April 03, 2007 at 03:59PM View BBCode
Since we're about to get to the OffSeason, I thought I would add in 2 small changes.April 03, 2007 at 04:34PM View BBCode
Ok, I ran into the same problems as last time but have a better idea of where the problem lies. I'm going to attempt to run only the Retirement part of the OffSeason to see if I got the fix right.April 03, 2007 at 04:43PM View BBCode
I see that the older free agents are getting retired, and no players on teams were retired.April 03, 2007 at 04:47PM View BBCode
Still had some problems on that run. I'm going to try it a 3rd time.April 03, 2007 at 05:02PM View BBCode
Ok, I suspect the code will work next time. Since empty batterstat and pitcherstat lines were already deleted for last season, it's not catching guys on the WW. We'll see if the older guys retire after next season.April 03, 2007 at 06:02PM View BBCode
Tyson,April 03, 2007 at 06:04PM View formatted
April 03, 2007 at 06:23PM View BBCode
rnz - I put some thought into that, and looked at practicalities and realism as well. It will apply to players who had no playing time in the last season and are currently free agents. If a guy is still going through waivers, he won't get any extra ICs. This was the easiest way to code it, and I also didn't want to double credit guys that got a season of minor league improves then were waived toward the end of the season. Also, prevents gaming of the system (I think). The last place team couldn't just waive his minor league squad each year and then get them back off of waivers. They would have to become free agents first.April 03, 2007 at 06:24PM View BBCode
If you have time, please check the batters who retired. Maybe too many retired. Nobody aged 30-34 with a mentoring score above F should have retired.April 03, 2007 at 06:45PM View BBCode
Well how about that. I logged into beta and discovered myself the WS champs. Maybe I should ignore my team for a full season more often.April 03, 2007 at 06:47PM View BBCode
Although the banner does kind of throw the layout of my pages out of wack.April 03, 2007 at 06:55PM View BBCode
I checked the first 60 players that are listed as retiring from the WW and there are many that were rated F from one side and something else versus the other. There were 12 position players (aged 30-34) that had a mentoring of other than F from both sides. E.G. http://beta.simdynasty.com/player.jsp?id=6335.April 03, 2007 at 06:55PM View BBCode
I'm playing with that stuff a bit this afternoon. Please excuse any display/graphics problems for today.April 09, 2007 at 05:45AM View BBCode
Ty, with your addition to the waiver wire players recieving between 5-10 IC's in the off-season, can you make it a little more random to create a more realistic approach to the subject. If we are going to say that these guys are playing in Japan, or Mexico leagues and such, then some of these guys would be getting close to the same amount of IC's that our roster players are getting. I wouldn't want to see the conversion rate be the same as our roster players cause our players are in the "Big Leagues". Having only 5-10 IC's each year for these waiver wire fodders won't really change the skill of these players very much. For example, say Joe Smith is playing in the Mexican league and earns like 55 IC's. Since the competition is worse, he won't convert as well as our roster players would, but should still be able to have a random chance to convert anywhere from say 5-25 of those IC's. Maybe writting a formula so very few convert up around 25 of those IC's, and the majority converting very few of those IC's. That way you could get a guy like Ichiro to come into the league every once in awhile. That would be cool, and more realistic. Not sure if that is feasable, but if you are going to add a feature like this, I would like to see it make a few guys convert more IC's to add a more realistic twist to the game. At least something similar to what I am suggesting if possible. -BrunoApril 09, 2007 at 05:45AM View BBCode
Ty, with your addition to the waiver wire players recieving between 5-10 IC's in the off-season, can you make it a little more random to create a more realistic approach to the subject. If we are going to say that these guys are playing in Japan, or Mexico leagues and such, then some of these guys would be getting close to the same amount of IC's that our roster players are getting. I wouldn't want to see the conversion rate be the same as our roster players cause our players are in the "Big Leagues". Having only 5-10 IC's each year for these waiver wire fodders won't really change the skill of these players very much. For example, say Joe Smith is playing in the Mexican league and earns like 55 IC's. Since the competition is worse, he won't convert as well as our roster players would, but should still be able to have a random chance to convert anywhere from say 5-25 of those IC's. Maybe writting a formula so very few convert up around 25 of those IC's, and the majority converting very few of those IC's. That way you could get a guy like Ichiro to come into the league every once in awhile. That would be cool, and more realistic. Not sure if that is feasable, but if you are going to add a feature like this, I would like to see it make a few guys convert more IC's to add a more realistic twist to the game. At least something similar to what I am suggesting if possible. -BrunoApril 09, 2007 at 05:46AM View BBCode
Ty, with your addition to the waiver wire players recieving between 5-10 IC's in the off-season, can you make it a little more random to create a more realistic approach to the subject. If we are going to say that these guys are playing in Japan, or Mexico leagues and such, then some of these guys would be getting close to the same amount of IC's that our roster players are getting. I wouldn't want to see the conversion rate be the same as our roster players cause our players are in the "Big Leagues". Having only 5-10 IC's each year for these waiver wire fodders won't really change the skill of these players very much. For example, say Joe Smith is playing in the Mexican league and earns like 55 IC's. Since the competition is worse, he won't convert as well as our roster players would, but should still be able to have a random chance to convert anywhere from say 5-25 of those IC's. Maybe writting a formula so very few convert up around 25 of those IC's, and the majority converting very few of those IC's. That way you could get a guy like Ichiro to come into the league every once in awhile. That would be cool, and more realistic. Not sure if that is feasable, but if you are going to add a feature like this, I would like to see it make a few guys convert more IC's to add a more realistic twist to the game. At least something similar to what I am suggesting if possible. -BrunoApril 09, 2007 at 01:17PM View BBCode
My goal isn't to produce an Ichiro. It's to produce more Terry Mulhollands - primarily for teams seeking mentors.April 10, 2007 at 02:50PM View BBCode
Ok - a lot of this worked this time. I can see info on the player cards for total improvement chances for WW players, but it doesn't seem to be correctly showing which categories he got chances in and whether he suceeded. I will work on that for next OffSeason.April 10, 2007 at 02:56PM View BBCode
I'm thinking you used C- as the cutoff so anyone over the age of 30 on November 1 who had a mentoring grade lower than C- and was on the waiver wire retired?April 10, 2007 at 03:07PM View BBCode
Actually, I tried to use F mentoring for either category (vs LHP or RHP). If they had some kind of mentoring, they should stick around. Can you find anyone that retired that shouldn't have?April 10, 2007 at 03:08PM View BBCode
It's also probably tough to be 32+, have a mentoring score, and be below C-. Because Age factors in.April 10, 2007 at 03:16PM View BBCode
I found the problem with WW ICs. It put the wrong year in the database (should be 1975 instead of 1976). This should work next year.April 11, 2007 at 04:18PM View BBCode
Could we have an addition to the "Improvement Report" drop down box that was "Waiver Wire" so that we could easily identify who received WW IC's ?April 11, 2007 at 04:33PM View BBCode
These will show up as Major league improvements. I'm thinking of changing the verbiage to say OffSeason instead of Majors for accuracy - thoughts?Pages: 1