Why not a merger?
December 01, 2015 at 01:47AM View BBCode
Be like the AFl and NFL of years ago. Owners keep their teams (unless they want one of the vacant teams), move into a new league, shake up divisions a little bit.
Make a 24 team league. Make a 32 team league. Doesn't matter to me.
Obviously draft would have to be figured out. Don't even draft the first year until standings are set. Just make waiver players more abundant.
Play with what you got first year and go from there.
There, send it in to administration to push it through.
My pleasure. :D
December 01, 2015 at 06:07AM View formatted
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Per Chris there isn't anything w/in the softwear to allow a merger on the football side of the site. No amount of debate can change that.
December 02, 2015 at 01:43AM View BBCode
Perhaps start a new league? With the combine 2 leagues in question...
December 05, 2015 at 11:35PM View BBCode
I would be open to starting a new league as Related to if it could be done ,with multiple leagues
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