April 25, 2005 at 04:02PM View BBCode
Here are your immortal four inaugural inducteees into the Off-Topic Hall of Fame, in the form of their screen name here on the boards.
andrew or YAZ, please top and close. I will edit this accordingly whenever additions are made.
[Edited on 4-25-2005 by drunkengoat]
April 29, 2005 at 08:48PM View BBCode
Sycophantman, known in the real world as Aaron McQuillin, aka A McQ, aka Bobo (as he is known to his closest friends, coworkers and the insane elderly) was born in the year of Our Lord 1976. As a child he enjoyed all of the normal childhood pursuits like jai-alai, badminton, naked cycling and graverobbing. No just kidding, he didn't do any of those things. As you can see from [url=http://www.simdynasty.com/oldforum-viewthread.jsp?action=attachment&tid=64910&pid=395977]this picture[/url], Bobo was a huge nerd. No, not just a huge nerd. A colossal, stupendous, phantasmagoric nerd (rumors that he was also a woman at the time are totally unfounded and untrue even if he did look very much like [url=http://www.fast-rewind.com/tootsie1.jpg]Tootsie[/url]. Since he was King of the Dorks, he probably spent most of his time in his room making up Dungeons and Dragons adventures that no one would ever play since he had no real friends, and imagining that some day a dragon would fly up to his bedroom window and whisk him to some far off land like that place where The Neverending Story happened. He probably even hoped it was the gay white dragon from that stupid movie who came.
Syco (Bobo) slowly grew up to be [url=http://www.simdynasty.com/oldforum-viewthread.jsp?action=attachment&tid=48755&pid=278322]slightly less of a nerd[/url]. He moved to Normal, Illinois or some other place where John Goodman had a sitcom about being a gay fat guy. He enters our story in November of 2003 as a shy poster on the Simdynasty message board who inundated the boards with posts containing only recipes for various types of cookies. From those humble beginnings he became a major poster on SD, branching out first to include cake recipes, then recipes for [url=http://www.cafeonthebay.com/images/EL_SteakD.jpg]Steak Diane[/url] and finally ditching the recipes altogether.
Syco (Bobo) was the creative force behind and moderator of the Ron Santo League, the first league where the inmates ran the asylum. He presided over the ups and downs of the RSL, answering all questions and problems with his characteristically stoic catchphrase, "Leave me the hell alone, dickweed." Everything was going well, the RSL was running smoothly and Syco (Bobo) had finally met some real friends who weren't [url=http://myhomepage.panetwork.com/kennertoys/images/r2_3p_hs.JPG]Star Wars action figures[/url].
And then it happened.
He says it was a [url=http://www.simdynasty.com/oldforum-viewthread.jsp?tid=64474]car accident[/url]. A likely cover story. In truth he was approached by a shadowy agency dressed in leather bomber jackets and aviator shades who informed him that the President had been kidnapped by [url=http://www.madeinjapan.com.br/site_made_novo/media/ninjas1_290404.jpg]ninjas[/url]. He was asked if he was a bad enough dude to rescue the President. He said yes.
Of course, he was spectacularly wrong and the ninjas got the President and executed him. Syco (Bobo) can be blamed for this; he can not be blamed for the subsequent revelation that the Vice President was actually a reptillian space alien with an unhingable jaw and an appetite for gerbils. HAIL OUR REPTILLIAN OVERLORDS!
He was on this mission from October of 2004 to March of 2005. In his absence his legend grew and grew, and then shrank a little bit, but then grew again. He became a cult figure and a culture grew up around his prophesied second coming, much like that long dead figure around whom an entire way of life for the Western World has been built, [url=http://2darkpark.com/2dP/menu/propaganda/propic/tupac.jpg]Tupac[/url]. But unlike Tupac who is content to live out his life under the ocean in the lost city of Atlantis and release album after album of ever-diminishing quality, Syco (Bobo) was not satisfied with exile. He was worried, however, about what sort of reception he and his new robotic exoskeleton would receive. So he tested the waters under the guise of his new alter-ego CreepingDeath. He quickly realized that CreepingDeath was [url=http://www.actorslife.com/images/smallFish/Gottfried.jpg]incredibly annoying[/url] so he finally revealed himself to be the returned Syco (Bobo) and showed off his new powers by shooting lasers out of his cold metallic eyes at a [url=http://www.crazybone.com/rate/rateuploads/cute%20white%20kitten.jpg]cute white kitten[/url] which burned to death slowly and painfully. His return was greeted by much rejoicing and only some suffering for small animals and [url=http://www.prweb.com/prfiles/2004/08/31/154094/Two_little_girls.JPG]children[/url].
