Road Warriors
December 30, 2015 at 02:28PM View formatted
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On 8/30, CLE scored 2 runs in the bottom of the 9th to defeat WAS 5-4, snapping WAS [b]30[/b] game road winning streak, a TRL record that will undoubtedly never be broken. It was their first road loss in 2 1/2 months, (6/13). Their road record dropped to 55-9! WAS has yet to lose a series on the road (21-0).
[Edited on 12-30-2015 by gatkeri]
[Edited on 12-30-2015 by gatkeri]
December 31, 2015 at 07:36PM View BBCode
BTW, the real ML record is 21 cons. road wins by DET over two seasons, 1983-84.
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