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2039 Regular Season Game 26 (04/29/2039)
Cleveland Chaperones at Boston Red Fox
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Calvin Chappell pops out to the second baseman.
Calvin Chappell pops out to the second baseman.
Calvin Chappell pops out to the second baseman.
Bobby Jimenez grounds out to the pitcher.
Bobby Jimenez grounds out to the pitcher.
Bobby Jimenez grounds out to the pitcher.
Alex Henke flies out to the left fielder.
Alex Henke flies out to the left fielder.
Alex Henke flies out to the left fielder.
Eddie Ellis grounds out to the shortstop.
Eddie Ellis grounds out to the shortstop.
Eddie Ellis grounds out to the shortstop.
Charlie Stafford grounds out to the shortstop.
Charlie Stafford grounds out to the shortstop.
Charlie Stafford grounds out to the shortstop.
Phil McCandless strikes out.
Phil McCandless strikes out.
Phil McCandless strikes out.
Brad Brazle strikes out.
Brad Brazle strikes out.
Brad Brazle strikes out.
Draymond Carter singles to right field.
Draymond Carter singles to right field.
Draymond Carter singles to right field.
Gus Moore reached on a 2-base fielding error by Al Maxie.
Gus Moore reached on a 2-base fielding error by Al Maxie.
Gus Moore reached on a 2-base fielding error by Al Maxie.
Al Geary grounds out to the pitcher.
Al Geary grounds out to the pitcher.
Al Geary grounds out to the pitcher.
Al Poetz pops out to the first baseman.
Al Poetz pops out to the first baseman.
Al Poetz pops out to the first baseman.
Andre Dood doubles to center field.
Andre Dood doubles to center field.
Andre Dood doubles to center field.
Al Maxie doubles to left field.
Al Maxie doubles to left field.
Al Maxie doubles to left field.
Clay Currie grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted).
Al Maxie advances to third on the play.
Clay Currie grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted).
Al Maxie advances to third on the play.
Clay Currie grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted).
Al Maxie advances to third on the play.
Steve White walks.
Steve White walks.
Steve White walks.
Andre Lotz strikes out.
Andre Lotz strikes out.
Andre Lotz strikes out.
Steve White steals second.
Steve White steals second.
Steve White steals second.
Eddie Ellis flies out to the left fielder.
Eddie Ellis flies out to the left fielder.
Eddie Ellis flies out to the left fielder.
Calvin Chappell singles to center field.
Calvin Chappell singles to center field.
Calvin Chappell singles to center field.
Bobby Jimenez flies out to the center fielder.
Bobby Jimenez flies out to the center fielder.
Bobby Jimenez flies out to the center fielder.
Alex Henke singles to left field.
Calvin Chappell advances to third on the hit.
Alex Henke singles to left field.
Calvin Chappell advances to third on the hit.
Alex Henke singles to left field.
Calvin Chappell advances to third on the hit.
Brad Brazle flies out to the right fielder. Runner on third tags,
Brad Brazle flies out to the right fielder. Runner on third tags,
Brad Brazle flies out to the right fielder. Runner on third tags,
Draymond Carter walks.
Draymond Carter walks.
Draymond Carter walks.
Draymond Carter is out trying to steal second (SS covering 2nd).
Draymond Carter is out trying to steal second (SS covering 2nd).
Draymond Carter is out trying to steal second (SS covering 2nd).
Fred Clark flies out to the center fielder - great play by the center fielder to prevent a double!
Fred Clark flies out to the center fielder - great play by the center fielder to prevent a double!
Fred Clark flies out to the center fielder - great play by the center fielder to prevent a double!
Charlie Stafford grounds out to the second baseman.
Charlie Stafford grounds out to the second baseman.
Charlie Stafford grounds out to the second baseman.
Phil McCandless grounds out to the shortstop.
Phil McCandless grounds out to the shortstop.
Phil McCandless grounds out to the shortstop.
Gus Moore walks.
