July 08, 2006 at 11:58PM View BBCode
For those who don't know I've been gone for almost a year and a half now. It was November 2004 when I was abducted by aliens and ever since that time they've been using me for horrible experiments. You really wouldn't believe who's been up there in space with me, its quite a conspiracy.July 09, 2006 at 12:57AM View BBCode
Of course he was, he's not really human you know. The aliens have been studying us for some time and can often pass for human but they miss on some of the cultural nicieties.July 09, 2006 at 02:20AM View BBCode
Thank God you are back, because that alien has joined a group called the USeLess. I assume your first order of business will be to remove the stench of that orgainzation from your nameJuly 09, 2006 at 03:58AM View formatted
July 10, 2006 at 01:19AM View BBCode
Originally posted by therealsyco
There are many things that apparently I need to relearn. I'm doing some internet research and am finding out lots of odd things. Brittany Spears is a mother? really? Jason Grimsley is the star witness in baseball's substance abuse situation? Furious was banned? The White Sox won the World Series. Good thing I wasn't around. I would likely have been tempted to switch my allegence to the south side for a championship.
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