April 30, 2015 at 04:48PM View formatted
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I can't believe WR Chick Skaggs fell all the way to the 5th spot in the draft. Yes his attitude isn't great but with A catching A+ speed and A agility and breaking tackles this guy is going to be a stud. Tennesse has to be celebrating that pick.
I was also surprised that RB Trent Dupree was still there at #7. We'll take it. Especially since the guy I really wanted and had 4th on my board we were still able to get with the 23rd pick in the draft. C Kory Lucas. Sure 4th was a little high to have him but it was a position of need and we are shocked to get Dupree and him.
April 30, 2015 at 06:45PM View BBCode
It IS crazy. I had (still have) soooo many needs. Tried to play it safe with defense.
May 05, 2015 at 02:01AM View BBCode
WR was not a position of need for me. Skaggs looks like a good one though. Should be interesting mirroring Dez Bryant. Hope Tenn has a good player development program, lol.
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