1968 Offensive Player of the Year
June 13, 2017 at 05:05PM View formatted
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[url=]Sheldon Mitchell[/url], QB, Dallas Blah, 3756 Yards, 26 Touchdowns, 8 Interceptions, 84.3 QB Rating, 14 Rushes, 61 Yards, 2 Touchdowns
[url=]Glenn Bailey[/url], QB, Omaha Savages, 2934 Yards, 21 Touchdowns, 4 Interceptions, 91.2 QB Rating
[url=]Bruce Oliver[/url], RB, Omaha Savages, 1551 Yards, 10 Touchdowns, 11 Catches, 87 Yards
[url=]Kory Wellsandt[/url], RB, Miami Plague, 1384 Yards, 16 Touchdowns, 7 Catches, 62 Yards
[url=]Darin Lovewell[/url], WR, Dallas Blah, 105 Catches, 1179 Yards, 10 Touchdowns