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August 05, 2011 at 02:57AM View BBCode

I have 4 guys that I just don't understand

QB who is a A- making 13865
HB who is a A- making 7199
FB who is a B+ making 6835
LT who is a B+ making 9228

So if a real start in this league is and A or A+ player how are you going to pay them?

None of these guys are in their prime and are only going to go up every year.

I really don't think the salary thing is what we should be focusing on as we still do not even have the game play down. Ths is a ton more cpmpicated than fixing the game play issues that we really need to get down so that SD can get this thing out to the public and let it start generating some revenue.

If you drop the salary thing for now and bring it out later we can probably get the game up and running in less than 3 months.

We can then have salary cap leagues later once we get the main engine running.

Just my HO but I think it works really well with the baseball and would work well in the football leagues also.

August 05, 2011 at 03:02AM View BBCode

Some people don't like the tear down/compete system. The salary cap is an artificial way of forcing parity. You have to choose more talent at one position at the expense of other positions. Is it perfect? No. Far from it, IMO, but I like what the purpose is supposed to be and it doesn't bother me that it is the way it is.

The LT vs. RT discrepancy is silly to me. The FB salaries are all way too high. The top end players are still a bit more pricey relative to the impact that they will actually make. But all of those things can and will be fixed. It is better than having teams lose on purpose to get higher draft picks.

August 05, 2011 at 03:33AM View BBCode

They aren't going to keep up if they are the top players. The top QB will always make close to 14 million, whether his score is a 60 or a 100. It may go up a but, but the salary is based on where you are in relation to the top and middle of the position rankings.


August 05, 2011 at 03:39AM View BBCode

As far as FB's, FB's actually get less than RB's, but if the FB is also a good RB he gets the higher of the two salaries. LT's get more money here because they do in real life too, plus a good LT can really help, but since it's based on overall grade you do get some weirdness where an LT can make more without deserving it. Well, unfortunately players getting salaries they sometimes don't deserve is also a part of real life.

If people don't want to play with salaries, there's nothing wrong with starting a league that has a cap so high as to be meaningless. It's in the game because I think cap management is a big part of football, and without some high priced players the cap is meaningless.

And I don't think I've seen an A+ overall QB yet... an A- QB is pretty high. It's harder to get high overall scores here than in baseball.


August 05, 2011 at 05:20AM View BBCode

The issue with the LT/RT thing isn't that the LT are paid more than RT. They should be. The issue is that a 78 overall LT who happens to be an 80 overall RT will make 33-50% less money than a 78 overall LT who happens to be a 70 overall RT. That are the same at LT, they should have similar salaries. But because the one is better at RT than the other, his salary is lower. We are giving a cost cut for players with higher skills.

August 05, 2011 at 06:38AM View BBCode

Originally posted by Hamilton2
The issue with the LT/RT thing isn't that the LT are paid more than RT. They should be. The issue is that a 78 overall LT who happens to be an 80 overall RT will make 33-50% less money than a 78 overall LT who happens to be a 70 overall RT. That are the same at LT, they should have similar salaries. But because the one is better at RT than the other, his salary is lower. We are giving a cost cut for players with higher skills.

That shouldn't be the case; salary for LT and RT are calculated and the higher one is used. If they are both the same at LT, then either the RT salary at that skill is higher or there are other factors.


August 05, 2011 at 02:22PM View BBCode

OK. Thanks for clarifying.

August 05, 2011 at 04:04PM View formatted

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It could be that tackles are too high in general. A lot of my salary research came from the USA Today salary database, for which offensive line information is missing, so most of what was left were articles about how much money LT's make. So I know what the top end should look like (higher than I have it actually) but not what the averages or distribution should be like (the few sources I've found all disagree or it's not clear what year they are talking about, as it all has to be normalized to 2009 dollars).

One think about the USA Today database is it has a column for cap impact, which is what our salary numbers refer to, so references to raw salaries are often misleading.


August 06, 2011 at 03:22AM View BBCode

I will play with or without cap just put in my two sense with regard to SD have played all sorts of games with and without caps.

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