Learning the Game
February 22, 2002 at 11:06PM View BBCode
I know I'm going to learn this stuff as the game gets played, but I was hoping to field as competitive a team as I can for all 162 games. Here's a couple questions I've got...
How much of a difference is there between a 'B' and a 'B-'? Is it noticable, or is that an ignorable difference?
Regarding Pitchers (because my staff sucks :)), Can a 'C' Endurance Pitcher last 7 innings?
Again with pitchers...can a 'B-' Velocity and 'D' Control guy (or vice versa) be a productive starter, or is it better to have consistent ratings in these two? IE will a poor control guy be too wild to be effective, or will his better velocity rating buoy his talent?
Like I said, I'm sure to figure these things out as the game goes on, but any input I can get before would help me to field a more competitive team.
February 22, 2002 at 11:46PM View formatted
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Some hints for you.
Every step down in grade should produce a noticable difference. And the difference between grades is pretty equal. So the difference between A and A- is equal to the difference between C- and D+.
A guy with a C endurance should be able to last 5-6 innings most of the time. Personally, I would use this guy as a starter, but if all your starters are Cs you might burn out your bullpen.
As a rule of thumb for pitchers, I usually look at the Overall Skill rating. Its basically the average of Velocity and Control.
But these are all in theory. The sim engine has randomness built into it, so anything can really happen.
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