First place team available!!!
May 17, 2014 at 03:24PM View BBCode
First place team[/url] available as a replacement team in a term league. That means you'll get the next 4+ seasons for free!
The owner is leaving to concentrate on Sim Football, giving someone a chance to take over a team that has the pieces to go all the way. Don't miss out on this rare opportunity!
System 5 minors, 6 GPD, we have a Hall of Fame too!
[Edited on 5-20-2014 by WillyD]
May 17, 2014 at 03:58PM View BBCode
"no dynasty bots yet" is a good selling point as well. i think this is the team, for anyone interested:
May 20, 2014 at 04:26PM View formatted
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Good point Paul. NO BOTS! We're a term league, and everyone is committed to 8 seasons at a time. We don't start playing again until we sell every expansion franchise, which usually doesn't take long. Over in the EML, we sold the first 3 expansion franchises in a day.
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