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2013 Regular Season Game 97 (07/20/2013)
Boston Screaming Monkeys at Seattle Pilots
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Dickie Upright, V strikes out.
Dickie Upright, V strikes out.
Dickie Upright, V strikes out.
Dickie Upright, V strikes out.
Dickie Upright, V strikes out.
Dickie Upright, V strikes out.
Buddy Jade strikes out.
Buddy Jade strikes out.
Buddy Jade strikes out.
Buddy Jade strikes out.
Buddy Jade strikes out.
Buddy Jade strikes out.
Rocky Mo Davis flies out to the left fielder.
Rocky Mo Davis flies out to the left fielder.
Rocky Mo Davis flies out to the left fielder.
Rocky Mo Davis flies out to the left fielder.
Rocky Mo Davis flies out to the left fielder.
Rocky Mo Davis flies out to the left fielder.
Red Faedo flies out to the center fielder.
Red Faedo flies out to the center fielder.
Red Faedo flies out to the center fielder.
Red Faedo flies out to the center fielder.
Red Faedo flies out to the center fielder.
Red Faedo flies out to the center fielder.
Joe Clemens flies out to the left fielder.
Joe Clemens flies out to the left fielder.
Joe Clemens flies out to the left fielder.
Joe Clemens flies out to the left fielder.
Joe Clemens flies out to the left fielder.
Joe Clemens flies out to the left fielder.
Don Marrero pops out to the second baseman.
Don Marrero pops out to the second baseman.
Don Marrero pops out to the second baseman.
Don Marrero pops out to the second baseman.
Don Marrero pops out to the second baseman.
Don Marrero pops out to the second baseman.
Pat Mangina flies out to the center fielder.
Pat Mangina flies out to the center fielder.
Pat Mangina flies out to the center fielder.
Pat Mangina flies out to the center fielder.
Pat Mangina flies out to the center fielder.
Pat Mangina flies out to the center fielder.
J.S. Binkie strikes out.
J.S. Binkie strikes out.
J.S. Binkie strikes out.
J.S. Binkie strikes out.
J.S. Binkie strikes out.
J.S. Binkie strikes out.
Gene Poole grounds out to the second baseman.
Gene Poole grounds out to the second baseman.
Gene Poole grounds out to the second baseman.
Gene Poole grounds out to the second baseman.
Gene Poole grounds out to the second baseman.
Gene Poole grounds out to the second baseman.
Jack Perez grounds out to the third baseman.
Jack Perez grounds out to the third baseman.
Jack Perez grounds out to the third baseman.
Jack Perez grounds out to the third baseman.
Jack Perez grounds out to the third baseman.
Jack Perez grounds out to the third baseman.
George Covington strikes out.
George Covington strikes out.
George Covington strikes out.
George Covington strikes out.
George Covington strikes out.
George Covington strikes out.
Fred Matthews flies out to the right fielder.
Fred Matthews flies out to the right fielder.
Fred Matthews flies out to the right fielder.
Fred Matthews flies out to the right fielder.
Fred Matthews flies out to the right fielder.
Fred Matthews flies out to the right fielder.
Carson Ott reached on a fielding error by Red Faedo.
Carson Ott reached on a fielding error by Red Faedo.
Carson Ott reached on a fielding error by Red Faedo.
Carson Ott reached on a fielding error by Red Faedo.
Carson Ott reached on a fielding error by Red Faedo.
Carson Ott reached on a fielding error by Red Faedo.
Willie Upright flies out to the left fielder.
Willie Upright flies out to the left fielder.
Willie Upright flies out to the left fielder.
Willie Upright flies out to the left fielder.
Willie Upright flies out to the left fielder.
Willie Upright flies out to the left fielder.
Tricky Perconte lays down a bunt to the first baseman. He is thrown out at first with the second baseman covering the bag. Runners advance.
Tricky Perconte lays down a bunt to the first baseman. He is thrown out at first with the second baseman covering the bag. Runners advance.
Tricky Perconte lays down a bunt to the first baseman. He is thrown out at first with the second baseman covering the bag. Runners advance.
Tricky Perconte lays down a bunt to the first baseman. He is thrown out at first with the second baseman covering the bag. Runners advance.
Tricky Perconte lays down a bunt to the first baseman. He is thrown out at first with the second baseman covering the bag. Runners advance.
Tricky Perconte lays down a bunt to the first baseman. He is thrown out at first with the second baseman covering the bag. Runners advance.
Dickie Upright, V walks.
