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JBL Welcome / Intro Update

January 19, 2011 at 11:04PM View BBCode

It's been overlooked way to long.
The league has received six new owners ( alnutter2001, gabdum, beaubonhomme, lyle, malamute19, and Arianah) in the past three seasons and I can not recall anyone welcoming them to the JBL.
I can't find where blackmet was welcomed back in '71.
So, on behalf of the Johnny Bench League I offer this belated WELCOME. Sorry about the late date.
You folks help keep the league going and I thank you for playing.
And another thing...
This may be a good time to introduce ourselves to the new owners as well as the remaining founders of this league.
Oh, OK, I'll get this started.
My real world friends know me as Leon "LJ" Brown
I'm a retired Letter Carrier and a die hard Cubs fan.
The Brownshoe comes from way back when I played over 30 S L O W pitch softball. I was the SS part of a "deadly" double play combo on that team
A popular movie at the time was 10 speed and Brown Shoe.
Glad I got to share that.
I think it was Tat that shortened it to Shoe. moustique (Joel) addresses me as Mr. Shoe.
OK, anyone else want to intro?

January 19, 2011 at 11:26PM View BBCode

Excellent idea Shoe!

My real world friends usually know me as Big "Al" Morgan. I'm 23 years old, basically fresh out of college. I'm currently a regional sales manager for a book publisher - selling to the mountain time zone. Die Hard Texas Rangers fan since way before they won their first playoff game...

alan21615 was my first email address, so that's where that comes from. Big Al comes from the fact that my name is Alan and I'm big - lol. Real world, played a ton of baseball and now slowpitch softball (playing Pitcher, 3rd, 1st, and RF). Anyway, now I'm pretty much hooked on all things baseball. Good Times.

Oh ya, I'm an original owner in the JBL... In fact, this was my first pay-to-play team in simdynasty! This is a great league, and I hope you new guys will stick around for a long time to come.

so who's next?

[Edited on 1-20-2011 by alan21615]

January 20, 2011 at 12:44AM View BBCode

I'll bite.

I'm Keith, 29, and currently occupied taking calls from angry insurance agents for Safeco/Liberty Mutual. If you see me online a lot, especially on Saturdays, it's because I'm at work and it's an easy way to kill time between calls.

I'm a major Rockies fan. A bit miffed that I couldn't get tix for opening day, but I did get some good ones for our fireworks games this year, and some far cheaper ones for game #3, so I guess I can't complain.

Blackmet is short for my all time favorite song, Black Metallic by Catherine Wheel (

I love concerts, karaoke, independent film, baseball, sociology and urban exploration. Just joined a bowling league for the first time. My average is finally over 100, which is kinda cool.

Who's next?

January 20, 2011 at 01:39AM View BBCode

Thank you for this topic. I'm Michel Bilodeau, 37, I work as an advisor for Montreal University, helping students finance their studies. Sorry for the elementary english, because I'm one of the thousands of Montrealers still crying about the Expos departure. My mother tongue is french. I played mostly hockey when I was younger, but when I played baseball (for about 8 seasons until I started summer jobs), I was known as the "hit by pitch" specialist because I always froze in front of a wild pitch, but a decent 3rd baseman.
I am currently on a 6 month sabbatical to play "stay at home dad" with my 14 month old daughter. Besides that I am one og the new guys (Cleveland Indians) and I liked this so much, I now have two dynasty teams. Gabdum stands for Gabriel Dumont, a junior hockey player that I admire. Next ?

January 20, 2011 at 05:25PM View BBCode

Yan Cote 29 years old. I'm a salesman.

Like most Canadians, Hockey is my main thing. But Baseball is a fun game as a sim game. Hockey does not have a sim of this quality yet.

January 21, 2011 at 03:44AM View BBCode

Lyle, 34, from and still living in Green Bay, WI. Played, watch, and love football. Being here in GB I usually go to a few Packer games each year. But also make a few road trips down to see the Mil Brewers and to their Single A team near here. I work at a TV news station in town doing camera work.

January 21, 2011 at 01:11PM View BBCode

I am Travis. Raised in Dallas and also a Rangers fan. I am a descendant from soem actual Texas Rangers (the gunfighter kind). I am also related to a not so great but long time quarterback to the Dallas Cowboys from the 80s.

I now make my home in Minneapolis, so wearing my Dallas Stars gear gets me some grief. I write for my income.

JBL is the second pay league that I have stuck with. I had some unusual success in the beginning and since stuck with it.

January 22, 2011 at 07:06AM View BBCode

Joel, i'm 40. i drive buses in Montreal for a living.

One of the original owner in this league along with Baltimore and Cincy, and it's my only league. At some point i had a few more teams, i have dropped em all, except for this one, that im pretty sure i will never leave to somebody else.

I think i have a glorious carreer so far. I have 2 incredible feats standing out among many. 7 times in the WS, i won 2 rings. And i am shoe best friend. for those 2 accomplishements alone i think i deserve my place in the JBL hall of fame

Word of wisdom to the new guys: Watch me and learn

Word of wisdom no 2 : Follow me and see if you can keep up with me

Conclusion, If you can learn from me and follow me, then your name most be Shoe, cause he is the only one i know who sucessfully did that so far.