Gus Moore walks.
Gus Moore walks.
Al Geary grounds into a force play to the second baseman.
Gus Moore is out at second base with the shortstop covering the bag.
Al Geary grounds into a force play to the second baseman.
Gus Moore is out at second base with the shortstop covering the bag.
Al Geary grounds into a force play to the second baseman.
Gus Moore is out at second base with the shortstop covering the bag.
Al Poetz lays down a bunt to the third baseman. He is thrown out at first with the second baseman covering the bag. Runners advance.
Al Poetz lays down a bunt to the third baseman. He is thrown out at first with the second baseman covering the bag. Runners advance.
Al Poetz lays down a bunt to the third baseman. He is thrown out at first with the second baseman covering the bag. Runners advance.
Calvin Chappell flies out to the center fielder.
Calvin Chappell flies out to the center fielder.
Calvin Chappell flies out to the center fielder.
Andre Dood grounds out to the third baseman.
Andre Dood grounds out to the third baseman.
Andre Dood grounds out to the third baseman.
Al Maxie is hit by a pitch.
Al Maxie is hit by a pitch.
Al Maxie is hit by a pitch.
Al Maxie gets picked off first.
Al Maxie gets picked off first.
Al Maxie gets picked off first.
Clay Currie strikes out.
Clay Currie strikes out.
Clay Currie strikes out.
Bobby Jimenez walks.
Bobby Jimenez walks.
Bobby Jimenez walks.
Alex Henke flies out to the right fielder.
Alex Henke flies out to the right fielder.
Alex Henke flies out to the right fielder.
Brad Brazle grounds into a force play to the shortstop.
Bobby Jimenez is out at second base with the second baseman covering the bag.
Brad Brazle grounds into a force play to the shortstop.
Bobby Jimenez is out at second base with the second baseman covering the bag.
Brad Brazle grounds into a force play to the shortstop.
Bobby Jimenez is out at second base with the second baseman covering the bag.
Ray Hausmann grounds into a force play to the shortstop.
Brad Brazle is out at second base with the second baseman covering the bag.
Ray Hausmann grounds into a force play to the shortstop.
Brad Brazle is out at second base with the second baseman covering the bag.
Ray Hausmann grounds into a force play to the shortstop.
Brad Brazle is out at second base with the second baseman covering the bag.
Steve White walks.
Steve White walks.
Steve White walks.
Andre Lotz lays down a bunt to the first baseman. He is thrown out at first with the second baseman covering the bag. Runners advance.
Andre Lotz lays down a bunt to the first baseman. He is thrown out at first with the second baseman covering the bag. Runners advance.
Andre Lotz lays down a bunt to the first baseman. He is thrown out at first with the second baseman covering the bag. Runners advance.
Eddie Ellis doubles to right field.
Eddie Ellis doubles to right field.
Eddie Ellis doubles to right field.
Fred Clark grounds out to the shortstop.
Fred Clark grounds out to the shortstop.
Fred Clark grounds out to the shortstop.
Charlie Stafford strikes out.
Charlie Stafford strikes out.
Charlie Stafford strikes out.
Draymond Carter flies out to the left fielder.
Draymond Carter flies out to the left fielder.
Draymond Carter flies out to the left fielder.
Gus Moore walks.
Gus Moore walks.
Gus Moore walks.
Al Geary singles past the third baseman.
Al Geary singles past the third baseman.
Al Geary singles past the third baseman.
Al Poetz lays down a bunt to the first baseman. He is thrown out at first with the second baseman covering the bag. Runners advance.
Al Poetz lays down a bunt to the first baseman. He is thrown out at first with the second baseman covering the bag. Runners advance.
Al Poetz lays down a bunt to the first baseman. He is thrown out at first with the second baseman covering the bag. Runners advance.
Calvin Chappell singles to left field.
Calvin Chappell singles to left field.
Calvin Chappell singles to left field.
Bobby Jimenez flies out to the center fielder.
