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The Wire

December 15, 2006 at 05:08AM View BBCode

Well, I recently started watching this show with the help of Netflix. So good.

I don't have HBO, so I have not seen the 4th season, although I really want to, as I have heard it manages trump the others (though I find that hard to believe). But I finished season 3 last night and I don't know if I can really go back to watching regular TV. My dad was watching CSI the other day and I wanted to punch something and then puke (normally I just want to punch something).

But yeah, hopefully someone here watches so that this blather doesn't go to waste. Anyway ***spoilers ahead*** for those who have not yet jumped on the bandwagon.

Stringer Bell: Such an amazing character ([url=]yes, have named a player in the OGL after the actor who plays him[/url]--and I love that his real accent is as British as they come, it did not compute after listening to his "hood voice" for three seasons). I have to say I was pretty pissed when they killed him off, and yet it was really something that had to happen. And Omar is another great character, so it was not like you could root for Omar to lose... And therein lies the beauty. The Wire draws you into every character and makes you feel for them, yet every character has flaws (except for Bunny Colvin, which was a fact that kind of annoyed me, he was almost too likable, more on that another time). Basically you end up just wishing that everyone can get their way, but since we are rooting for both sides in a zero sum game, we know we are destined to be let down. So it is anti-climatic in a way, but I wouldn't have it any other way. The Wire makes anti-climatic work.

Bah, that's enough for now, I just needed to rant, even if this is completely ignored.

December 15, 2006 at 05:38AM View BBCode

[url=]Here's an old thread that you may enjoy.[/url]

The fourth season makes the first 3 look like a pile of puke. Well, not really. But it's the best one so far.

December 15, 2006 at 06:20AM View BBCode

Arrrg. About 9 months until the DVD comes out (I'm guessing). I don't know if I want to spring for HBO, but I might have to if I cannot find another way to watch this.

And as I understand it the show doesn't appear to be getting enough attention (viewer wise, not critic wise) to stay around after the fifth season (that other thread seems to be proof enough). But what's not to like? I can understand that not everyone will appreciate the characters and writing so much, but doesn't it have enough big guns (BMBGs) and boobs to keep people interested?

December 15, 2006 at 06:27AM View BBCode

HBO's more than worth it, I say. I have it, too. Just that I'm working all the time when the Wire comes on.

December 15, 2006 at 07:00AM View formatted

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The overwhelming critical response in the wake of the 4th season basically forced HBO's hand, and they renewed it for a 5th and (presumably) final season.

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