COMPTON'z politcal viewz on dis election......
November 13, 2016 at 07:18PM View BBCode
COMPTON thinkz dis election wuz bout hate.........all da hataz out there been begrudgingly left behind by da elite............but not anymo......anger an poor treatment of otha americanz becumz da norm............soon dis country will b back 2 separate drinkin fountainz an "no non white people" allowed placez.............seemz like da mood an intelligence of tha country followz much closely 2 sum of what COMPTON hoped wuz an isolated 8 to 10 dat play here who clearly don't see they own issue wit race........but it ain't...........insteada 8 to 10 people sim, like da US, iz chock full of hataz dat can't wait 2 now stand loud an proud........Us was built on da backz of slavez an haz returned 2 a genaration of economic slavez thru greed an intolerance............congratz 2 all who voted fo racism..........y'all won.............COMPTON
November 13, 2016 at 08:03PM View BBCode
You should stop posting these ignorant rants. You're the voice of hate, the voice of division, the voice of ignorance. Middle class America has spoken!
We're tired of politically correct ex-lawyers who are destroying the middle class, while keeping the poor down, and making the rich richer. Main stream democrats and main stream republicans are two heads of the same coin. They both work for the wealthy elite bankers who control most of the wealth in this world. As Michael Moore said, this was a big F-U to the ruling elite.
This election had nothing to do with race. That's what the elite wants you to think. The play to your fears to get your vote. Wake up my man, wake up!
November 13, 2016 at 08:14PM View BBCode
COMPTON knowz.........wut people think of az middle class white america haz spoken.........welcum 2 da 1900'z all ova again........COMPTON
November 14, 2016 at 06:17PM View BBCode
memo 2 trump namez a blatant racist az a top political adviza..........lookz lik u need 2 b da 1 2 wake up........COMPTON
November 14, 2016 at 09:11PM View BBCode
Stop letting yourself be brainwashed by media lies, and people like Harry Reid. Bannon is a conservative who's being called a racist, just like all conservatives are anytime they threaten Democratic power. Same old playbook to scare people like yourself from supporting policies that could actually work for you.
There's a big difference between having a white nationalist say he supports something you're doing, like border security and terrorism prevention, and actually being a racist.
I see that his ex-wife says he made he made an anti-Semitic remark. Yeah, I'm sure she's not biased...FYI, Prime Minister Netanyahu seemed pretty excited that Trump won the election.
November 15, 2016 at 03:17AM View BBCode
perghapz u brainwashed wit all ur glenn beck resetz .................... u fit wit themmal then................COMPTON
November 15, 2016 at 03:51AM View BBCode
More name calling? That's all you got?
There's no tolerance on the left anymore. I'm just one of the 30 million people (that are working hard to support my family) that HRC thinks are deplorable (more name calling...seeing a theme yet?).
Most people in the country don't believe the mainstream media lies anymore. Many media sources have lost their legitimacy. Why do you still believe their lies and fear mongering?
November 15, 2016 at 04:36PM View BBCode
Originally posted by WillyD
We're tired of politically correct ex-lawyers who are destroying the middle class, while keeping the poor down, and making the rich richer. Main stream democrats and main stream republicans are two heads of the same coin. They both work for the wealthy elite bankers who control most of the wealth in this world. As Michael Moore said, this was a big F-U to the ruling elite.
This election had nothing to do with race. That's what the elite wants you to think. The play to your fears to get your vote. Wake up my man, wake up! an effort to send a message to the ruling 'elites' that you won't take their crap anymore, you have elected a self-serving billionaire who plans to cut his own taxes at your expense and who routinely refuses to pay working class people for the work they've performed for him. that makes sense.
look, i'm the first one to say that the economy needs to be constructed to first and foremost benefit the middle class. but the moment you start saying things like Bannon isn't a racist you just lose all credibility. most conservatives are good people with a worldview I don't agree with. Bannon and his alt-right crazies are full-on racists and white supremacists. any one who can't see that either isn't paying attention or is being deliberately blind. the Klan is planning a victory march to celebrate Trump's win, for pete's sake. when was the last time something like that happened? and if your response to that is either that the Klan is just a misunderstood group of white folks who want to celebrate their own heritage or that they weren't actively courted by the trump campaign, well then God help you because no one else can.
there was a large component of 'the new economy isn't helping us' in Trump's win. but anyone who says that there wasn't also a large racist element to it as well is deluding themselves.
