Inning: 1 Los Angeles
Charlie Brewer pitching.
Inning: 1 Los Angeles
Charlie Brewer pitching.
Inning: 1 Los Angeles
Charlie Brewer pitching.
Jack Hassey grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted).
Jack Hassey grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted).
Jack Hassey grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted).
Wedo Kelly lines out to the shortstop.
Wedo Kelly lines out to the shortstop.
Wedo Kelly lines out to the shortstop.
Hobie Jones is hit by a pitch.
Hobie Jones is hit by a pitch.
Hobie Jones is hit by a pitch.
Hobie Jones gets picked off first.
Runners left on base: 0
Inning: 1 Cleveland
Edgar Spring pitching.
Hobie Jones gets picked off first.
Runners left on base: 0
Inning: 1 Cleveland
Edgar Spring pitching.
Hobie Jones gets picked off first.
Runners left on base: 0
Inning: 1 Cleveland
Edgar Spring pitching.
Charlie Birrer flies out to the right fielder.
Charlie Birrer flies out to the right fielder.
Charlie Birrer flies out to the right fielder.
Jack Williams strikes out.
Jack Williams strikes out.
Jack Williams strikes out.
Greg Curtis grounds out to the shortstop.
Runners left on base: 0
Inning: 2 Los Angeles
Greg Curtis grounds out to the shortstop.
Runners left on base: 0
Inning: 2 Los Angeles
Greg Curtis grounds out to the shortstop.
Runners left on base: 0
Inning: 2 Los Angeles
Ross Hofman singles to right field.
Ross Hofman singles to right field.
Ross Hofman singles to right field.
Sonny Cunningham singles to left field.
Sonny Cunningham singles to left field.
Sonny Cunningham singles to left field.
Carl Phillips grounds into a 6-4-3 double play.
Ross Hofman advances to third on the play.
Carl Phillips grounds into a 6-4-3 double play.
Ross Hofman advances to third on the play.
Carl Phillips grounds into a 6-4-3 double play.
Ross Hofman advances to third on the play.
Jack Gonzalez walks.
Jack Gonzalez walks.
Jack Gonzalez walks.
Luis Brinkopf flies out to the right fielder.
Runners left on base: 2
Inning: 2 Cleveland
Luis Brinkopf flies out to the right fielder.
Runners left on base: 2
Inning: 2 Cleveland
Luis Brinkopf flies out to the right fielder.
Runners left on base: 2
Inning: 2 Cleveland
Ryan Smith grounds out to the third baseman.
Ryan Smith grounds out to the third baseman.
Ryan Smith grounds out to the third baseman.
Alan Roe grounds out to the pitcher.
Alan Roe grounds out to the pitcher.
Alan Roe grounds out to the pitcher.
Vance Fernandez strikes out.
Runners left on base: 0
Inning: 3 Los Angeles
Vance Fernandez strikes out.
Runners left on base: 0
Inning: 3 Los Angeles
Vance Fernandez strikes out.
Runners left on base: 0
Inning: 3 Los Angeles
Edgar Spring strikes out.
Edgar Spring strikes out.
Edgar Spring strikes out.
Jack Hassey strikes out.
Jack Hassey strikes out.
Jack Hassey strikes out.
Wedo Kelly strikes out.
Runners left on base: 0
Inning: 3 Cleveland
Wedo Kelly strikes out.
Runners left on base: 0
Inning: 3 Cleveland
Wedo Kelly strikes out.
Runners left on base: 0
Inning: 3 Cleveland
Art Oberlin pops out to the pitcher.
Art Oberlin pops out to the pitcher.
Art Oberlin pops out to the pitcher.
Alex Dihigo grounds out to the second baseman.
Alex Dihigo grounds out to the second baseman.
Alex Dihigo grounds out to the second baseman.
Charlie Brewer strikes out.
Runners left on base: 0
Inning: 4 Los Angeles
Charlie Brewer strikes out.
Runners left on base: 0
Inning: 4 Los Angeles
Charlie Brewer strikes out.
Runners left on base: 0
Inning: 4 Los Angeles
Hobie Jones doubles to right field.
Hobie Jones doubles to right field.
Hobie Jones doubles to right field.
Ross Hofman grounds out to the shortstop.
Ross Hofman grounds out to the shortstop.
Ross Hofman grounds out to the shortstop.
Sonny Cunningham singles to left field.
Hobie Jones scores.
Sonny Cunningham singles to left field.
Hobie Jones scores.
Sonny Cunningham singles to left field.
