just have to stay mediocre....:P :lol:
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