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December 08, 2009 at 07:13PM View BBCode

There is a new page for changing the parameters of your stadium, under the GM menu. You can go to it directly at .

Changes made to your stadium do not take effect until the offseason.

Right now, changes to your stadium are essentially cosmetic, but plans are underway to make the stadium changes affect the sim.

Essentially, you can select a new design for your stadium once every few years, and within that design you can change the distance and/or height of fences within a certain range. In addition, total wall distance and height is restricted to certain minimums and maximums. The page will validate your stadium changes as you make them.

Right now there are only a handful of stadium shapes (19, if I remember right), but more will be added before the feature goes live.

Please take a look at this page and let me know if you have any comments or suggestions on the page or the feature itself. Thank you!


December 08, 2009 at 07:38PM View BBCode


December 08, 2009 at 11:46PM View BBCode

Now we just need to get some people in the seats.

December 09, 2009 at 04:52AM View BBCode

I have data in for 27 stadiums now; I think I'll leave it at that for a while while I work on football.

Some of the stadiums are based off of historical stadium designs, others are my fabrication. Those that are based on historical designs are now indicated as such.

Many "real-life" parks are missing, including my own beloved Dodger Stadium, because they are generally too similar to one of the other designs, such as the default Sim Dynasty stadium.

It is worth noting that some stadiums have walls instead of fences in some areas; walls differe from fences in that their position cannot be moved, and they can be made taller than the default but not shorter. This is to account for walls such as the Green Monster at Fenway; no one is going to move that one a few feet back each season!

One "real-life" departure is that the stadium indicated as being similar to the Baker Bowl has had its right-field fence moved back, as it was just ridiculously close to home.

December 09, 2009 at 04:57PM View BBCode

Chris, this is really great. A feature I've been wanting for a long time, and the new look in the dynasty vision looks fantastic, too.

December 09, 2009 at 04:59PM View BBCode

I'm trying out the square one next

December 09, 2009 at 10:44PM View BBCode

This is cool and good work. The one problem I have if, if you call it that, is that the distance to RCF and LCF are fixed equations, based the distance to RF, CF, LF. Why?

For example, Ebbetts Field was a box, not a circle. And the CF wall was a diagonal across two perpendicular lines; not an arc connecting the two lines. As a result, the two deepest spots in Ebbetts Field were in RCF and LCF, where the CF fence met the RF and LF fences. The SHORTEST distance in CF was to straightaway center.

This is minor stuff, I know. But I'm curious why RCF and LCF are a forumla, rather than simply additional data entries.

[Edited on 12-9-2009 by lvnwrth]

December 10, 2009 at 12:07AM View BBCode

Right now, changes to your stadium are essentially cosmetic, but plans are underway to make the stadium changes affect the sim.

This is a great addition. Can you tell me more about these plans, though?

I was always under the impression this required some type of grid system that located batted balls in specific spots in the field. Obviously it also would require the height of the ball to be factored in.

If we're really in development on something like that, it takes this game to a fantastic new dimension. Being able to customize a team to suit a park and also have to pay attention to the stadia you'll be playing in throughout your league is incredibly exciting.

December 10, 2009 at 09:17PM View BBCode

Originally posted by lvnwrth
This is cool and good work. The one problem I have if, if you call it that, is that the distance to RCF and LCF are fixed equations, based the distance to RF, CF, LF. Why?

This is to keep you from distorting the stadium too far from the given outline. Let's take the example of a stadium that is a perfect diamond, like Shibe Park. If you change the dimension down the line or to center, the angles change but it's still essentially a diamond. If you push the corners and center out 20 feet and bring the alleys in 20 feet, though, you've completely distorted the shape of the stadium.

As far as measurements: The measurement to left and right is almost always right on the foul line, and the measurements to left center and right center are always precisely 22.5 degrees from the center line. Real life stadiums do not always measure exactly on these exact points so the measurements may not match what references said; I took the measurements when I designed the stadium images in Visio. Center field is the deepest point near center, not always dead-on center, and again is taken from Visio. You used Ebbets as an example; the default center-field distance in the Ebbets-like Stadium #1 is indeed the measurement taken where the CF fence meets the LF fence.

