a little more clarity in play by play
February 13, 2011 at 03:35PM View formatted
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"3rd and 5 for the Dawgs, they line up in a Pro Set; the North Stars line up in a 4-2-5 Nickel." should read "3rd and 5 for the Dawgs at CLE 28, they line up in a Pro Set; the North Stars line up in a 4-2-5 Nickel."
I realize "CLE 28" is elsewhere in the row, but when I am sitting reading the play by play, it makes it easier to see it in the text line.
February 14, 2011 at 05:15PM View BBCode
Another thing that pertains to this - I would like to see "interceptions" either a different color or all caps.
When watching the play by play in dynasty vision, it's hard to tell when it's an interception.
Maybe it's just me but this would be a nice change.
[Edited on 2-14-2011 by rbertoldie]
February 14, 2011 at 05:32PM View BBCode
Different colors for any turnover would be really cool. Like if a fumble happens or an interception is made, change the font to a blue or yellow instead of white.
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