Since returning Syco (Bobo) has once again become a major and legendary poster. He has spent much of his time posting back and forth with Ignite, proving once again that you can never go home again unless that home involves arguing with a semi-coherent teenage Dane. He has resumed his love affair with alter-egos by having sex with all of them and has created several new ones, many of which are, beyond any reasonable expectation anyone could possibly have had, even more [url=http://www.grudge-match.com/Images/carrottop.gif]annoying[/url] than his old ones. We have learned about his love of [url=http://www.simdynasty.com/oldforum-viewthread.jsp?tid=66159#pid397226]drawing[/url] and been shown the cover of Whitesnake's [url=http://lead-zepp.cool.ne.jp/p0046ws/04lovehunter.JPG]Lovehunter[/url] which he designed. He has yet to rejoin a league although he has plans to join the OGL when it renews. His theme will be Microsoft Word font names.
Sycophantman (Bobo) - Off Topic Hall of Famer.
[Edited on 4-30-2005 by FuriousGiorge]
May 07, 2005 at 08:29AM View BBCode
Youngallstar (6/24/2004 to present)
When Youngallstar became one with the Hive Brain in June of 2004, he had one of the worst avatars of all time (so bland, even, that it in no way will let itself be shown on a google image search for "Longhorns." You know the one.) From humble [url=http://www.simdynasty.com/oldforum-viewthread.jsp?tid=38241]beginnings[/url] (ha ha, noob), Youngallstar (alias Young, YAS, YAZ, oldworthlessoutmaker, youngaiistar) would ultimately wield the [url=http://www.imex.com/catalog/lavelle-b.jpg]Golden Sceptor[/url] of Off-Topic Moderator, a position which he has effectively used to identify the culprits of lame alter-egos. Along the way, he bucked his [url=http://www.simdynasty.com/oldforum-viewthread.jsp?tid=43507]LeBron-like devotion to the exclamation point[/url] and became one of the fastest members ever to reach [url=http://www.simdynasty.com/oldforum-viewthread.jsp?tid=45681]3000 posts[/url], forever casting the pall of doubt over the truth behind his purportedly [url=http://www.thenewsherald.com/images/20040602/10226_512.jpg]hot girlfriend[/url]. Despite his maddening devotion to the Arizona Cardinals' [url=http://www.simdynasty.com/oldforum-viewthread.jsp?tid=19768&page=2]greatest tackling dummy[/url], and a weird post about [url=http://www.simdynasty.com/oldforum-viewthread.jsp?tid=45640]dip[/url], he has overcome adversity and entered the Pantheon of Icredible-Awesome Posters, which is naturally guarded by [url=http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/basketball/news/2001/06/27/sayitaintso_nets/williams_all.jpg]Buck Williams[/url].
After upsetting Delaware St. on an option-reverse play in overtime of the [url=http://www.simdynasty.com/oldforum-viewthread.jsp?tid=53463&page=1]Trapper Keeper Challenge[/url], YAZ ditched out on a promising pro career to enlist in the [url=http://www.simdynasty.com/oldforum-viewthread.jsp?tid=58306]Off-Topic Legion[/url], where his athletic prowess earned him the respect of Regimental Command and the rank of major. After 26 citations for bravery and six cases of venereal disease, he was honorably discharged. With his G.I. Bill he purchased the [url=http://www.simdynasty.com/depth.jsp?teamid=22947]Philadelphia Infamy[/url] in the Oscar Gamble League and, after a brief [url=http://www.simdynasty.com/playoff.jsp?series=7837&boxscoreid=42439]moment of glory[/url] over his [url=http://www.simdynasty.com/depth.jsp?teamid=22787]bitter rivals[/url], lapsed backward into mediocrity. With a young pitching staff, he is poised to cast his lot with the new wave of N.L. stalwarts in the latter half of the decade.
Noted Historical Figures and Scholars Discuss Youngallstar
"Finest general---finest man---I ever knew. If he'd been with us at Gettysburg, I still think today that ... this is Thomas Jackson we're talking about, of course?"
Robert E. Lee
"Yeah, I'd burn at the stake for a piece of that action. He's dreamy."
Joan of Arc
"Of course, the problem with any class system is simple: when there is no incentive for the people at the top to give to those on the lower rungs, we only see that the status quo is maintained. Of course, this new American aristocracy doesn't just have money; it's the political influence that makes them so dangerous. Corporate donors have been gorging at the D.C. fundraising dinner for ages, and it's the working man who will have to foot the bill. But yeah, I know Youngallstar. Good guy."
Howard Zinn
"Bugger off."
Winston Churchill
"They say that those who don't learn from history shall be doomed to repeat it. Well, I know a thing or two about history, and I say we can all learn something from Youngallstar."
Robert Penn Warren
"You think of a man---you give him character, guts, determination, conviction, courage. You give him heart. Strength. Honor. That's Youngallstar."
