Sim Dynasty
Sim Dynasty
 Initial Draft:  Preferences  Order  Results     Amateur Draft:  Preferences   Order  Results   Summary     Expansion Draft:  Preferences   Results   

Draft Pick Trades

Murray Maddux League - 2054
American LeagueA.L.Rd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5
Kansas CityKC Royales (113-49)
ChicagoCHA SPQR (105-57)
AnaheimANA Aņejo (102-60)
TorontoTOR Blue Jays (90-72)
DetroitDET Light Guard (65-97)
BostonBOS Arsenal (64-98)
Los AngelesLAA Rascals (59-103)
OaklandOAK Athletics (50-112)
National LeagueN.L.Rd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5
San DiegoSD Zoo (113-49)
San FranciscoSF 319ers (102-60)
New YorkNYN Knights (89-73)
HoustonHOU Colt .45s (81-81)
MontrealMON Feroce (78-84)
St. LouisSTL Cardinals (71-91)
ArizonaARI Lightning (60-102)
FloridaFLA Flyboys (54-108)

indicates that the team has not traded this draft pick
Otherwise, the logo of the team the pick has been traded to is shown.

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