Dickie Upright, V walks.
Dickie Upright, V walks.
Dickie Upright, V walks.
Dickie Upright, V walks.
Dickie Upright, V walks.
Buddy Jade flies out to the center fielder.
Buddy Jade flies out to the center fielder.
Buddy Jade flies out to the center fielder.
Buddy Jade flies out to the center fielder.
Buddy Jade flies out to the center fielder.
Buddy Jade flies out to the center fielder.
Don Darling flies out to the center fielder.
Don Darling flies out to the center fielder.
Don Darling flies out to the center fielder.
Don Darling flies out to the center fielder.
Don Darling flies out to the center fielder.
Don Darling flies out to the center fielder.
Kevin Morris strikes out.
Kevin Morris strikes out.
Kevin Morris strikes out.
Kevin Morris strikes out.
Kevin Morris strikes out.
Kevin Morris strikes out.
Al Boddicker flies out to the right fielder.
Al Boddicker flies out to the right fielder.
Al Boddicker flies out to the right fielder.
Al Boddicker flies out to the right fielder.
Al Boddicker flies out to the right fielder.
Al Boddicker flies out to the right fielder.
Rocky Mo Davis strikes out.
Rocky Mo Davis strikes out.
Rocky Mo Davis strikes out.
Rocky Mo Davis strikes out.
Rocky Mo Davis strikes out.
Rocky Mo Davis strikes out.
J.S. Binkie strikes out.
J.S. Binkie strikes out.
J.S. Binkie strikes out.
J.S. Binkie strikes out.
J.S. Binkie strikes out.
J.S. Binkie strikes out.
Gene Poole flies out to the center fielder.
Gene Poole flies out to the center fielder.
Gene Poole flies out to the center fielder.
Gene Poole flies out to the center fielder.
Gene Poole flies out to the center fielder.
Gene Poole flies out to the center fielder.
Red Faedo walks.
Red Faedo walks.
Red Faedo walks.
Red Faedo walks.
Red Faedo walks.
Red Faedo walks.
Red Faedo is out trying to steal second (SS covering 2nd).
Red Faedo is out trying to steal second (SS covering 2nd).
Red Faedo is out trying to steal second (SS covering 2nd).
Red Faedo is out trying to steal second (SS covering 2nd).
Red Faedo is out trying to steal second (SS covering 2nd).
Red Faedo is out trying to steal second (SS covering 2nd).
Joe Clemens walks.
Joe Clemens walks.
Joe Clemens walks.
Joe Clemens walks.
Joe Clemens walks.
Joe Clemens walks.
Don Marrero flies out to the left fielder.
Don Marrero flies out to the left fielder.
Don Marrero flies out to the left fielder.
Don Marrero flies out to the left fielder.
Don Marrero flies out to the left fielder.
Don Marrero flies out to the left fielder.
Joe Clemens steals second.
Joe Clemens steals second.
Joe Clemens steals second.
Joe Clemens steals second.
Joe Clemens steals second.
Joe Clemens steals second.
Jack Perez grounds out to the catcher.
Jack Perez grounds out to the catcher.
Jack Perez grounds out to the catcher.
Jack Perez grounds out to the catcher.
Jack Perez grounds out to the catcher.
Jack Perez grounds out to the catcher.
Carson Ott pops out to the third baseman.
Carson Ott pops out to the third baseman.
Carson Ott pops out to the third baseman.
Carson Ott pops out to the third baseman.
Carson Ott pops out to the third baseman.
Carson Ott pops out to the third baseman.
Willie Upright grounds out to the second baseman.
Willie Upright grounds out to the second baseman.
Willie Upright grounds out to the second baseman.
Willie Upright grounds out to the second baseman.
Willie Upright grounds out to the second baseman.
Willie Upright grounds out to the second baseman.
Tricky Perconte pops out to the shortstop.
Tricky Perconte pops out to the shortstop.
Tricky Perconte pops out to the shortstop.
Tricky Perconte pops out to the shortstop.
Tricky Perconte pops out to the shortstop.
Tricky Perconte pops out to the shortstop.
George Covington grounds out to the third baseman.
George Covington grounds out to the third baseman.
George Covington grounds out to the third baseman.
George Covington grounds out to the third baseman.
George Covington grounds out to the third baseman.
George Covington grounds out to the third baseman.
Fred Matthews flies out to the left fielder.
Fred Matthews flies out to the left fielder.
Fred Matthews flies out to the left fielder.
Fred Matthews flies out to the left fielder.
