Win: George Heaton (3-1) Loss: Coco White (1-4)
Save: Frank Cathedral (8)
Inning: 1 Washington George Heaton pitching. Inning: 1 Washington George Heaton pitching. Inning: 1 Washington George Heaton pitching. Jose Hernandez strikes out. Jose Hernandez strikes out. Jose Hernandez strikes out. Orville Pepper grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted). Orville Pepper grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted). Orville Pepper grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted). Don Cornejo hits a home run. Don Cornejo hits a home run. Don Cornejo hits a home run. Art McKelvey walks. Art McKelvey walks. Art McKelvey walks. Tex Turbeville flies out to the center fielder. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 1 Toronto Coco White pitching. Tex Turbeville flies out to the center fielder. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 1 Toronto Coco White pitching. Tex Turbeville flies out to the center fielder. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 1 Toronto Coco White pitching. Rik Stonerite strikes out. Rik Stonerite strikes out. Rik Stonerite strikes out. John Langsford grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted). John Langsford grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted). John Langsford grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted). Mark Bernal walks. Mark Bernal walks. Mark Bernal walks. Aki Ohara flies out to the right fielder. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 2 Washington Aki Ohara flies out to the right fielder. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 2 Washington Aki Ohara flies out to the right fielder. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 2 Washington Roy Clary grounds out to the shortstop. Roy Clary grounds out to the shortstop. Roy Clary grounds out to the shortstop. Pete Turley flies out to the left fielder. Pete Turley flies out to the left fielder. Pete Turley flies out to the left fielder. Willie Hamilton is hit by a pitch. Willie Hamilton is hit by a pitch. Willie Hamilton is hit by a pitch. Willie Hamilton steals second. Willie Hamilton steals second. Willie Hamilton steals second. Coco White flies out to the left fielder. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 2 Toronto Coco White flies out to the left fielder. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 2 Toronto Coco White flies out to the left fielder. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 2 Toronto Ed DeMerit grounds out to the shortstop. Ed DeMerit grounds out to the shortstop. Ed DeMerit grounds out to the shortstop. Pat Burkart grounds out to the second baseman. Pat Burkart grounds out to the second baseman. Pat Burkart grounds out to the second baseman. Greg Ojala flies out to the center fielder. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 3 Washington Greg Ojala flies out to the center fielder. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 3 Washington Greg Ojala flies out to the center fielder. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 3 Washington Jose Hernandez grounds out to the second baseman. Jose Hernandez grounds out to the second baseman. Jose Hernandez grounds out to the second baseman. Orville Pepper strikes out. Orville Pepper strikes out. Orville Pepper strikes out. Don Cornejo hits a home run. Don Cornejo hits a home run. Don Cornejo hits a home run. Art McKelvey flies out to the left fielder. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 3 Toronto Art McKelvey flies out to the left fielder. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 3 Toronto Art McKelvey flies out to the left fielder. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 3 Toronto Chico Lerch grounds out to the shortstop. Chico Lerch grounds out to the shortstop. Chico Lerch grounds out to the shortstop. George Heaton flies out to the left fielder. George Heaton flies out to the left fielder. George Heaton flies out to the left fielder. Rik Stonerite flies out to the center fielder. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 4 Washington Rik Stonerite flies out to the center fielder. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 4 Washington Rik Stonerite flies out to the center fielder. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 4 Washington Tex Turbeville grounds out to the pitcher. Tex Turbeville grounds out to the pitcher. Tex Turbeville grounds out to the pitcher. Roy Clary strikes out. Roy Clary strikes out. Roy Clary strikes out. Pete Turley strikes out. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 4 Toronto Pete Turley strikes out. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 4 Toronto Pete Turley strikes out. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 4 Toronto John Langsford strikes out. John Langsford strikes out. John Langsford strikes out. Mark Bernal flies out to the center fielder. Mark Bernal flies out to the center fielder. Mark Bernal flies out to the center fielder. Aki Ohara singles to center field. Aki Ohara singles to center field. Aki Ohara singles to center field. Aki Ohara steals second. Aki Ohara steals second. Aki Ohara steals second. Ed DeMerit grounds out to the third baseman. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 5 Washington Ed DeMerit grounds out to the third baseman. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 5 Washington Ed DeMerit grounds out to the third baseman. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 5 Washington Willie Hamilton singles to center field. Willie Hamilton singles to center field. Willie Hamilton singles to center field. Willie Hamilton steals second. Willie Hamilton steals second. Willie Hamilton steals second. Coco White lays down a bunt. The first baseman fields the ball and Willie Hamilton is thrown out at third. Coco White lays down a bunt. The first baseman fields the ball and Willie Hamilton is thrown out at third. Coco White lays down a bunt. The first baseman fields the ball and Willie Hamilton is thrown out at third. Jose Hernandez flies out to the left fielder. Jose Hernandez flies out to the left fielder. Jose Hernandez flies out to the left fielder. Orville Pepper strikes out. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 5 Toronto Orville Pepper strikes out. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 5 Toronto Orville Pepper strikes out. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 5 Toronto Pat Burkart grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted). Pat Burkart grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted). Pat Burkart grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted). Greg Ojala strikes out. Greg Ojala strikes out. Greg Ojala strikes out. Chico Lerch reached on a 2-base throwing error by Tex Turbeville. Chico Lerch reached on a 2-base throwing error by Tex Turbeville. Chico Lerch reached on a 2-base throwing error by Tex Turbeville. George Heaton singles to right field. Chico Lerch is thrown out at the plate by the right fielder. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 6 Washington George Heaton singles to right field. Chico Lerch is thrown out at the plate by the right fielder. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 6 Washington George Heaton singles to right field. Chico Lerch is thrown out at the plate by the right fielder. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 6 Washington Don Cornejo grounds out to the second baseman. Don Cornejo grounds out to the second baseman. Don Cornejo grounds out to the second baseman. Art McKelvey singles to left field. Art McKelvey singles to left field. Art McKelvey singles to left field. Art McKelvey steals second. Art McKelvey steals second. Art McKelvey steals second. Tex Turbeville flies out to the left fielder. Tex Turbeville flies out to the left fielder. Tex Turbeville flies out to the left fielder. Roy Clary grounds out to the second baseman. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 6 Toronto Roy Clary grounds out to the second baseman. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 6 Toronto Roy Clary grounds out to the second baseman. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 6 Toronto Rik Stonerite strikes out. Rik Stonerite strikes out. Rik Stonerite strikes out. John Langsford singles to left field. John Langsford singles to left field. John Langsford singles to left field. Mark Bernal grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted). John Langsford advances to second on the play. Mark Bernal grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted). John Langsford advances to second on the play. Mark Bernal grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted). John Langsford advances to second on the play. Aki Ohara pops out to the third baseman. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 7 Washington Aki Ohara pops out to the third baseman. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 7 Washington Aki Ohara pops out to the third baseman. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 7 Washington Pete Turley grounds out to the third baseman - great play by the third baseman to prevent a single! Pete Turley grounds out to the third baseman - great play by the third baseman to prevent a single! Pete Turley grounds out to the third baseman - great play by the third baseman to prevent a single! Willie Hamilton singles to right field. Willie Hamilton singles to right field. Willie Hamilton singles to right field. Willie Hamilton steals second. Willie Hamilton steals second. Willie Hamilton steals second. Coco White strikes out. Coco White strikes out. Coco White strikes out. Jose Hernandez flies out to the left fielder. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 7 Toronto Jose Hernandez flies out to the left fielder. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 7 Toronto Jose Hernandez flies out to the left fielder. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 7 Toronto Ed DeMerit singles to center field. Ed DeMerit singles to center field. Ed DeMerit singles to center field. Pat Burkart strikes out. Pat Burkart strikes out. Pat Burkart strikes out. Ed DeMerit steals second. Ed DeMerit steals second. Ed DeMerit steals second. Greg Ojala singles past the first baseman. Ed DeMerit scores. Greg Ojala singles past the first baseman. Ed DeMerit scores. Greg Ojala singles past the first baseman. Ed DeMerit scores. Chico Lerch strikes out. Chico Lerch strikes out. Chico Lerch strikes out. Joe Wells is pinch hitting for George Heaton. Pinch hitting for the pitcher because he is tired. Greg Ojala steals second. Joe Wells is pinch hitting for George Heaton. Pinch hitting for the pitcher because he is tired. Greg Ojala steals second. Joe Wells is pinch hitting for George Heaton. Pinch hitting for the pitcher because he is tired. Greg Ojala steals second. Joe Wells hits a home run. Greg Ojala scores. Joe Wells hits a home run. Greg Ojala scores. Joe Wells hits a home run. Greg Ojala scores. Rik Stonerite flies out to the left fielder. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 8 Washington George Cubbage pitching. Rik Stonerite flies out to the left fielder. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 8 Washington George Cubbage pitching. Rik Stonerite flies out to the left fielder. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 8 Washington George Cubbage pitching. Orville Pepper grounds out to the second baseman. Orville Pepper grounds out to the second baseman. Orville Pepper grounds out to the second baseman. Don Cornejo singles to right field. Don Cornejo singles to right field. Don Cornejo singles to right field. Don Cornejo steals second. Don Cornejo steals second. Don Cornejo steals second. Art McKelvey grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted). Don Cornejo advances to third on the play. Art McKelvey grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted). Don Cornejo advances to third on the play. Art McKelvey grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted). Don Cornejo advances to third on the play. Tex Turbeville strikes out. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 8 Toronto Tex Turbeville strikes out. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 8 Toronto Tex Turbeville strikes out. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 8 Toronto John Langsford singles to left field. John Langsford singles to left field. John Langsford singles to left field. Mark Bernal singles to left field. John Langsford advances to third on the hit. Mark Bernal singles to left field. John Langsford advances to third on the hit. Mark Bernal singles to left field. John Langsford advances to third on the hit. Aki Ohara flies out to the left fielder. Runner on third tags, John Langsford scores. Aki Ohara flies out to the left fielder. Runner on third tags, John Langsford scores. Aki Ohara flies out to the left fielder. Runner on third tags, John Langsford scores. Kid Porray comes in from the bullpen to pitch. Pitcher is being pulled because of the certain circumstances stamina rule for Starting Pitchers stats. Ed DeMerit walks. Kid Porray comes in from the bullpen to pitch. Pitcher is being pulled because of the certain circumstances stamina rule for Starting Pitchers stats. Ed DeMerit walks. Kid Porray comes in from the bullpen to pitch. Pitcher is being pulled because of the certain circumstances stamina rule for Starting Pitchers stats. Ed DeMerit walks. Pat Burkart grounds out to the second baseman. Mark Bernal advances to third on the play. Ed DeMerit advances to second on the play. Pat Burkart grounds out to the second baseman. Mark Bernal advances to third on the play. Ed DeMerit advances to second on the play. Pat Burkart grounds out to the second baseman. Mark Bernal advances to third on the play. Ed DeMerit advances to second on the play. Greg Ojala bunts for a base hit. Mark Bernal scores. Greg Ojala bunts for a base hit. Mark Bernal scores. Greg Ojala bunts for a base hit. Mark Bernal scores. Chico Lerch strikes out. Runners left on base: 2 Inning: 9 Washington Chico Lerch strikes out. Runners left on base: 2 Inning: 9 Washington Chico Lerch strikes out. Runners left on base: 2 Inning: 9 Washington Frank Cathedral comes in from the bullpen to pitch. Pitcher is being pulled because of save situation rule. March Miller is pinch hitting for Roy Clary. March Miller flies out to the left fielder. Frank Cathedral comes in from the bullpen to pitch. Pitcher is being pulled because of save situation rule. March Miller is pinch hitting for Roy Clary. March Miller flies out to the left fielder. Frank Cathedral comes in from the bullpen to pitch. Pitcher is being pulled because of save situation rule. March Miller is pinch hitting for Roy Clary. March Miller flies out to the left fielder. Pete Turley grounds out to the shortstop. Pete Turley grounds out to the shortstop. Pete Turley grounds out to the shortstop. Willie Hamilton grounds out to the second baseman. Runners left on base: 0 Washington total runners left on base: 6 Toronto total runners left on base: 6 Willie Hamilton grounds out to the second baseman. Runners left on base: 0 Washington total runners left on base: 6 Toronto total runners left on base: 6 Willie Hamilton grounds out to the second baseman. Runners left on base: 0 Washington total runners left on base: 6 Toronto total runners left on base: 6