[Edited on 11-15-2016 by dirtdevil]
November 15, 2016 at 05:01PM View formatted
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Sorry Dirt. You're talking about less than 1% of the people who voted for Trump. It's a fringe element used by the left to fool dopes like you into to thinking that Democrats are the way to go.
I don't know that much about Bannon (just what I read on CNN yesterday), but it seems that the left is trying hard to tie him to racists. That happens to all conservatives by the way.
Wake up!
November 15, 2016 at 05:58PM View BBCode
whether it happens to all conservatives (it doesn't) does not change the fact that Bannon is, in point of fact, a racist. he's also a complete nutbar, but that's another issue altogether. when your position is racist, you're a racist. calling Mexicans rapists and drug lords, implying the current president is a kenyan muslim and demanding he release his birth certificate, proposing a complete ban of members of a religious faith entering the country, these are, in point of fact, racists positions. you can't espouse them and not be a racist.
voting for Donald trump does make you a racist. it does make you ok with a racist president though, which to me is just as bad if not worse.
November 15, 2016 at 09:38PM View BBCode
What a bunch of brainwashed nonsense! It never ceases to amaze me how many people fall for the oldest tricks in the book. You're so blinded by race baiting that you don't realize you're being led right off the cliff.
Apparently Canada does a better job than the U.S. brainwashing their citizens. You American lefties should send your kids to school up there, just to make sure they don't become conservatives after they start paying taxes, get married, and have children.
By the way, most people over the age of 45 are conservatives. That's because people generally get wiser as they age. If you're older than that and still a liberal loon, then you may want to consider why you haven't figured out what your peers have.
November 15, 2016 at 09:59PM View BBCode
Originally posted by WillyD
What a bunch of brainwashed nonsense! It never ceases to amaze me how many people fall for the oldest tricks in the book. You're so blinded by race baiting that you don't realize you're being led right off the cliff.
Apparently Canada does a better job than the U.S. brainwashing their citizens. You American lefties should send your kids to school up there, just to make sure they don't become conservatives after they start paying taxes, get married, and have children.
By the way, most people over the age of 45 are conservatives. That's because people generally get wiser as they age. If you're older than that and still a liberal loon, then you may want to consider why you haven't figured out what your peers have.
brainwashing? your president-elect ran a campaign in which he promised to round up and deport all the brown people, proposed a blanket ban from even entering the country for members of a specific religion, said all 'blacks' lived "in hell", was accused by multiple women of sexual assault, lied constantly, said that refusing to pay contractors for work they did for him was good business, applauded a mass shooting of LBGT people because it boosted his poll numbers, responded to one woman accusing him of sexual assault by imploring people to search the internet for her non-existent sex tape and implied another had to be lying because she wasn't attractive enough for him to assault. and that's leaving aside the impending civil trial for allegedly raping a then 13 year old girl AND his upcoming fraud trial. that's not liberal "brainwashed nonsense", those are just facts.
I mean, if you want to say "I voted for a racist, misogynist, bigoted criminal" for this reason and this reason then we can maybe have a conversation. but if you're not even able to see that's what he is then we can't, because you're not willing to actually see past your own echo chamber.
November 16, 2016 at 12:53AM View BBCode
Give it up DD. Your leftist traitorous criminal heroine didn't win. Enough Americans saw throughout the facade this time. Your globalist utopia will be delayed for at least 4 more years. All of these protest by people who didn't even vote in most cases is being ruled by hate and fear fed to them by main stream politicians, media, and community organizeers.
I bet you think that the Clinton foundation is totally legit huh? LOL
Most of the women that climbed abuse have had their stories debunked already. The others will likely be as well. Funny how all of that came out when it did. Liberals are incapable of seeing that people can be coerced or bought to make up lies about people. I suppose you think that the trouble makers at the Trump rally in Chicago were just rabid Bernie supporters huh? Truth is, that it was the DNC and Hillary that paid people to cause the trouble. That's how they operate.
By the way, Trump never said he was going to round up all the brown people. I'm married to a brown person, and a legal immigrant, and she is so happy that Trump won. That goes for her sisters, her cousins, and most of her friends. More brown people voted for Trump than they did Romney. How could that possibly happen if he said that.
