Please read
August 09, 2011 at 07:03PM View BBCode
[url=http://www.simdynasty.com/oldforum-viewthread.jsp?tid=308544&page=1#pid1697658]Farewell, Friends[/url]
August 10, 2011 at 07:58PM View BBCode
Definately my loss, but I completely understand. We'll leave the light on for you. :)
August 11, 2011 at 02:08AM View formatted
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You're a class act, Ham. Thanks for all the helpful advice.
Never lose sight of the important things in life. SD, as much fun as it is isn't one of them. My kids are grown...I wouldn't have time to keep up if they were still small+school+work...I don't know how you do it now. You're doing the right thing. Good luck in all your endevers.
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