Sim Dynasty
Sim Dynasty

Depth Chart

You are unable to trade with this owner.
Team owner: DynastyBot (PM not available), last active on 03-14-2020

Lineup Vs RHP | Lineup Vs LHP | Rotation & Bullpen | Minor Leagues | Depth Chart | Backups Vs RHP | Backups Vs LHP

vs Right  vs Left
C: No starter
1B: No starter
2B: No starter
3B: No starter
SS: No starter
LF: No starter
CF: No starter
RF: No starter
Notes from team owner DynastyBot: Under control of DynastyBot; trades are not currently being accepted.  (Updated 2020-03-14)
** Key **
Trd: Propose Trade for Player | Tot: Total Rating | Hlt: Health | Mnt: Approx. Mentoring Value | CvR: Contact Vs Righty | PvR: Power Vs Righty | CvL: Contact Vs Lefty | PvL: Power Vs Lefty | Spd: Speed |  Rng: Defensive Range | Arm: Defensive Arm