September 01, 2003 at 02:29AM View BBCode
Cats, if you dont know why, then watch meet the parents, and see the expanation of why the dad in the movie has a catSeptember 01, 2003 at 02:34AM View BBCode
I don't care why some Hollywood actors pretends he likes cats in a movie. Dogs are the best. ever heard of the Washington Cats or something? No. More colleges are Dogs, Terriors, Recievers to name a few.September 01, 2003 at 02:39AM View BBCode
it isnt which character likes a cat, but what he says for why he likes a cat is why i like cats. I didnt get my cat because of some movie i saw, it just summed up my feelings. Dogs are OK, but too much work. If there were no cats, i would have a dog, but cats are coolerSeptember 01, 2003 at 02:44AM View BBCode
this is crazy that we are arguing about this, but you obviously haven't been around dogs enough.September 01, 2003 at 02:51AM View BBCode
I have no idea why I even give a crap but Dogs are better.September 01, 2003 at 03:00AM View BBCode
DOGS!September 01, 2003 at 03:30AM View BBCode
dogs r bettr. cats just hide. could we find a more pointless topic to argue over now?September 01, 2003 at 04:52AM View BBCode
Whether you like cats or dogs is a matter of personal perference. They're completely different animals. They do completely different things. You can't say one is better than the other. Hell, some people have cats AND dogs, because they like both.September 01, 2003 at 12:53PM View BBCode
most things on the off topic thing ARE opinion. I wasnt expecting fact answers here. I cosider walking a dog a CHORE, plus you cant do anything fun like leave for a week if you got a dog, without paying some huge amount of money to put them in a kennel or get someone to watch after them, whereas cats, you just put down extra food and water before leaving and cats can take care of themselves. Doesnt anyone remember that part of that movie? dogs are easy to become your friends, while you have to earn a cats respect, and dogs are easily broken, you kick it, and they run away with their tail between their legs, while cats walk away dignified. my cats eat mice, and kill birds, and that is always fun, and they like getting pet, and they are furry. Also, when a dog licks your hand it is disgusting, but a cat has that sandpaper tounge, so it is coolSeptember 01, 2003 at 11:04PM View BBCode
You don't know crap about dogs' respect happy. You don't like dogs, bing whoop, not many do, but most of that "not many" don't have one.September 01, 2003 at 11:36PM View BBCode
I'd just like to second Duff's comments as the voice of reason on this ridiculous topic. Some people like cats and some like dogs, and no one needs an elaborate reason to like either.September 01, 2003 at 11:49PM View BBCode
I agree, I just can't let someone who denounces dogs get away :PSeptember 02, 2003 at 12:01AM View BBCode
very true. most of these topics u can give stats and things to prove ur point. sometimes u can convince ppl to c ur way. this is not one of those topics. happy said he likes the sand paper feel of a cats tongue. wow great for u but i dont i like being able to play with my dog i do things like play frisbee fetch and football with her and yea she is a spaz and more often then not the ball or frisbee hits her in the face but she likes to play and i like that. my grandma has cats and all they do is hide and for me thats not fun. but yea its totally personal preference. like i said b4 happy likes how a cats tongue feels but i like how a dogs tongue feels so the is really no rite answer. btw happy from meet the parents r u talking about the cat flushing the toliet? if u r then really u could train a dog to do that too so i dont get the point u were trying to make.September 02, 2003 at 12:57AM View BBCode
Listen, EVERYTHING is based on opinions, and NOTHING can be proven. the only thing that can be proven is that you yourself exist somewhere. That is what that Philosopher said when he said "i think therefore I am" we had favorite music, and no one complains about that. Also, people have been trying to say this dumb thing about how it cant be proven so it shouldnt be talked about, that is what the people said when they said best B Ball player, and everyone whined so much that they changed it to most dominant, you can think something, even if you dont have facts to prove it, and you can talk about it.September 02, 2003 at 01:55AM View BBCode
Of course things can be proven. Things can be proven with math, and statistics, and empirical evidence. Just because I can't convince everyone that Babe Ruth is the best player of all time doesn't mean that I can't give plenty of evidence that he is. If people want to talk about cats and dogs there's nothing wrong with that, but it's pretty silly when people say "I DON'T like cats/dogs because....". For the record, I have cats, and prefer cats (although my fiancee really has the say about stuff like that), but I would never dump on dogs because I like them too.September 02, 2003 at 04:39AM View BBCode
Just to clairfy...September 02, 2003 at 04:49AM View BBCode
some scottish enlightenment philosopher said you cant even prove your own existance, and of course descartes proved his own existance and from that a creator's.September 02, 2003 at 04:50AM View BBCode
Yeah, I've read Descartes too. I LIKE Descartes, but I doubt anyone is really interested in arguing "Did Babe Ruth really exist?" You could start that topic if you want. Not to get too philosophical myself, but if every single question has to get broken down to the level of "is this real, or am I just a brain floating in a tank hooked to electrodes" then we might as well all give up our jobs, move into our parents' house, smoke pot all day and just let go of the world in general. But I'll stick with the assumption that the world is real, things are as they seem, and empirical evidence matters.September 02, 2003 at 05:00AM View BBCode
th add on question is if we really did live in the matrix and were power plants for machines and had no idea about it what could we really do about it, which is of course nothing. so we have to take what weve got, it also goes into what is the meaning of life-type questions and are we just organisms like cats and dogs or do we have something more. or course this would end up as a religious debate so it would get stopped by tyson anyways.September 02, 2003 at 05:21AM View BBCode
Yeah but since Tyson is still out of town we might be able to fit in a few fat blunts before he figures it out and shuts it down :DSeptember 02, 2003 at 07:00AM View BBCode
BTW, I completely agree with both of you. Debating whether or not Babe Ruth--or anything else--does or ever did exist is plenty of fun, but you can't live your life wondering about these kind of things. You have to live under the assumption that your senses are not--in fact--lying to you. Happy just got me going when he said "I think therefore I am."September 02, 2003 at 05:49PM View BBCode
wow, this is kinda interesting. Actually Descartes basically tried to prove everything with the only thing he knew is that he "is" i guess the 1+1=2 thing works, but that is just trying to think of a concept already there. you cant do word problems and prove them. (maybe i will try this on a test, "Johnny has 2 apples, and then gives one away, how many does he have" answer: "we dont know, because the apples could be fake, and we could really be living in another dimension where Johnny owns 100 apples") i may fail....anyway, i was just saying nothing can be proven, but i see why Duff is saying it now. I was just doing some trash talking because cats are the coolest, and dogs are only cool if they are furry and bark a lot, and bite people if they suck.September 04, 2003 at 08:32PM View formatted
September 04, 2003 at 08:34PM View BBCode
Yes, is there a Hall-of-Fame for the dumbest boards? This would be a shoe-in :PSeptember 05, 2003 at 11:05PM View BBCode
ok i dont think any1 cares if fielder could beat henderson w/ a head start. also u would have to factor in fielders age now which would slow him down. secondly this whole "does the world really exist" thing is idiotic. yea there is a possibility that we r all brains floating in gunk being enslave by computers but by the same token its possible that we r all ruled by giant grasshoppers from mars. if babe ruth didnt exist howcome there is footage of him and other evidence. does barry bonds not exist too? for u to keep going on about how the world is a lie u would have to keep coming up with growingly insane scenarios.