Hobie Jones scores.
Carl Phillips walks.
Carl Phillips walks.
Carl Phillips walks.
Jack Gonzalez singles to left field.
Sonny Cunningham scores.
Carl Phillips advances to third on the hit.
Jack Gonzalez singles to left field.
Sonny Cunningham scores.
Carl Phillips advances to third on the hit.
Jack Gonzalez singles to left field.
Sonny Cunningham scores.
Carl Phillips advances to third on the hit.
Luis Brinkopf grounds into a 6-4-3 double play.
Runners left on base: 1
Inning: 4 Cleveland
Luis Brinkopf grounds into a 6-4-3 double play.
Runners left on base: 1
Inning: 4 Cleveland
Luis Brinkopf grounds into a 6-4-3 double play.
Runners left on base: 1
Inning: 4 Cleveland
Charlie Birrer grounds out to the pitcher.
Charlie Birrer grounds out to the pitcher.
Charlie Birrer grounds out to the pitcher.
Jack Williams strikes out.
Jack Williams strikes out.
Jack Williams strikes out.
Greg Curtis flies out to the center fielder.
Runners left on base: 0
Inning: 5 Los Angeles
Greg Curtis flies out to the center fielder.
Runners left on base: 0
Inning: 5 Los Angeles
Greg Curtis flies out to the center fielder.
Runners left on base: 0
Inning: 5 Los Angeles
Edgar Spring grounds out to the third baseman - great play by the third baseman to prevent a single!
Edgar Spring grounds out to the third baseman - great play by the third baseman to prevent a single!
Edgar Spring grounds out to the third baseman - great play by the third baseman to prevent a single!
Jack Hassey lines out to the second baseman.
Jack Hassey lines out to the second baseman.
Jack Hassey lines out to the second baseman.
Wedo Kelly flies out to the center fielder.
Runners left on base: 0
Inning: 5 Cleveland
Wedo Kelly flies out to the center fielder.
Runners left on base: 0
Inning: 5 Cleveland
Wedo Kelly flies out to the center fielder.
Runners left on base: 0
Inning: 5 Cleveland
Ryan Smith strikes out.
Ryan Smith strikes out.
Ryan Smith strikes out.
Alan Roe grounds out to the shortstop.
Alan Roe grounds out to the shortstop.
Alan Roe grounds out to the shortstop.
Vance Fernandez strikes out.
Runners left on base: 0
Inning: 6 Los Angeles
Vance Fernandez strikes out.
Runners left on base: 0
Inning: 6 Los Angeles
Vance Fernandez strikes out.
Runners left on base: 0
Inning: 6 Los Angeles
Hobie Jones singles past the shortstop.
Hobie Jones singles past the shortstop.
Hobie Jones singles past the shortstop.
Ross Hofman flies out to the right fielder.
Ross Hofman flies out to the right fielder.
Ross Hofman flies out to the right fielder.
Hobie Jones steals second.
Hobie Jones steals second.
Hobie Jones steals second.
Sonny Cunningham grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted).
Hobie Jones advances to third on the play.
Sonny Cunningham grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted).
Hobie Jones advances to third on the play.
Sonny Cunningham grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted).
Hobie Jones advances to third on the play.
Carl Phillips walks.
Carl Phillips walks.
Carl Phillips walks.
Jack Gonzalez grounds out to the shortstop.
Runners left on base: 2
Inning: 6 Cleveland
Jack Gonzalez grounds out to the shortstop.
Runners left on base: 2
Inning: 6 Cleveland
Jack Gonzalez grounds out to the shortstop.
Runners left on base: 2
Inning: 6 Cleveland
Art Oberlin flies out to the right fielder.
Art Oberlin flies out to the right fielder.
Art Oberlin flies out to the right fielder.
Alex Dihigo pops out to the second baseman.
Alex Dihigo pops out to the second baseman.
Alex Dihigo pops out to the second baseman.
Charlie Brewer flies out to the center fielder.
Runners left on base: 0
Inning: 7 Los Angeles
Charlie Brewer flies out to the center fielder.
Runners left on base: 0
Inning: 7 Los Angeles
Charlie Brewer flies out to the center fielder.
Runners left on base: 0
Inning: 7 Los Angeles
Luis Brinkopf strikes out.
Luis Brinkopf strikes out.
Luis Brinkopf strikes out.
Edgar Spring flies out to the right fielder.
Edgar Spring flies out to the right fielder.
Edgar Spring flies out to the right fielder.
