Player position and Execution
June 24, 2012 at 03:49AM View BBCode
If a player is designated as position A, but his best role is position B, does this mean he doesn't take a execution hit in both positions?
Example would be offensive lineman and defensive lineman.
Is a Guard with a LT best role taking an execution hit
Is a DE with a DT best role taking an execution hit?
Thanks in advance.
June 24, 2012 at 08:50AM View BBCode
Best Role is just a convenience to see which role gives him the highest overall score. He is still playing out of position, though, and still takes the hit. Note that OL players take less of a hit when playing another OL position; also note that the execution hit is already figured into their Best Role grades.
June 24, 2012 at 12:29PM View BBCode
Originally posted by Admin
also note that the execution hit is already figured into their Best Role grades.
This is a little confusing to me.
Aren't those grades for the other positions overall grades while in that position? Do we not still need to factor the execution separately from that?
June 24, 2012 at 02:46PM View BBCode
The best role "overall" grade has already allocated the subtracted execution penalty. So yes, there is a lowered execution.
But the subtraction and subsquent execution grade when playing out of position isnt shown on his card anywhere. So you cant know the exact modification.
In his listed position... he never takes an execution penalty if playing that exact position.
*** note- as been stated on these forums before, if you train/play a player out of position you will NOT get execution improvements. So dont train your LB as a SS if you want to see execution rise. That is only true of real positions (So KRs and Holders still get execution improves)
***ADMIN= The out of position Execution penalty has been increased from 66% to 75%. This change will not make a huge difference on the field, but will make player alternate position ratings more accurate.
***ADMIN= Out of position penalties do NOT apply on special teams. Execution isnt used much at all on special teams, except for the "hands team".
***ADMIN= Linebackers may play any LB position without penalty, some are just more suited to one than the other. Same with safeties, who can play FS or SS without penalty. WR's and TE's have a 25% execution penalty when playing each other's positions. Offensive Linemen = 20% For guards to tackle, tackle to guards. Guards take no hit for playing Center. (the admin never specifically stated how the centers playing G/T take a hit, or a tackle at center).
[Edited on 6-24-2012 by BigTeelThrill]
June 24, 2012 at 03:54PM View formatted
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[quote][i]Originally posted by BigTeelThrill[/i]
But the subtraction and subsquent execution grade when playing out of position isnt shown on his card anywhere. So you cant know the exact modification.
[Edited on 6-24-2012 by BigTeelThrill] [/quote]
one thing you can do, and this is a bit tedious, but helpful, is to figure out the number ranges of each grade, i.e.
93 - 100 = A+,
85 - 92 = A,
77-84 = A-
69-76 = B+
61-68 = B
53-60 = B-
45 - 52 = C+
37 - 44 = C
29 - 36 = C-
21 - 28 = D+
13 - 20 = D
5 - 12 = D-
1-4 = F
i have this scratched out on a piece of paper somewhere near my computer. if i want to figure execution penalty on the fly, i take the midpoint of my player's grade and divide by the penalty %.
Let's say i'm playing a player with A- execution out of position and i know there's a 50% penalty. i'll estimate him at the midpoint of an A- (80) divide by 50%, which gives me 40. i refer to the above number ranges and, while i've estimated the number, i know he's roughly got a C in execution after a 50% reduction to the new position.
[Edited on 6-24-2012 by spyboy1306]
June 24, 2012 at 04:01PM View BBCode
Originally posted by BigTeelThrill
***ADMIN= Linebackers may play any LB position without penalty, some are just more suited to one than the other. Same with safeties, who can play FS or SS without penalty. WR's and TE's have a 25% execution penalty when playing each other's positions. Offensive Linemen = 20% For guards to tackle, tackle to guards. Guards take no hit for playing Center. (the admin never specifically stated how the centers playing G/T take a hit, or a tackle at center).
[Edited on 6-24-2012 by BigTeelThrill]
This is what the game guide says :
Playing Players out of Position Although each player has an assigned position, any player can play in any position. However, this comes at a penalty, both in a player's abilities not likely being suited to the alternate position and in the form of severely reduced Execution (75% lower) while playing at the alternate position. Offensive linemen can play other positions on the offensive line with a reduced execution penalty (50% lower). and wide receivers can play at tight end and vice versa at only a 25% Execution penalty. The Player Card for each player shows the player's rating at each position; this rating takes into account the Execution penalty.
did you mean to say 50% for OL, or is the guide out of date?
June 24, 2012 at 06:41PM View BBCode
Originally posted by BigTeelThrill
*** note- as been stated on these forums before, if you train/play a player out of position you will NOT get execution improvements. So dont train your LB as a SS if you want to see execution rise. That is only true of real positions (So KRs and Holders still get execution improves)
KR's, KRB's, and Holders get Execution improves
if the player set for that training is logical. So, say, RB's, WR's, CB's, TE's and S's will get Execution improves for KR and KRB but a G, C, T, QB, DT, etc would not. Same with Holder; QB's and P's will get Execution but other positions will not. KOS will get Execution for either K's or P's. GUN's can get Execution improves for any position.
***ADMIN= Out of position penalties do NOT apply on special teams. Execution isnt used much at all on special teams, except for the "hands team".
IMPORTANT CLARIFICATION: It DOES apply to the K or P, KR and KRB, and the LS! I guess this is better stated as the "non-special" roles in Special Teams.
June 24, 2012 at 06:41PM View BBCode
Originally posted by spyboy1306
did you mean to say 50% for OL, or is the guide out of date?
I think the Guide is out of date. I'll check it.
August 06, 2012 at 08:23PM View BBCode
Rezzing this topic, since it just came up again in the WPFL:
>> How much of an Execution penalty wud a G get for playing OT, & vice versa?
Along the same lines, a DE/DT, a K/P, a TE/FB??!
>>Ifa player is rated the same at 2 positions (A- for instance), is he still penalized for playing the other position than wat his stated position is? (like a G/T)
August 09, 2012 at 03:32PM View BBCode
Originally posted by Admin
Originally posted by spyboy1306
did you mean to say 50% for OL, or is the guide out of date?
I think the Guide is out of date. I'll check it.
Chris, what did you find?
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