Florida Champions
December 06, 2015 at 11:17PM View BBCode
Congratulations again!
That was a heck of a defensive game. That's Florida's 4th Sim Bowl and 3rd straight. Pretty incredible. Eight straight division titles.
Frustrating to lose any game, but this one was thisclose to being my first Sim Bowl..
December 07, 2015 at 12:03AM View BBCode
Congratz to The Florida Sun Warriors. Unbelievable game. Would never have expected a low scoring defensive battle.
Good job Saskatchewan. 14-2 is pretty impressive also.
Now on to next year! Good luck in draft everybody.
December 07, 2015 at 03:27AM View formatted
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Congrats Florida! Great run and a very exciting game. I love good defense :).
December 07, 2015 at 03:42AM View BBCode
Great game Saskatchewan. It was a privilege to match wits(guesses) with you. As usual, it could have gone either way. Good luck to all this coming offseason
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