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Draft Pick Trades - part 1

March 05, 2004 at 10:46PM View BBCode

Okay, I finished part one of the draft pick trades. You can now trade them as part of the trade desk. They won't do anything yet - that is the next part - I need to change the draft logic to use these. That's for next week.

A few things. Private leagues will be able to trade picks up to 5 years into the future. Dynasty leagues only for as many seasons as you have paid for (I gave everyone 5000 dynasty dollars to test this on beta).

Logic is built so that you can acquire a pick from one team, and then turn around and trade that pick to a 3rd team in a future trade.

You can trade up to 4 picks in a single trade.

They should show up in news. Also, if you accept a trade with a pick involved, all previous offers that are outstanding that involve that pick should be instantly Declined.

Let me know if it works for you and test away. I will clear the draft pick trades sometime next week - so don't do any real draft pick trades (does that make sense?). Right now, the only way to see which draft picks you have is to go through the trade screens.

SS-Sent Milwaukee offer to see if it works!!!

March 06, 2004 at 02:37AM View BBCode


March 06, 2004 at 02:50AM View BBCode

All of the draft picks showed up on Milwaukee's end.
This would be a great feature! Will it also keep track of draft choices that have changed teams?

March 06, 2004 at 12:13PM View BBCode

What's also great about this is - Since you will be able to 'see' what players that will be coming available in the next draft this feature will allow you to more actively seek to trade up( or down for more picks) in the draft. More like the real thing.

I sent a 1st rd to milwaukee for his 2nd and 3rd as a test. Go through?


March 06, 2004 at 12:17PM View BBCode

At least I thought I did! I must have had a mental lapse. On my desk there is a trade for Milwaukee's 1st round with Philly giving up a 2nd and 3rd.

March 06, 2004 at 12:20PM View BBCode

When you go to make a trade, on the pull downs the picks are described as follows:

1952 - Round 1

If a team has acquired another 1st round pick in a previous trade, there is no way to tell which pick you're trying to trade for. It would be helpful to list them in the pull downs as they appear on the trade desk after an offer is made:

1952 - Round 1 (BRO)
1952 - Round 1 (CLE)

This would make a big difference, particularly if Cleveland was a playoff contender and Brooklyn was in last place (which of course would never happen) -- the Brooklyn pick would be much more valuable.

March 06, 2004 at 12:33PM View BBCode

This will so much easier than browsing through the 'Draft Threads' that are maintained on various league message boards. And when that feature was started it in its turn was a great step forward.

This should eliminate the occasional misunderstandings that some times arise concerning the sometimes complex future draft deals that are entered into.

March 06, 2004 at 04:56PM View BBCode

how wil this work with the new draft system?

March 06, 2004 at 05:08PM View BBCode

I'm guessing that if Brooklyn traded Cleveland Brooklyn's first pick, ABE would use Cleveland's draft preferences or list instead of Brooklyn's. ABE would then send Brooklyn's pick to Cleveland. Is this correct?

March 06, 2004 at 06:15PM View BBCode

Bob - that is exactly how it works. If you own picks from another team, they will show up in the drop downs with the team city abbreviation after the pick.

hobos is correct in stating how the logistics will work. I need to write the code for that still.

March 06, 2004 at 06:22PM View formatted

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I noticed the trade comments were screwed up on an offer from Bob with picks - I'll have to look into that.

March 07, 2004 at 03:34AM View BBCode

I received an offer from arodtoo, which looked perfect. I sent him one back, so we'll see how that looks. If this works out (which I have no doubt it will) this solves the problem of not knowing 100% if your prefs were set for draft picks you received, plus gets rid of the disadvantage of sharing your prefs with another owner, heh heh.

I love this place

March 08, 2004 at 08:52PM View BBCode

Just to add my praise, this, in conjunction with the new draft pre-rankings, will be one of the best improvements in the game in a long time.

Personally I think the other biggie on the horizon will eventually be something to randomize the development curves (age-shift or whatever). That will be a tough nut to crack, but I'm sure it will eventually be conquered.

March 09, 2004 at 12:31AM View BBCode

This is a fantastic upgrade and will be welcomed in many leagues!

Minor question? Is it possible to customize the settings for private leagues, i.e. make picks tradeable for 3 years instead of 5? This isn't a big deal but if it can be done it would eliminate policing and user error for some private leagues.

March 09, 2004 at 03:23AM View BBCode

I'll try to get that feature in - how many years out picks can be traded in private leagues. This feature won't be moved onto the main site until sometime in April - so there will be time to add some changes in.


March 09, 2004 at 03:57PM View BBCode

'Boomer said"

"Personally I think the other biggie on the horizon will eventually be something to randomize the development curves (age-shift or whatever). That will be a tough nut to crack, but I'm sure it will eventually be conquered. "

That plus a formula that tied youngsters' improvements to veterans in the lineup and SD will be getting real close to the ultimate.

Thanks to all of you for the work and energy you put into my pastime. It is appreciated.

March 10, 2004 at 12:38AM View BBCode

Wow, I go away to watch Red Sox spring training and when I come back, SD is light years ahead of where it was one I left. Well done Tyson!!!

March 10, 2004 at 04:24AM View BBCode

The draft picks that Detroit (arodtoo) and Cinci (yrs truly) traded came out beautifully from my end, with the Detroit pick showing up in my goody bag, so to speak.

Well done!

March 10, 2004 at 05:41AM View BBCode

Once again you guys have outdone yourselves. This and the new draft ranking system will make a world of difference in the game. I love these both. One question though. Is there anywhere that we can look at all the draft picks and where they are? Just in case we want to see who has what picks for trade references.

March 10, 2004 at 07:22PM View BBCode

I fixed the display problem with Draft Pick trade comments. I'll be looking into some of the other items today hopefully.

March 10, 2004 at 07:31PM View BBCode

I added a customized option for private leagues for how many years out you can trade draft picks. Long Term beta set to 5 years, short term to 3 years. Let me know if this works.

March 10, 2004 at 11:33PM View BBCode

I can't access my Beta short term team. The drop-down menus on the main Beta page don't appear. Instead, I see this code:

Column 'league_draftpicktradeyears' not found. select left(league_date, 4) as leagueyear, league_teams, league_type, (to_days(now()) - to_days(owner_signup_date)) as timeper from league, team, owner where team_id = owner_team_id and team_league_id = league_id and owner_id = 'RSS1'

March 11, 2004 at 05:13PM View BBCode

There was an error for a couple minutes. So you either were on the site in those few minutes, or your browser is cacheing the page from those few minutes. Are you still having this problem?

March 11, 2004 at 08:33PM View BBCode

Yes -- same problem. Same coding at the top of the page -- no pull-down menus. I can't access the Kansas City Betaniks.

March 11, 2004 at 09:46PM View BBCode

I think I see what it is. Give it another try and let me know if it works now. It looks like it was only a problem for people logging in - most of us were already logged in from before.

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