Chris Beard comes in from the bullpen to pitch.
Pitcher is being pulled because of the certain circumstances stamina rule for Starting Pitchers stats.
Jack Hassey pops out to the catcher.
Runners left on base: 0
Inning: 7 Cleveland
Chris Beard comes in from the bullpen to pitch.
Pitcher is being pulled because of the certain circumstances stamina rule for Starting Pitchers stats.
Jack Hassey pops out to the catcher.
Runners left on base: 0
Inning: 7 Cleveland
Chris Beard comes in from the bullpen to pitch.
Pitcher is being pulled because of the certain circumstances stamina rule for Starting Pitchers stats.
Jack Hassey pops out to the catcher.
Runners left on base: 0
Inning: 7 Cleveland
Charlie Birrer grounds out to the shortstop.
Charlie Birrer grounds out to the shortstop.
Charlie Birrer grounds out to the shortstop.
Jack Williams pops out to the third baseman.
Jack Williams pops out to the third baseman.
Jack Williams pops out to the third baseman.
Greg Curtis walks.
Greg Curtis walks.
Greg Curtis walks.
Ryan Smith flies out to the center fielder.
Runners left on base: 1
Inning: 8 Los Angeles
Ryan Smith flies out to the center fielder.
Runners left on base: 1
Inning: 8 Los Angeles
Ryan Smith flies out to the center fielder.
Runners left on base: 1
Inning: 8 Los Angeles
Wedo Kelly grounds out to the second baseman.
Wedo Kelly grounds out to the second baseman.
Wedo Kelly grounds out to the second baseman.
Hobie Jones singles to center field.
Hobie Jones singles to center field.
Hobie Jones singles to center field.
Ross Hofman strikes out.
Ross Hofman strikes out.
Ross Hofman strikes out.
Sonny Cunningham grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted).
Runners left on base: 1
Inning: 8 Cleveland
Sonny Cunningham grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted).
Runners left on base: 1
Inning: 8 Cleveland
Sonny Cunningham grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted).
Runners left on base: 1
Inning: 8 Cleveland
Alan Roe strikes out.
Alan Roe strikes out.
Alan Roe strikes out.
Vance Fernandez walks.
Vance Fernandez walks.
Vance Fernandez walks.
Johnny Donohue is pinch hitting for Art Oberlin.
Vance Fernandez is out trying to steal second (2B covering 2nd).
Johnny Donohue is pinch hitting for Art Oberlin.
Vance Fernandez is out trying to steal second (2B covering 2nd).
Johnny Donohue is pinch hitting for Art Oberlin.
Vance Fernandez is out trying to steal second (2B covering 2nd).
Johnny Donohue grounds out to the pitcher.
Runners left on base: 0
Inning: 9 Los Angeles
Harry Kuhn enters the game as a defensive replacement for Johnny Donohue at LF.
Johnny Donohue grounds out to the pitcher.
Runners left on base: 0
Inning: 9 Los Angeles
Harry Kuhn enters the game as a defensive replacement for Johnny Donohue at LF.
Johnny Donohue grounds out to the pitcher.
Runners left on base: 0
Inning: 9 Los Angeles
Harry Kuhn enters the game as a defensive replacement for Johnny Donohue at LF.
Carl Phillips singles to right field.
Carl Phillips singles to right field.
Carl Phillips singles to right field.
Jack Gonzalez walks.
Jack Gonzalez walks.
Jack Gonzalez walks.
Luis Brinkopf singles to right field.
Carl Phillips scores.
Jack Gonzalez advances to third on the hit.
Luis Brinkopf singles to right field.
Carl Phillips scores.
Jack Gonzalez advances to third on the hit.
Luis Brinkopf singles to right field.
Carl Phillips scores.
Jack Gonzalez advances to third on the hit.
Cecil Strohmayer comes in from the bullpen to pitch.
Edgar Spring flies out to the center fielder. Runner on third tags,
Jack Gonzalez scores.
Cecil Strohmayer comes in from the bullpen to pitch.
Edgar Spring flies out to the center fielder. Runner on third tags,
Jack Gonzalez scores.
Cecil Strohmayer comes in from the bullpen to pitch.
Edgar Spring flies out to the center fielder. Runner on third tags,
Jack Gonzalez scores.
Luis Brinkopf steals second.
Luis Brinkopf steals second.
Luis Brinkopf steals second.
Jack Hassey strikes out.
Jack Hassey strikes out.
Jack Hassey strikes out.
Wedo Kelly singles past the second baseman.
