Trade advice in the Wally Berger League (Private/Speed League)
September 21, 2017 at 03:40PM View BBCode
I need your help with this trade offer. This is a (Private/Speed League)
I have been offered:
[url=http://www.simdynasty.com/player.jsp?id=11647569]Harry Miller[/url]
[url=http://www.simdynasty.com/player.jsp?id=12485586]Joshua Shepherd[/url]
I would give up:
[url=http://www.simdynasty.com/player.jsp?id=11713274]Bill Valentine[/url]
[url=http://www.simdynasty.com/player.jsp?id=11647539]Benjamin Bow[/url]
[url=http://www.simdynasty.com/depth.jsp?teamid=38639]Here is a link to my depth chart[/url]
[url=http://www.simdynasty.com/depth.jsp?teamid=2439]Here is a link to the other owner's depth chart[/url]
[url=http://www.simdynasty.com/standings.jsp?teamid=38639]And here is a link to my league's standings[/url]
Thanks for the help.
September 21, 2017 at 03:41PM View formatted
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Just tell me the merits or demerits of the trade. No Montreal bashing.
September 21, 2017 at 06:09PM View BBCode
If you're rebuilding (which you should be), I think this is fair. But I also think Shephard's going to be a lot better than most might, PROVIDED he's fully developed. At his age, I'd expect B+/A+ on both sides with B or so speed. These guys can smash face, but they need power maxed or nearly (hence full development needed). I would only do this if I'd planned on trading Miller for a good prospect.
I also am of the opinion that you're not very proactive with trading (just letting the offers come to you), so this may be the best offer you'll get.
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