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Incorrect Clock Restart

May 28, 2014 at 01:16PM View BBCode

4th Quarter - Defense trailing. The clock should run after this penalty not after the snap.

00:57. NYA 1/10 NYA 27 1st and 10 for the Trojans, they huddle and line up in a I Formation; the Generals line up in a 4-2-5 Nickel.
Doug Morrall takes the snap, hands off to Dalton Chantiles.
Flag There is a flag on the play.
Dalton Chantiles runs up the middle for a 7 yard gain.
DEBUG: Crediting Steve Hill with the tackle
PENALTY: NJ, Offside by #63 Al Aveni, 5 yards.
The penalty is declined.
The clock will be restarted on the next snap.

May 28, 2014 at 04:55PM View formatted

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Not during the last two minutes of the first half or last five minutes of the game. (NFL rulebook 2012, rule 4.3.2.(f).(1)-(2)); in those circumstances it restarts on the snap.


May 28, 2014 at 05:12PM View BBCode

You are correct. I was confused about the 40 seconds part


Timing in Final Two Minutes of Each Half

On kickoff, clock does not start until the ball has been legally touched by player of either team in the field of play. (In all other cases, clock starts with kickoff.)

A team cannot buy an excess time out for a penalty. However, a fourth time out is allowed without penalty for an injured player, who must be removed immediately. A fifth time out or more is allowed for an injury and a five-yard penalty is assessed if the clock was running. Additionally, if the clock was running and the score is tied or the team in possession is losing, the ball cannot be put in play for at least 10 seconds on the fourth or more time out. The half or game can end while those 10 seconds are run off on the clock.

If the defensive team is behind in the score and commits a foul when it has no time outs left in the final 40 seconds of either half, the offensive team can decline the penalty for the foul and have the time on the clock expire.

Fouls that occur in the last five minutes of the fourth quarter as well as the last two minutes of the first half will result in the clock starting on the snap.

May 28, 2014 at 05:30PM View BBCode

I explicitly prevent penalties from occurring in the last 40 seconds just so I don't have to worry about that rule. :)


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