General George Patton
"Yazmo, you never come around to get some from your sugar baby anymore. You know I want to get on that, even though I'm a lesbian and have been dead for several dozen years."
Eleanor Roosevelt
"Junge Alles-Stern uber alles!"
Franz Josef
"Great Zeus' beard! I must draw you!"
"I'm sorry, Mr. Armstrong isn't in right now."
Buzz Aldrin
"There's an old saying we have in Texas---I can't remember it right now, but Youngallstar is the fucking shit."
George W. Bush
"I recall once, he and Jack were having a bit of a row. State dinner. Delegates from Europe, the Soviet ambassador, Lyndon and Ladybird, of course. YAZ must have been the special assistant to U.N. secretary general at the time---or was it the Prime Minister? Beg pardon. At any rate, Jack smashed his salad plate---it was the van Buren china, if I remember, stood up and shouted at the top of his lungs, "You dirty son of a whore, you're not the only steer I've seen shat from the state of Texas," indicating Lyndon, of course. Ladybird was positively red. And Lyndon didn't speak to Jack for a week. But things were different with YAZ, and by 1:30 that night it was scotch and cigars and war stories in the Oval Office for those two. Oh, they certainly were a laugh."
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
"Is that you, mummy?"
Ronald Reagan
[Edited on 5-7-2005 by whiskybear]
July 08, 2005 at 05:42AM View BBCode
Ah, good ol Whiskey backspace-backspace-y, we shall begin with the name.
[size=3][color=blue]Whisky vs. Whiskey[/size][/color]
The word itself is an import from colonial times; American and Irish whiskey uses this spelling while Scottish and Canadian whiskies retain the older form, "whisky."
So, when you put whisky(due to his secret love of Canada) and bear(his ex girlfriends nickname) together, we get one of OffTopic's most popular and rabble rousing posters, whiskybear.
When the whisk was but a lad he was only allowed to watch "lifetime" which is probably why he invented the term "pregnant" in the OT forum and is definately the reason why he was a [url=http://www.simdynasty.com/oldforum-viewthread.jsp?tid=66132]
hoodlum[/url] at such an early age
But, through all the adversity he has faced, such as no one caring about his unhealthy obsession with [url=http://www.simdynasty.com/oldforum-viewthread.jsp?tid=42457]
Pat Borders[/url], people outside of OffTopic now knowing how the hell to spell [url=http://www.simdynasty.com/oldforum-viewthread.jsp?tid=27900]
whisky[/url] either, and dealing with a [url=http://www.simdynasty.com/oldforum-viewthread.jsp?tid=72984&page=1]
borderline stalker[/url] who loves Peyton Manning and not [url=http://www.simdynasty.com/oldforum-viewthread.jsp?tid=58260#pid35463]
Tom Brady[/url], whisky has flourished.
His[/url] [url=http://www.simdynasty.com/oldforum-viewthread.jsp?tid=51295]
writing[/url] [url=http://www.simdynasty.com/oldforum-viewthread.jsp?tid=51296]
skills[/url] [url=http://www.simdynasty.com/oldforum-viewthread.jsp?tid=51425]
are[/url] [url=http://www.simdynasty.com/oldforum-viewthread.jsp?tid=57295]
rivaled[/url] [url=http://www.simdynasty.com/oldforum-viewthread.jsp?tid=39905]
by[/url] [url=http://www.simdynasty.com/oldforum-viewthread.jsp?tid=45809]
-He completed his [url=http://www.simdynasty.com/oldforum-viewthread.jsp?tid=31868]
-He started one of the most viewed and replied to [url=http://www.simdynasty.com/oldforum-viewthread.jsp?tid=43111]
threads[/url] in SD history.
-All this while picking up a few [url=http://www.simdynasty.com/oldforum-viewthread.jsp?tid=49515#pid430197]
friends[/url] along the way
[color=blue]Whiskbear's SD stats[/size][/color] (As of 7/8/05)
-WS championships:
-First OT [url=http://www.simdynasty.com/oldforum-viewthread.jsp?tid=31119&page=2]
-First SD [url=http://www.simdynasty.com/oldforum-viewthread.jsp?tid=27900]
-People he has pwned: (327)
-Man crushes: (Tom Brady, Pat Borders, Tom Waits)
[Edited on 7-8-2005 by youngallstar]
July 25, 2005 at 02:17AM View BBCode
Your second round inductees for the Off-Topic Hall of Fame, Ladies and Gentlemen.
Mr. T[/size]
[Edited on 7-25-2005 by drunkengoat]
August 22, 2005 at 10:38PM View BBCode
Space reserved...
Don't hate me for getting your hopes up, blame your priorities...
September 02, 2005 at 09:23PM View BBCode
Gimme Drunkengoat Or DIE! (That Means Ill Write His...)