Typical liberal B.S. Trumps says he against illegal immigration, liberals say he's anti-immigration. They leave off the word illegal over and over again. He says we should stop immigration from certain muslim countries, and it becomes a blanket ban of the entire religion. By the way, if the terrorism doesn't stop, that will happen eventually. Believer it or not, Europe may do it first.
November 16, 2016 at 12:57AM View BBCode
The fact that you and Compton are in agreement, is all the proof most people will need to know that you're on the wrong side of this argument.
November 16, 2016 at 01:09AM View BBCode
And this is why you can't have a discussion with people who have swallowed the alt right conspiracy theories wholesale. They're immune to facts because they think that the "liberals" have made them up. It would be absurd if it weren't so dangerous.
November 16, 2016 at 03:15AM View BBCode
most people who r racist would b on da wrong side of COMPTON................institutional racism haz gone on since da beginnin of time.............certainly in dis country..............dirt haz a coherent an objective view on dis issue...........y'all sound truly sad an in need of sympathy.......................COMPTON
November 16, 2016 at 04:14AM View BBCode
Originally posted by dirtdevil
And this is why you can't have a discussion with people who have swallowed the alt right conspiracy theories wholesale. They're immune to facts because they think that the "liberals" have made them up. It would be absurd if it weren't so dangerous.
No, this is why you can't have a conversation with people that have swallowed the alt-left lies for so long, that they can't see truth even when it hits them right in the face. It is absurd. And
you are dangerous! A godless man is the most dangerous. Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, Communist Russia. What do they have in common? They were godless regimes. That's what people like you create.
Show us some facts. You're just spewing left wing commentary. Zero facts presented, just biased opinion. Do you actually think because some hack on a mainstream news outlet says something, that it must be true. That if it's repeated by all his or her liberal friends, it somehow becomes fact? It may be accepted by the uniformed masses like yourself, and therefore become an accepted "truth" but it is in actuality, still a lie.
November 16, 2016 at 04:24AM View BBCode
COMPTON haz plenty of love fo God............but u hafta wonda how sum1 like willyd can spew venim while makin' such blatant claimz bout connectin' liberal 2 treachery when most crimez in human history 2ward oppressed peoplez wuz in da name of religion.............even tho COMPTON can see how myopic hysterical undaeducated caucasian folkz accultured 2 instatutional racism wouldnt b able 2 see dat becuz all they think iz based on powa an wealth bein distributed mo 2 da eilite..............COMPTON
November 16, 2016 at 04:25AM View BBCode
COMPTON haz plenty of love fo God............but u hafta wonda how sum1 like willyd can spew venim while makin' such blatant claimz bout connectin' liberal 2 treachery when most crimez in human history 2ward oppressed peoplez wuz in da name of religion.............even tho COMPTON can see how myopic hysterical undaeducated caucasian folkz accultured 2 instatutional racism wouldnt b able 2 see dat becuz all they think iz based on powa an wealth bein distributed mo 2 da eilite..............COMPTON
November 16, 2016 at 04:37AM View BBCode
Originally posted by compton10101
COMPTON haz plenty of love fo God............but u hafta wonda how sum1 like willyd can spew venim while makin' such blatant claimz bout connectin' liberal 2 treachery when most crimez in human history 2ward oppressed peoplez wuz in da name of religion.............even tho COMPTON can see how myopic hysterical undaeducated caucasian folkz accultured 2 instatutional racism wouldnt b able 2 see dat becuz all they think iz based on powa an wealth bein distributed mo 2 da eilite..............COMPTON
Compton, religion has been hijacked like all other institutions. Wake up man! Your heroes are all globalist communist atheists. Or as in Podesta's family's case, devil worshippers.
Anyways, religion will be banned one day, so you won't have to worry about it. First Islam, then the rest will follow. Go check out the United Nations thoughts on religion.
November 16, 2016 at 03:07PM View BBCode
alll COMPTON can say iz wow willyd maybe u should git dat bunka ready in da casez of wata an dry goodz an git ready fo da apocolypse.........conspiracy theory much????....................COMPTON
November 16, 2016 at 05:02PM View BBCode
Originally posted by WillyD
Originally posted by dirtdevil
And this is why you can't have a discussion with people who have swallowed the alt right conspiracy theories wholesale. They're immune to facts because they think that the "liberals" have made them up. It would be absurd if it weren't so dangerous.
