November 16, 2011 at 09:30AM View BBCode
Effective immediately, anyone initiating a protest will need to enter a specific reason for the protest on the protest page. These go to Admin for review. A protest cannot be initiated with a blank reason; this will prevent the instances that have been reported of people accidentally clicking on the protest link and accidentally clicking the protest button. Now that you must type an actual reason to the Admin there can be no accidents.November 16, 2011 at 03:57PM View BBCode
i think this is a great adjustment. hopefully it eliminates the remaining problems with protests.November 16, 2011 at 04:02PM View BBCode
Great idea, I still think/hope most of these protests are due to newer owners who don't understand player values however.November 16, 2011 at 04:54PM View BBCode
If there was to be a next step, maybe having the protests NOT anonymous would help. If the league knew who initiated the first protest, maybe the protester would think twice about casting a protest.November 16, 2011 at 05:35PM View formatted
November 16, 2011 at 05:38PM View BBCode
As someone who had initially been trying to provide objective analysis of protested deals and got overwhelmed by the volume, I'll just say "Hallelujah" because that was not going to work long term.November 16, 2011 at 05:55PM View BBCode
Originally posted by CaseyStengel
Originally posted by Admintles - I think this will take care of the problem.
There have been some users who seem to protest every trade involving certain owners. Although protests are anonymous to the league, the protest initiators are tracked, and if there is a pattern of protest abuse, the abuser will lose his ability to protest.
November 17, 2011 at 04:37PM View BBCode
Im glad. This has definitely been interuptive the last 2 months in the MCL. Thank you for fixing this problem. I believe in the long run that the work load will not increase for Admin but instead decrease because now people have to be held accountable for their protests.November 18, 2011 at 11:07PM View BBCode
Lets all have fun and furget all the protest it's only a game don't take yourselfs soo serius enjoy life thats what life it's all about Good Luck to every one this season and the rest of the seasons that are yet to come .November 21, 2011 at 12:40PM View BBCode
Originally posted by Admin
Effective immediately, anyone initiating a protest will need to enter a specific reason for the protest on the protest page. These go to Admin for review. A protest cannot be initiated with a blank reason; this will prevent the instances that have been reported of people accidentally clicking on the protest link and accidentally clicking the protest button. Now that you must type an actual reason to the Admin there can be no accidents.
There have been some users who seem to protest every trade involving certain owners. Although protests are anonymous to the league, the protest initiators are tracked, and if there is a pattern of protest abuse, the abuser will lose his ability to protest.
Protests are not part of the game simulation. They are an administrative process outside of the game for dealing with extreme situations. If a trade is just uneven, it is NOT an extreme situation. A protest should only be lodged if there is a specific reason to believe an owner is in collusion with another or otherwise acting in bad faith.
November 22, 2011 at 05:57AM View BBCode
this is great. There was a period in my league of pure abusive, collusive and uneducated use of the trade protest. They got away with it. Whoever said, 'better late than never' is dang right.November 22, 2011 at 05:58AM View BBCode
Originally posted by Admin
Effective immediately, anyone initiating a protest will need to enter a specific reason for the protest on the protest page. These go to Admin for review. A protest cannot be initiated with a blank reason; this will prevent the instances that have been reported of people accidentally clicking on the protest link and accidentally clicking the protest button. Now that you must type an actual reason to the Admin there can be no accidents.
There have been some users who seem to protest every trade involving certain owners. Although protests are anonymous to the league, the protest initiators are tracked, and if there is a pattern of protest abuse, the abuser will lose his ability to protest.
Protests are not part of the game simulation. They are an administrative process outside of the game for dealing with extreme situations. If a trade is just uneven, it is NOT an extreme situation. A protest should only be lodged if there is a specific reason to believe an owner is in collusion with another or otherwise acting in bad faith.
November 23, 2011 at 02:17PM View BBCode
Happy to say I didn't even know there was a problem... our league hasn't had a single protest that I'm aware of since the new system came in.December 02, 2011 at 08:30AM View BBCode
further explained that trades should be protestd only if there is a thought of possible collusion or acting in bad faith.December 02, 2011 at 04:51PM View BBCode
Can the 3rd party who also evalutates the trades see the comments? For example, a major reason I protested a recent trade (other than it being a little unbalanced) is one that someone outside of the league might not actually be aware of. I'd give more details (I know it might be confusing without an example) but I know we aren't allowed to publicly comment on trades so I want to be cautious there. Just curious if the person giving the evaluation would be able to see this and be aware of it. Hopefully I'm making sense here.December 02, 2011 at 07:03PM View BBCode
i know that bart has asked for that ability. i don't know if it's been arranged or not yet.December 02, 2011 at 07:25PM View BBCode
Yes, they show up in my email when I get notification that there is a protest (new this week for me)December 02, 2011 at 07:27PM View BBCode
Originally posted by barterer2002
Yes, they show up in my email when I get notification that there is a protest (new this week for me)
December 27, 2011 at 03:01PM View BBCode
Chris - I'm curious if the stats you accumulate on trade protests support the widespread opinion that these changes were effective and if you see any further tweaks in the near future.December 31, 2011 at 08:05AM View BBCode
I certainly intend to make tweaks. There have been some definite trends:March 21, 2012 at 11:28AM View BBCode
I find it very interesting since I have a trade being protested right now.March 21, 2012 at 02:23PM View BBCode
they aren't "allowed". neither are they "banned". they kind of exist outside of the site rules. some leagues have specific rules preventing them, some do not. some have a gentleman's agreement not to pursue them, some do not. some leagues encourage them, some do not. in no league are they enforceable if someone reneges. because they aren't dealt with specifically under the rules though some owners, especially newer ones, don't know anything about them and so react badly when they see what appears to them to be a prospect being exchanged for nothing (on the way back) or for less than "value" (on the way over). as i think has been said in the other thread, many of the protesters do not feel that by initating a protest they are in effect calling someone(s) out as a cheat. it is a problem, to be sure.