July 24, 2016 at 02:21AM View BBCode
http://www.simdynasty.com/standings.jsp?leagueid=322July 26, 2016 at 01:41PM View formatted
July 26, 2016 at 04:53PM View BBCode
Way to hold an adult conversation dude. Instead of whining because someone disagreed with you find out why. I personally just left a private league after about 30 seasons (was in from the beginning) because they went 24 teams. I had played it before and did not like it and voiced my opinion but I was in the minority so I stuck it out through the current subscription and left. A few others moved on also.July 26, 2016 at 07:17PM View BBCode
I have had this conversation in this league. It comes down to league history and not willing to find replacements. The future of the site is private leagues and 24 team leagues and if not that death. Smart drafting I have been told can be done at the 17-24 slots. But people don't want to do it. I have one season left here after this. I may do what ARizona did and sell off the stars or just let it rot like Clunkers.August 02, 2016 at 12:22AM View BBCode
I'm fine with a merger. Failing that, I'd like to see the bots replaced....August 27, 2016 at 10:37PM View BBCode
if we merge how would the draft go...would we draft then move over or we just blend together both drafts players or does one leagues draft players disappear?? back when the merger was first was brought up I mostly was opposed because of how it went down back then...I also would rather not play bots, but I am not sure of the 24 league....so I still need to be convinced...no offense to anyone....sorry I don't post too much lately. Have been busy..3 days of softball dh's_{just keeping score.}.travelling..taking care of my house and yard. Whew tired just typing it....haha just kidding....wheelsAugust 29, 2016 at 04:47PM View BBCode
WE draft before the merger. Our league would be the East or West of whatever league we merge with. Players stats start over but Chris saves the old league so you can refer back to the old stats if you decide to do a Hall of Fame. 24 team leagues have 8 playoff teams, four division champs and four wild cards, so one extra day of playoffs. 24 team leagues start on the 15th of the month in the new season. The Bot teams go away there is no draft of their players, a downside I think, but otherwise they are more competitive for the top teams and a challenge to draft with 120 draft picks total.August 30, 2016 at 11:17PM View BBCode
I'd prefer merger, as I'd rather draft harder than float in a league with half robots and no trade partners.Pages: 1