August 28, 2011 at 10:04PM View formatted
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I see that SD has moved to Carolina and no longer fits in our West division.
Maybe they should swap with Colorado, which is oddly placed in the NFC East?
August 29, 2011 at 02:49AM View BBCode
City moves do not force realigns. Realigns would be up to a league Commish and would have to occur between the Sim Bowl and the Offseason.
I changed my city to check how well historical displays work. The sim remembers the city and team name for each year, so my players show SD on their stat line for 1960, 1961 and 1962 and will show CAR for this season's stat line. Historical standings will show the correct city and team name.
This of course has the potential to be confusing if a team moves into San Diego now, but this is not unprecedented in reality (cf. CLE to CAR and a new CLE taking their place).
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