No, this is why you can't have a conversation with people that have swallowed the alt-left lies for so long, that they can't see truth even when it hits them right in the face. It is absurd. And you are dangerous! A godless man is the most dangerous. Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, Communist Russia. What do they have in common? They were godless regimes. That's what people like you create.
Show us some facts. You're just spewing left wing commentary. Zero facts presented, just biased opinion. Do you actually think because some hack on a mainstream news outlet says something, that it must be true. That if it's repeated by all his or her liberal friends, it somehow becomes fact? It may be accepted by the uniformed masses like yourself, and therefore become an accepted "truth" but it is in actuality, still a lie.
good god, willy. you're becoming unhinged. podesta a devil worshiper? religion banned? that's so far beyond crazy i'm not sure what to even call it. there are multiple video clips of trump saying and doing those things. his twitter feed is littered with them. you don't need to access them through the "mainstream media" to find it. I can't imagine you'd need me to provide you links to documentation that the earth is round or that is orbits the sun instead of the other way around? trump said and did those things in public with multiple cameras pointed at him and/or on an open twitter feed. i'm dumfounded that any rational person would even try to deny them. besides that, the idea of someone who's clearly swallowed the (legendarily non-fact based and unsupported by evidence) alt-right propaganda hook line and sinker demanding "proof" of things that were televised live would be hilarious if it wasn't so scary.
and at the risk of going down your rabbit hole and deflecting from the topic at hand, the alt-left (which isn't a real thing) is just as crazy as the alt-right. but the really crazy part is if you take any time to read their nonsense, they're spewing the same half-truths and complete falsehoods at Hillary Clinton as is the alt-right. I think she's the only person in US Presidential Election history to be simultaneously painted as a Socialist Lesbian organizer of a child sex ring who's coming for your guns as well as a corporate shill owned outright by Wall Street who adopted part of the Bernie Sanders platform to buy votes but with no intention of executing it in the same election.
Hillary Clinton was far from a perfect candidate and the campaign she ran was lacking in many areas. Her candidacy can be criticised in many valid ways, from both the right and left. I could even understand how someone could hold the position that Trump didn't really mean most of what he said and that he doesn't really intend to do most of it. I mean, I'd question why you'd vote for a candidate you believed that of, by I could understand that opinion. But a complete denial of the things he's said and done that can be found in video form by a simple google search? insane.
November 16, 2016 at 05:05PM View BBCode
Originally posted by WillyD
It is absurd. And you are dangerous! A godless man is the most dangerous. Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, Communist Russia. What do they have in common? They were godless regimes. That's what people like you create.
oh, and...
1) I've never said anything about a godless anything
2) Imperial Japan was not a godless state
3) the first nation on earth founded on the principle that Church and State should be separated from each other? Yours.
November 16, 2016 at 06:06PM View BBCode
DD, I don't have time to shoot down all of your false premises, nor teach you that most of what you think you know is actually incorrect. Stupid can't be fixed, so I'll let someone else see waste their time trying to fix you.
Compton, who do you think runs most of the world? The bankers do. Which candidate was most connected with the world's banking industry? That's right...HRC. How can you free yourself, when you don't even realize who your master is? It's time for you to stop thinking you know it all, and do some real research. Instead of spending all your time making up a new language while posting your anti-white racism garbage, take some time to read some history.
60+ million people realized that despite his flaws, Trump would make a far better leader than HRC. She had the entire globalist machine behind her, and she still lost! That's how f-ed up of a candidate she was. Many African-Americans (and European-Americans) that voted for Obama didn't vote for her, because they knew she was part of the establishment, and just providing lip service.
Time to stop whining, put on your big boy pants, and wait to see what Trump actually does. Then criticize his actions if you feel they are the wrong way to go. I personally don't think he'll be able to fix much with less than 60 votes in the senate, which should alleviate your troubled mind. The economy is in horrible shape, and there may be no way out of another recession. By the way the stock market means very little in regards to the health of the economy. It's all mostly speculation by mostly uninformed investors.
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