Fred Matthews flies out to the left fielder.
Fred Matthews flies out to the left fielder.
Don Darling strikes out.
Don Darling strikes out.
Don Darling strikes out.
Don Darling strikes out.
Don Darling strikes out.
Don Darling strikes out.
Dickie Upright, V pops out to the third baseman.
Dickie Upright, V pops out to the third baseman.
Dickie Upright, V pops out to the third baseman.
Dickie Upright, V pops out to the third baseman.
Dickie Upright, V pops out to the third baseman.
Dickie Upright, V pops out to the third baseman.
Buddy Jade singles to left field.
Buddy Jade singles to left field.
Buddy Jade singles to left field.
Buddy Jade singles to left field.
Buddy Jade singles to left field.
Buddy Jade singles to left field.
Rocky Mo Davis lines out to the first baseman.
Rocky Mo Davis lines out to the first baseman.
Rocky Mo Davis lines out to the first baseman.
Rocky Mo Davis lines out to the first baseman.
Rocky Mo Davis lines out to the first baseman.
Rocky Mo Davis lines out to the first baseman.
Pat Mangina pops out to the second baseman.
Pat Mangina pops out to the second baseman.
Pat Mangina pops out to the second baseman.
Pat Mangina pops out to the second baseman.
Pat Mangina pops out to the second baseman.
Pat Mangina pops out to the second baseman.
Kevin Morris grounds out to the pitcher.
Kevin Morris grounds out to the pitcher.
Kevin Morris grounds out to the pitcher.
Kevin Morris grounds out to the pitcher.
Kevin Morris grounds out to the pitcher.
Kevin Morris grounds out to the pitcher.
Al Boddicker grounds out to the shortstop.
Al Boddicker grounds out to the shortstop.
Al Boddicker grounds out to the shortstop.
Al Boddicker grounds out to the shortstop.
Al Boddicker grounds out to the shortstop.
Al Boddicker grounds out to the shortstop.
Red Faedo flies out to the left fielder.
Red Faedo flies out to the left fielder.
Red Faedo flies out to the left fielder.
Red Faedo flies out to the left fielder.
Red Faedo flies out to the left fielder.
Red Faedo flies out to the left fielder.
Gene Poole grounds out to the third baseman.
Gene Poole grounds out to the third baseman.
Gene Poole grounds out to the third baseman.
Gene Poole grounds out to the third baseman.
Gene Poole grounds out to the third baseman.
Gene Poole grounds out to the third baseman.
Carson Ott flies out to the left fielder.
Carson Ott flies out to the left fielder.
Carson Ott flies out to the left fielder.
Carson Ott flies out to the left fielder.
Carson Ott flies out to the left fielder.
Carson Ott flies out to the left fielder.
Willie Upright strikes out.
Willie Upright strikes out.
Willie Upright strikes out.
Willie Upright strikes out.
Willie Upright strikes out.
Willie Upright strikes out.
Joe Clemens grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted).
Joe Clemens grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted).
Joe Clemens grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted).
Joe Clemens grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted).
Joe Clemens grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted).
Joe Clemens grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted).
Don Marrero flies out to the center fielder.
Don Marrero flies out to the center fielder.
Don Marrero flies out to the center fielder.
Don Marrero flies out to the center fielder.
Don Marrero flies out to the center fielder.
Don Marrero flies out to the center fielder.
Jack Perez grounds out to the pitcher.
Jack Perez grounds out to the pitcher.
Jack Perez grounds out to the pitcher.
Jack Perez grounds out to the pitcher.
Jack Perez grounds out to the pitcher.
Jack Perez grounds out to the pitcher.
Tricky Perconte grounds out to the shortstop.
Tricky Perconte grounds out to the shortstop.
Tricky Perconte grounds out to the shortstop.
Tricky Perconte grounds out to the shortstop.
Tricky Perconte grounds out to the shortstop.
Tricky Perconte grounds out to the shortstop.
Dickie Upright, V singles to right field.
Dickie Upright, V singles to right field.
Dickie Upright, V singles to right field.
Dickie Upright, V singles to right field.
Dickie Upright, V singles to right field.
Dickie Upright, V singles to right field.
Buddy Jade grounds into a force play to the pitcher.
Dickie Upright, V is out at second base with the second baseman covering the bag.
Buddy Jade grounds into a force play to the pitcher.
Dickie Upright, V is out at second base with the second baseman covering the bag.
Buddy Jade grounds into a force play to the pitcher.
