Scheduled downtime for Tuesday morning (Monday night) 12AM-5AM
August 14, 2016 at 02:03AM View BBCode
As previously mentioned, we are migrating the database that runs Sim Dynasty to a newer server to improve reliability and capacity. In order to do so, we need to get the old hardware in sync with the new.
In order to complete this process, we need a window of several hours. Thus, the site will be unavailable from midnight to 5AM Eastern time on Tuesday morning (Monday night for those of you in other time zones). We do not expect to need this entire time but we are trying to make sure we have enough room in case the process does not go smoothly.
For leagues that have drafts, games, etc. scheduled during this period, we will reschedule or catch up those items the next morning. As I clear the schedule I will post in the affected leagues.
Thank you again for your patience as we move forward with this upgrade.
August 14, 2016 at 11:14AM View BBCode
August 14, 2016 at 09:04PM View formatted
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[quote][i]Originally posted by Admin[/i]
... Thus, the site will be unavailable from midnight to 5AM Eastern time on Tuesday morning (Monday night for those of you in other time zones). ...
Thank you again for your patience as we move forward with this upgrade.[/quote]Everyone here who has pulled an all-nighter on a server migration, raise your hand! And your glass!
Godspeed to ye, stout yeoman data farmers!
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