March 12, 2016 at 12:13PM View formatted
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The Thunderbirds have started the season in the worst way imaginable after an offseason full of hope. With a terribly porous D and inconsistent offensive play they have settled in at the bottom of a division where the top teams are tied at 2-2.
Team ownership is considering a consultation with local Native American tribes to determine if some sort of higher meaning or reason can be attributed to this terrible play. Some fans hold the opinion that the new stadium a few years ago was built on sacred Native land and the team is paying the price in full this season.
March 18, 2016 at 09:57AM View BBCode
We the Australian Crocs and African Killer hippos are sending you a voodo priest to Zombify the defense into a partial brick wall and will throw a start up revisable play book your way. This 0-4 JM has now turned into an OUCH 0-9. Within 48 hrs. we shall try.
March 21, 2016 at 05:36PM View BBCode
And after a brutal 0-9, now on the way to winning four straight. Who can predict this team?
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