:lol: just kidding

January 22, 2011 at 05:18PM View BBCode

Joel forgot to mention that he is very humble but I bet you figured that out.:rolleyes:

January 26, 2011 at 07:25PM View BBCode

Hello, I am John from Lancaster Pa. I am in sales and work from home.
I am one of the original members started with the 1950 season and have enjoyed my time. Never a series winner but had a really great run over the past 10 seasons.

It is funny I am not really a big fan of baseball anymore I think the glory is in the past, but really love the sim part hoping football is available soon.

I have 5 teams in all and they are all called the Murder City Devils named after a not too heard of punk band...I am toying with the idea of next year changing the name to my new favorite band Artic Monkeys...It seems a more fun name. 45 married with an adopted daughter from China who is 7

July 25, 2011 at 02:16AM View BBCode

It's been a while since this thread was updated.
We've added some new owners(Detroit,Tampa Bay, Brooklyn, NY Giants and Pittsburgh plus some vets that haven't checked in.
Any intros?

July 25, 2011 at 01:51PM View BBCode

I'm Don from Bonita Springs, FL. An ex-automation salesman, who grew up in Mass, went to Ga Tech and ended up in Detroit selling to the big three. I'm 53 and could use work, but the going is tough, so I guess I'm semi-retired. Found this site almost a year ago, and as an youthful Strat-o-matic geek, was hooked almost right away. Enjoy this league and would like to get this young group competitive. Nice to "meet" you folks, sorry I missed the thread the first time around....

July 25, 2011 at 04:05PM View BBCode

hey i'm a strat-o-matic fan myself, for 10 years i was playing the hockey game, also played Strat-O Football for 3 years

July 25, 2011 at 05:56PM View BBCode

Hi, thanks for the thread from my side, too. I also missed it, having already spent a season with the Giants.

I guess I'm somewhat an exotic here, as I am from Germany. Currently I live in Augsburg, Bavaria. Hopefully my English is not too incomprehensible.

Until about two years ago, I didn't know much about baseball. Then I visited a friend in NY and watched games at Citi Field and Fenway Park. Since then, I follow the MLB and occasionally visit a game here in the German League.

Hope to put together a team that can win something soon, but this is another level here than the trial leagues ;-)

[Edited on 7-25-2011 by Dowland]

July 25, 2011 at 07:59PM View BBCode

I am Michael Newton I live in Iowa. I am a Cardinals fan and a royals fan, I have been in a league with Lyle if he is still here.

July 25, 2011 at 11:42PM View BBCode

Bridge Years checking in....My name is Joe, I live in Mass. Sox fan of course, team name from a infamous Theo quote...I've been playing some form of simulated or fantasy baseball for the past 20+ years. Probably starting with Baseball Simulator 1000 for the NES, to Front Page Sports Baseball for the PC, currently enjoying OOTP Baseball 12... of course fantasy baseball when we used to have to add up the stats on a spreadsheet (i'm sure some in here had to add it up with pen and paper).

I came to this site on a random google search 5 months ago or so and got hooked, plus I can check from work and it's not blocked yet due to the topnews that. A 26 game turn around in year 1 and a trip to the WS, the run begins :spin:

July 25, 2011 at 11:59PM View formatted

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Greetings all

I am glad to see that I am not the only 40+ in this league.

My name is David. I live just outside of Calgary Alberta. I have lived in Canada since 1974, but I spent my early year in the Kansas City, KS area--most of my family is still in that region. As a result of those early years I am a certified (certifiable) Royals, Chiefs and Jayhawks fan. Also, because of those early years, I have no great love of hockey--the KC Scouts only lasted two years. Fortunately, being a Royals fan I know all about rebuilding. I only hope I can accomplish it here a little faster than they are in KC.

For the past five years I have been a stay-at-home dad for my son and daughter. Now that my daughter is about to enter first grade, I have been told that I get to go back to work :( .

Because I am new at all this, I ask that you be gentle with me!

July 30, 2011 at 11:20PM View BBCode

Hi everyone My name is Jim and the owner of the St. Louis red birds, I have been in the league since 1961 and I still think it is easier to coach kids than this league. I'm still trying to figure it out, since I won the WS. And by the way I am not going to give my age but it looks like I am the oldest here. Good Luck Everyone

March 18, 2013 at 01:33AM View BBCode

moving up the old topic for Brownshoe.

It date a while back i am not 40 years old anymore, i'm 43 now

March 18, 2013 at 05:34PM View BBCode

Yan Cote 31 years old. I'm still a salesman.

March 20, 2013 at 04:33AM View BBCode

Keith. 31 now. And I now take calls from people asking why their debit card don't work. Outside of that, not much has changed.

March 20, 2013 at 01:58PM View BBCode

Michel, 39, Still working in student services, but now I have another daughter ( 9 months old).

March 20, 2013 at 07:28PM View BBCode

congrats !!!

March 29, 2013 at 01:58AM View BBCode


My name is Yan, 40 years old and i'm an engineer. (Je ne témoignerai pas à la commission) My primary language is french, but I'll do an effort in english. My team's name mean Satanic Squirrels.

I loved to play board games, I am an ancient stratomatic hockey and football player. I played many statispro baseball campaign too. For now i'm running dungeons and dragons games and joined your league as a rookie in my first simulation game on PC.

My goal is to win about 10 titles in the next 15 seasons, but I know I'll need a bit of work for that. I'm just 19 wins to playoffs for now... (You can send me your spare grade A stuff, it will help)

It's a great pleasure to be with you.


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