Bobby Jimenez flies out to the center fielder.
Bobby Jimenez flies out to the center fielder.
Phil McCandless flies out to the center fielder.
Phil McCandless flies out to the center fielder.
Phil McCandless flies out to the center fielder.
Andre Dood walks.
Andre Dood walks.
Andre Dood walks.
Al Maxie singles to left field.
Andre Dood advances to third on the hit.
Al Maxie singles to left field.
Andre Dood advances to third on the hit.
Al Maxie singles to left field.
Andre Dood advances to third on the hit.
Clay Currie flies out to the center fielder. Runner on third tags,
Clay Currie flies out to the center fielder. Runner on third tags,
Clay Currie flies out to the center fielder. Runner on third tags,
Al Maxie is out trying to steal second (2B covering 2nd).
Al Maxie is out trying to steal second (2B covering 2nd).
Al Maxie is out trying to steal second (2B covering 2nd).
Alex Henke singles to left field.
Alex Henke singles to left field.
Alex Henke singles to left field.
Brad Brazle doubles to right field.
Brad Brazle doubles to right field.
Brad Brazle doubles to right field.
Ray Hausmann pops out to the second baseman.
Ray Hausmann pops out to the second baseman.
Ray Hausmann pops out to the second baseman.
Draymond Carter singles to center field.
Draymond Carter singles to center field.
Draymond Carter singles to center field.
Gus Moore singles to center field.
Draymond Carter advances to third on the hit.
Gus Moore singles to center field.
Draymond Carter advances to third on the hit.
Gus Moore singles to center field.
Draymond Carter advances to third on the hit.
Gus Moore steals second.
Gus Moore steals second.
Gus Moore steals second.
Al Geary walks.
Al Geary walks.
Al Geary walks.
Al Poetz strikes out.
Al Poetz strikes out.
Al Poetz strikes out.
Calvin Chappell triples.
Calvin Chappell triples.
Calvin Chappell triples.
Bobby Jimenez singles to left field.
Bobby Jimenez singles to left field.
Bobby Jimenez singles to left field.
Alex Henke strikes out.
Alex Henke strikes out.
Alex Henke strikes out.
Steve White flies out to the right fielder.
Steve White flies out to the right fielder.
Steve White flies out to the right fielder.
Brian Force strikes out.
Brian Force strikes out.
Brian Force strikes out.
Rick Drews flies out to the center fielder.
Rick Drews flies out to the center fielder.
Rick Drews flies out to the center fielder.
Brad Brazle grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted).
Brad Brazle grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted).
Brad Brazle grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted).
Ray Hausmann strikes out.
Ray Hausmann strikes out.
Ray Hausmann strikes out.
Draymond Carter grounds out to the shortstop.
Draymond Carter grounds out to the shortstop.
Draymond Carter grounds out to the shortstop.
Fred Clark flies out to the left fielder.
Fred Clark flies out to the left fielder.
Fred Clark flies out to the left fielder.
Charlie Stafford walks.
Charlie Stafford walks.
Charlie Stafford walks.
Andre Dood walks.
Andre Dood walks.
Andre Dood walks.
Al Maxie flies out to the center fielder.
Al Maxie flies out to the center fielder.
Al Maxie flies out to the center fielder.
Clay Currie strikes out.
Clay Currie strikes out.
Clay Currie strikes out.
Gus Moore strikes out.
Gus Moore strikes out.
Gus Moore strikes out.
Al Geary strikes out.
Al Geary strikes out.
Al Geary strikes out.
Buddy Harrah strikes out.
Buddy Harrah strikes out.
Buddy Harrah strikes out.
Steve White strikes out.
Steve White strikes out.
Steve White strikes out.
Bradon Richey flies out to the left fielder.
Bradon Richey flies out to the left fielder.
Bradon Richey flies out to the left fielder.
Rick Drews flies out to the right fielder.
Rick Drews flies out to the right fielder.
Rick Drews flies out to the right fielder.


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