Dickie Upright, V is out at second base with the second baseman covering the bag.
Buddy Jade grounds into a force play to the pitcher.
Dickie Upright, V is out at second base with the second baseman covering the bag.
Buddy Jade grounds into a force play to the pitcher.
Dickie Upright, V is out at second base with the second baseman covering the bag.
Buddy Jade grounds into a force play to the pitcher.
Dickie Upright, V is out at second base with the second baseman covering the bag.
Rocky Mo Davis grounds into a force play to the first baseman.
Buddy Jade is out at second base with the shortstop covering the bag.
Rocky Mo Davis grounds into a force play to the first baseman.
Buddy Jade is out at second base with the shortstop covering the bag.
Rocky Mo Davis grounds into a force play to the first baseman.
Buddy Jade is out at second base with the shortstop covering the bag.
Rocky Mo Davis grounds into a force play to the first baseman.
Buddy Jade is out at second base with the shortstop covering the bag.
Rocky Mo Davis grounds into a force play to the first baseman.
Buddy Jade is out at second base with the shortstop covering the bag.
Rocky Mo Davis grounds into a force play to the first baseman.
Buddy Jade is out at second base with the shortstop covering the bag.
George Covington pops out to the third baseman.
George Covington pops out to the third baseman.
George Covington pops out to the third baseman.
George Covington pops out to the third baseman.
George Covington pops out to the third baseman.
George Covington pops out to the third baseman.
Fred Matthews strikes out.
Fred Matthews strikes out.
Fred Matthews strikes out.
Fred Matthews strikes out.
Fred Matthews strikes out.
Fred Matthews strikes out.
Don Darling strikes out.
Don Darling strikes out.
Don Darling strikes out.
Don Darling strikes out.
Don Darling strikes out.
Don Darling strikes out.
Pat Mangina singles to center field.
Pat Mangina singles to center field.
Pat Mangina singles to center field.
Pat Mangina singles to center field.
Pat Mangina singles to center field.
Pat Mangina singles to center field.
J.S. Binkie lines out to the second baseman.
J.S. Binkie lines out to the second baseman.
J.S. Binkie lines out to the second baseman.
J.S. Binkie lines out to the second baseman.
J.S. Binkie lines out to the second baseman.
J.S. Binkie lines out to the second baseman.
Gene Poole singles to center field.
Pat Mangina advances to third on the hit.
Gene Poole singles to center field.
Pat Mangina advances to third on the hit.
Gene Poole singles to center field.
Pat Mangina advances to third on the hit.
Gene Poole singles to center field.
Pat Mangina advances to third on the hit.
Gene Poole singles to center field.
Pat Mangina advances to third on the hit.
Gene Poole singles to center field.
Pat Mangina advances to third on the hit.
Gene Poole steals second.
Gene Poole steals second.
Gene Poole steals second.
Gene Poole steals second.
Gene Poole steals second.
Gene Poole steals second.
Carson Ott strikes out.
Carson Ott strikes out.
Carson Ott strikes out.
Carson Ott strikes out.
Carson Ott strikes out.
Carson Ott strikes out.
Willie Upright hits an infield single to the pitcher.
Willie Upright hits an infield single to the pitcher.
Willie Upright hits an infield single to the pitcher.
Willie Upright hits an infield single to the pitcher.
Willie Upright hits an infield single to the pitcher.
Willie Upright hits an infield single to the pitcher.
Tricky Perconte flies out to the center fielder.
Tricky Perconte flies out to the center fielder.
Tricky Perconte flies out to the center fielder.
Tricky Perconte flies out to the center fielder.
Tricky Perconte flies out to the center fielder.
Tricky Perconte flies out to the center fielder.
Kevin Morris flies out to the center fielder.
Kevin Morris flies out to the center fielder.
Kevin Morris flies out to the center fielder.
Kevin Morris flies out to the center fielder.
Kevin Morris flies out to the center fielder.
Kevin Morris flies out to the center fielder.
Travis Lowdermilk strikes out.
Travis Lowdermilk strikes out.
Travis Lowdermilk strikes out.
Travis Lowdermilk strikes out.
Travis Lowdermilk strikes out.
Travis Lowdermilk strikes out.
Red Faedo grounds out to the third baseman.
Red Faedo grounds out to the third baseman.
Red Faedo grounds out to the third baseman.
Red Faedo grounds out to the third baseman.
Red Faedo grounds out to the third baseman.
Red Faedo grounds out to the third baseman.


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