[Edited on 2-9-05 by Ignite]
November 23, 2005 at 09:23PM View BBCode
Most members outside of the Oscar Gamble League won't fully understand the hilarity of this thread, but for those in the know, it was priceless... for the ages. Upon wondering how to get rid of names in one's AIM buddy list, the hall of famers of whiskybear, youngallstar, and drunkengoat took on the task of taking our beloved departed grantgurtin92 on a trip down Memory Lane. A play was written to document the exchange which ensued. For those of you who thought that the Theatre of the Absurd died with Samuel Beckett... Well, you were almost right, because Samuel Beckett rules, but this is right up there.
Hell, even if you don't know the story, you can enjoy the spinsters' tall tales.
Lilzaneisme takes on the lead role of the unsuspecting victim, somehow believing every word that is told him.
whiskybear07 (no relation) plays the role of the lead spinster, inviting young lilzane to the party to get the festivities started.
Planosamkiv adds flair as second spinster, revealing truths that would've otherwise remained buried in the sands of time.
veritasQED plays a supporting role as spinster #3, hitting the holes that were in the tales of whiskybear07 and Planosamkiv.
[size=10][url=www.simdynasty.com/forum/oldforum-viewthread.jsp?tid=88308]A Flower For Algernon[/url][/size]
August 14, 2007 at 05:47AM View BBCode
Originally posted by drunkengoat
Most members outside of the Oscar Gamble League won't fully understand the hilarity of this thread, but for those in the know, it was priceless... for the ages. Upon wondering how to get rid of names in one's AIM buddy list, the hall of famers of whiskybear, youngallstar, and drunkengoat took on the task of taking our beloved departed grantgurtin92 on a trip down Memory Lane. A play was written to document the exchange which ensued. For those of you who thought that the Theatre of the Absurd died with Samuel Beckett... Well, you were almost right, because Samuel Beckett rules, but this is right up there.
Hell, even if you don't know the story, you can enjoy the spinsters' tall tales.
Lilzaneisme takes on the lead role of the unsuspecting victim, somehow believing every word that is told him.
whiskybear07 (no relation) plays the role of the lead spinster, inviting young lilzane to the party to get the festivities started.
Planosamkiv adds flair as second spinster, revealing truths that would've otherwise remained buried in the sands of time.
veritasQED plays a supporting role as spinster #3, hitting the holes that were in the tales of whiskybear07 and Planosamkiv.
[size=10][url=www.simdynasty.com/forum/oldforum-viewthread.jsp?tid=88308]A Flower For Algernon[/url][/size]
The thread is gone.
June 19, 2008 at 07:58PM View BBCode
I'm partial to me, but I admit having a slight bias.
July 22, 2008 at 02:17AM View BBCode
hee hee... Man I didnt realize I was a finalist for your love syco.....
July 22, 2008 at 06:05AM View BBCode
you censored picked ME to post my post in OT history, and he didnt do censored . what an censored . I wish i had gotten furious, he did the best one. damn it. I got into the hall of fame and all i got was this stupid 3 year ban...
July 22, 2008 at 10:54AM View BBCode
I guess the hall of fame could use a new coat of paint...
sycophantman has attached this image:
![Kann.jpg Kann.jpg](oldforum-attachment.jsp?aid=5349)
March 26, 2009 at 04:58AM View BBCode
Originally posted by sycophantman
I guess the hall of fame could use a new coat of paint...
Please do more of these.
March 26, 2009 at 02:25PM View BBCode
Jesus, how did happy get inducted? I blame Whisky and his u2u campaign.
March 27, 2009 at 12:08AM View BBCode
Christ, I didn't realize Lou was posting as Goat in two thousand censored five.
April 21, 2009 at 11:33PM View BBCode
Yeah, that was me. When the OGL started up, (fall 2004, I think? FIVE censored YEARS, YOU SHITTIN ME) I phased out this screen name for a while to make a run at enshrining my own little goat ass into the halls of the forum here.
Now that I'm gone from the game, so is Goat.
It's a sad state of affairs, really.
I might be back one day, if I make it big enough to where I don't have anything else to do but troll the forums waiting on my royalties.
April 22, 2009 at 01:32AM View formatted
You are viewing the raw post code; this allows you to copy a message with BBCode formatting intact.
One day, Lou. One day.
(I've been on this site for nearly seven years, and on the boards for...5 and a half, I think, with a bit of a break in there. Holyfuck.)
May 24, 2009 at 06:46PM View BBCode
props to giorge for his immortal tribute to an immortal poster... ummm... whom was it he immortalized?
(I finally have a day off, so yes I'm catching up on silly posts and chillin at the keyboard)
October 06, 2010 at 04:08AM View BBCode
Syco, we need more black hole negative post counts on the boards. Make it happen.
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