A few stadiums have exceptions where a measurement is fudged to take a feature of the stadium into account. This is why stadiums are described as being "Similar to" an existing stadium. Default wall distances and heights are usually taken from the mid-1950's measurements when possible.

Some of the stadium data and images were adapted a couple of years ago from a reference that I later found to be less than reliable; I think I have fixed these, but if you see a stadium outline and say to yourself "That does not look like that stadum!", let me know. Again, though, remember that stadiums (stadia?) have changed over the years. I have found [url=]Clem's Baseball Blog[/url] and [url=][/url] to be the most useful stadium references so far. There are more than a hundred hours of research into stadiums, stadium history, and effects into this project going back two years.

December 10, 2009 at 09:21PM View BBCode

Originally posted by redcped
I was always under the impression this required some type of grid system that located batted balls in specific spots in the field. Obviously it also would require the height of the ball to be factored in.

If we're really in development on something like that, it takes this game to a fantastic new dimension. Being able to customize a team to suit a park and also have to pay attention to the stadia you'll be playing in throughout your league is incredibly exciting.

As far as the actual mechanism of resolving the stadium effects, Tyson and I are looking into that now; we have found lots of great data, now it's a matter of distilling all of that into something we can plug into ABE. The end result has to make a difference in the results, but not so much of a difference that the overall stats can be easily distorted, so it is a careful balancing act.

December 10, 2009 at 09:39PM View BBCode

What's wrong with distorting the results if it matches and simulates reality? Coors field results were distorted before the humididor. AT&T Park is distorted for LH hitters unless you have the incredible power of Barry Bonds.

IMHO it is OK to have great differences between ballparks as long as it still remains a reasonable simulation.

December 10, 2009 at 09:44PM View BBCode

Originally posted by ballplayer3
IMHO it is OK to have great differences between ballparks as long as it still remains a reasonable simulation.

And that is precisely the challenge.. to be able to have both. If we start having players hitting 120 HR's in a season after this, we have an issue.

December 10, 2009 at 10:01PM View BBCode

Does the outfielders Range factor into the spacious fields? Like if I had a starting OF, all three with A+ range, it would benefit me to have a large park?

December 10, 2009 at 11:38PM View BBCode

Originally posted by Fulla
Does the outfielders Range factor into the spacious fields? Like if I had a starting OF, all three with A+ range, it would benefit me to have a large park?

If it's done right, when the stadium effects start factoring into things then certainly that should be the kind of advantage you'd seek.

In theory you would also want more line-drive hitters with speed to produce more extra-base hits.

Of course, the flip side is sometimes you'll be playing in someone's bandbox where routine flyballs clear the fences.

December 11, 2009 at 12:59AM View BBCode

Does the outfielders Range factor into the spacious fields? Like if I had a starting OF, all three with A+ range, it would benefit me to have a large park?
I think it will benefit you. How much, I'm not sure. A larger stadium will have more opportunities for plus/minus plays, so having better fielders will help make more of those outs rather than singles/doubles.

Don't quote me on that as I haven't written a lick of code for this yet, but that's the thought at this point.


December 19, 2009 at 12:21AM View BBCode

Ok, I've set up the first version of this. The effects are as follows:

Artificial Turf will cause less singles, more doubles, more triples, and more double plays.

Deep/High Fence will turn some Home Runs into doubles, triples, and out. It will turn some doubles into triples. There will be more opportunity for plus/minus plays for outfielders.

A Short/Low Fence will turn Outs into Home Runs, Doubles into Home Runs, and Triples into Doubles. There will be less opportunity for plus/minus plays for outfielders.

Right handed batters will be primarily affected by stadium dimensions in LF, and left handed batters will be primarily affected by stadium dimensions in RF.

Let me know if you have questions. We will likely add to this over time.


[Edited on 12-19-2009 by Admin]

[Edited on 12-19-2009 by Admin]

December 21, 2009 at 02:32AM View BBCode

Originally posted by Admin
Ok, I've set up the first version of this. The effects are as follows:

Artificial Turf will cause less singles, more doubles, more triples, and more double plays.