Luis Brinkopf scores.
Wedo Kelly singles past the second baseman.
Luis Brinkopf scores.
Wedo Kelly singles past the second baseman.
Luis Brinkopf scores.
Hobie Jones strikes out.
Runners left on base: 1
Inning: 9 Cleveland
Hobie Jones strikes out.
Runners left on base: 1
Inning: 9 Cleveland
Hobie Jones strikes out.
Runners left on base: 1
Inning: 9 Cleveland
Nemo DiSarcina is pinch hitting for Alex Dihigo. Pinch hitting to get a younger player some at bats.
Nemo DiSarcina grounds out to the third baseman.
Nemo DiSarcina is pinch hitting for Alex Dihigo. Pinch hitting to get a younger player some at bats.
Nemo DiSarcina grounds out to the third baseman.
Nemo DiSarcina is pinch hitting for Alex Dihigo. Pinch hitting to get a younger player some at bats.
Nemo DiSarcina grounds out to the third baseman.
Don Estock is pinch hitting for Cecil Strohmayer. Pinch hitting for the pitcher because it is the last at bat.
Don Estock flies out to the center fielder.
Don Estock is pinch hitting for Cecil Strohmayer. Pinch hitting for the pitcher because it is the last at bat.
Don Estock flies out to the center fielder.
Don Estock is pinch hitting for Cecil Strohmayer. Pinch hitting for the pitcher because it is the last at bat.
Don Estock flies out to the center fielder.
Charlie Birrer grounds out to the second baseman.
Runners left on base: 0
Los Angeles total runners LOB: 7
Cleveland total runners LOB: 1
Charlie Birrer grounds out to the second baseman.
Runners left on base: 0
Los Angeles total runners LOB: 7
Cleveland total runners LOB: 1
Charlie Birrer grounds out to the second baseman.
Runners left on base: 0
Los Angeles total runners LOB: 7
Cleveland total runners LOB: 1
Loading images... please wait |
2B - Hobie Jones (7), Hobie Jones (7), Hobie Jones (7), Hobie Jones (7), Hobie Jones (7), Hobie Jones (7), Hobie Jones (7), Hobie Jones (7), Hobie Jones (7).
SF - Edgar Spring, Edgar Spring, Edgar Spring, Edgar Spring, Edgar Spring, Edgar Spring, Edgar Spring, Edgar Spring, Edgar Spring.
GIDP - Carl Phillips, Carl Phillips, Carl Phillips, Carl Phillips, Carl Phillips, Carl Phillips, Carl Phillips, Carl Phillips, Carl Phillips, Luis Brinkopf, Luis Brinkopf, Luis Brinkopf, Luis Brinkopf, Luis Brinkopf, Luis Brinkopf, Luis Brinkopf, Luis Brinkopf, Luis Brinkopf.
HBP - Hobie Jones (1), Hobie Jones (1), Hobie Jones (1), Hobie Jones (1), Hobie Jones (1), Hobie Jones (1), Hobie Jones (1), Hobie Jones (1), Hobie Jones (1).
SB - Hobie Jones (14), Hobie Jones (14), Hobie Jones (14), Hobie Jones (14), Hobie Jones (14), Hobie Jones (14), Hobie Jones (14), Hobie Jones (14), Hobie Jones (14), Luis Brinkopf (10), Luis Brinkopf (10), Luis Brinkopf (10), Luis Brinkopf (10), Luis Brinkopf (10), Luis Brinkopf (10), Luis Brinkopf (10), Luis Brinkopf (10), Luis Brinkopf (10).
Pitcher | ip | h | r | er | bb | so | wp |
Edgar Spring | 9.0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 7 | 0 |
Totals | 9.0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 7 | 0 |
CS - Vance Fernandez (1), Vance Fernandez (1), Vance Fernandez (1), Vance Fernandez (1), Vance Fernandez (1), Vance Fernandez (1), Vance Fernandez (1), Vance Fernandez (1), Vance Fernandez (1).
Game Notes
Los Angeles Mentoring: SP Mentor Grade: B- RP Mentor Grade: B- Batter Mentor Grade: A- Improvements: Al Tanana did not respond to coaching in arm Charlie Carrasquel did not respond to coaching in speed Jason Owen improves in range
Cleveland Mentoring: SP Mentor Grade: C RP Mentor Grade: B- Batter Mentor Grade: C+ Improvements: Greg Howard improves in speed Mike Baney improves in power_vs_lefty Ivy Gonzalez did not respond to coaching in endurance