November 10, 2015 at 05:21AM View formatted
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we're going for it no resting guys for the playoffs
November 11, 2015 at 01:25AM View BBCode
Wow...that's rough. I know how it goes after having the same thing happen to me last season.
Great regular season though for sure!
Miami somehow missed out on the playoffs this season despite beating this year's 15-1 Florida team by 2 touchdowns and 12-4 (15-1 last season) Saskatchewan by 17. They split their meetings with 12-4 Buffalo (L by 9, W by 18).
November 11, 2015 at 02:10AM View BBCode
Inability to hold leads in 4th qrtr not a good thing. Tends to lead to being on the bench for the playoffs. Oh well, heck of a season. Good luck in the playoffs guys.
Will be looking for ya next year, lol. ;)
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