Deep/High Fence will turn some Home Runs into doubles, triples, and out. It will turn some doubles into triples. There will be more opportunity for plus/minus plays for outfielders.

A Short/Low Fence will turn Outs into Home Runs, Doubles into Home Runs, and Triples into Doubles. There will be less opportunity for plus/minus plays for outfielders.

Right handed batters will be primarily affected by stadium dimensions in LF, and left handed batters will be primarily affected by stadium dimensions in RF.

Let me know if you have questions. We will likely add to this over time.


Can you add some message in the play by play to let it be known that something happened due to the stadium? Something like the great fielding where it would go, Double changed to an out due to large park or whatever is easy to do.

[Edited on 12-21-2009 by Shaheen]

December 21, 2009 at 04:46PM View BBCode

We have that in mind, but not for the first version.

Also, either this change or the backups change seems to have prevented Beta games from running sometimes. I'll look into this.


December 25, 2009 at 01:56PM View BBCode

Just put in plans for the new Orca Stadium. Looking forward to see how this effects my team.

December 29, 2009 at 06:32AM View BBCode

The Stadium page now properly makes sure that the sum of all five fences (distance+height) is within a specific range. (It was attempting to do so before but it was not always getting it right.) By default, the ranges are:

Down the baselines: 305 - 380 ft.
To center: 400 - 480 ft.
Overall (all 5 distances + heights): 1750 - 2000 ft.

Note that these ranges can be adjusted by league; Beta's minimum to center is currently set at 398 rather than 400 for testing.

A league's stadium rules are visible on the League Rules page at .

In other news, the dimensions for park #2 (Shibe Park/Connie Mack Stadium) have been brought down to more reasonable levels. They were based on early dimensions that were just mammoth; they are now set at the 1956 dimensions. The largest stadium is now #28 (Comiskey Park circa 1937); the smallest is #1 (Ebbets Field circa 1948).

[Edited on 12-29-2009 by celamantia]

December 29, 2009 at 08:44PM View BBCode

Since we are getting close to the January release date, anything you can do to bang on this will be helpful, especially in the way of deliberately trying to create unrealistic stadiums. There should be enough "play" to allow for quite a bit of variety without stadiums getting silly or unrealistic. Also, hitting it with less-common browsers that you have access to would also be helpful. I am not just looking for flat-out bugs, but anything that makes the process cumbersome, non-intuitive, or anything else negative would be good to know.

I am changing the rules in Beta to allow stadium constructions every season to make testing easier.



[Edited on 12-29-2009 by celamantia]

December 29, 2009 at 09:21PM View BBCode

Testing stadium construction would be great, but the world series ended yesterday and still the off-season has not run. January is only a few days from now. We need to start a new season soon to be able to test the stadium code.

December 29, 2009 at 09:52PM View BBCode

Originally posted by CaseyStengel
Testing stadium construction would be great, but the world series ended yesterday and still the off-season has not run. January is only a few days from now. We need to start a new season soon to be able to test the stadium code.

Game 7 of the World Series played at 4:48 pm Eastern, about 4 minutes ago.

December 29, 2009 at 10:46PM View formatted

You are viewing the raw post code; this allows you to copy a message with BBCode formatting intact.
I've added an immediate stadium rename function to the Stadium page, which replaces the one on the User Profile page. If you have no stadium changes this year, it will create a record in your stadium history for the change; if you do have stadium changes this year (meaning in the previous offseason) it will update that record. Rather than replicate all this code in the User Profile, I've removed the stadium rename function from the user profile; it now just displays the name with a link to the Stadium page to change it.

December 29, 2009 at 11:08PM View BBCode

Originally posted by tworoosters
Originally posted by CaseyStengel
Testing stadium construction would be great, but the world series ended yesterday and still the off-season has not run. January is only a few days from now. We need to start a new season soon to be able to test the stadium code.

Game 7 of the World Series played at 4:48 pm Eastern, about 4 minutes ago.

Interesting.... I logged on this morning at about 8 AM Pacific and saw that the White Stockings had won the world series. I wonder why? Most likely I saw that CHN was scheduled to play at OAK and my mind registered they had won game 7. That's what I get for not paying attention.

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