Inning: 1 New York F.J. Scott pitching. Inning: 1 New York F.J. Scott pitching. Inning: 1 New York F.J. Scott pitching. Inning: 1 New York F.J. Scott pitching. Milt Donovan flies out to the right fielder. Milt Donovan flies out to the right fielder. Milt Donovan flies out to the right fielder. Milt Donovan flies out to the right fielder. Zeek Watson grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted). Zeek Watson grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted). Zeek Watson grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted). Zeek Watson grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted). Clarence Worley strikes out. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 1 Chicago Don Gardner pitching. Clarence Worley strikes out. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 1 Chicago Don Gardner pitching. Clarence Worley strikes out. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 1 Chicago Don Gardner pitching. Clarence Worley strikes out. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 1 Chicago Don Gardner pitching. Jack McCullough singles. Jack McCullough singles. Jack McCullough singles. Jack McCullough singles. Royce Thompson strikes out. Royce Thompson strikes out. Royce Thompson strikes out. Royce Thompson strikes out. Bill Cook grounds into a force play to the shortstop. Jack McCullough is out at second base with the second baseman covering the bag. Bill Cook grounds into a force play to the shortstop. Jack McCullough is out at second base with the second baseman covering the bag. Bill Cook grounds into a force play to the shortstop. Jack McCullough is out at second base with the second baseman covering the bag. Bill Cook grounds into a force play to the shortstop. Jack McCullough is out at second base with the second baseman covering the bag. Scott Shireman strikes out. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 2 New York Scott Shireman strikes out. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 2 New York Scott Shireman strikes out. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 2 New York Scott Shireman strikes out. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 2 New York Dick Ritchie flies out to the left fielder. Dick Ritchie flies out to the left fielder. Dick Ritchie flies out to the left fielder. Dick Ritchie flies out to the left fielder. Steve Willis flies out to the center fielder. Steve Willis flies out to the center fielder. Steve Willis flies out to the center fielder. Steve Willis flies out to the center fielder. Bobby Buchek flies out to the right fielder. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 2 Chicago Bobby Buchek flies out to the right fielder. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 2 Chicago Bobby Buchek flies out to the right fielder. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 2 Chicago Bobby Buchek flies out to the right fielder. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 2 Chicago Paul Langdon grounds out to the second baseman - great play by the second baseman to prevent a single! Paul Langdon grounds out to the second baseman - great play by the second baseman to prevent a single! Paul Langdon grounds out to the second baseman - great play by the second baseman to prevent a single! Paul Langdon grounds out to the second baseman - great play by the second baseman to prevent a single! Ben Wilcox grounds out to the third baseman. Ben Wilcox grounds out to the third baseman. Ben Wilcox grounds out to the third baseman. Ben Wilcox grounds out to the third baseman. Chuck Collins hits a home run. Chuck Collins hits a home run. Chuck Collins hits a home run. Chuck Collins hits a home run. Jake Olsen singles. Jake Olsen singles. Jake Olsen singles. Jake Olsen singles. F.J. Scott pops out to the shortstop. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 3 New York F.J. Scott pops out to the shortstop. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 3 New York F.J. Scott pops out to the shortstop. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 3 New York F.J. Scott pops out to the shortstop. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 3 New York Mark Covington strikes out. Mark Covington strikes out. Mark Covington strikes out. Mark Covington strikes out. Gil Hanna flies out to the left fielder. Gil Hanna flies out to the left fielder. Gil Hanna flies out to the left fielder. Gil Hanna flies out to the left fielder. Don Gardner grounds out to the third baseman. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 3 Chicago Don Gardner grounds out to the third baseman. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 3 Chicago Don Gardner grounds out to the third baseman. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 3 Chicago Don Gardner grounds out to the third baseman. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 3 Chicago Jack McCullough grounds out to the second baseman. Jack McCullough grounds out to the second baseman. Jack McCullough grounds out to the second baseman. Jack McCullough grounds out to the second baseman. Royce Thompson flies out to the center fielder. Royce Thompson flies out to the center fielder. Royce Thompson flies out to the center fielder. Royce Thompson flies out to the center fielder. Bill Cook doubles. Bill Cook doubles. Bill Cook doubles. Bill Cook doubles. Scott Shireman flies out to the left fielder. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 4 New York Scott Shireman flies out to the left fielder. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 4 New York Scott Shireman flies out to the left fielder. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 4 New York Scott Shireman flies out to the left fielder. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 4 New York Milt Donovan flies out to the right fielder. Milt Donovan flies out to the right fielder. Milt Donovan flies out to the right fielder. Milt Donovan flies out to the right fielder. Zeek Watson grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted) - great play by the first baseman to prevent a single! Zeek Watson grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted) - great play by the first baseman to prevent a single! Zeek Watson grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted) - great play by the first baseman to prevent a single! Zeek Watson grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted) - great play by the first baseman to prevent a single! Clarence Worley grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted). Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 4 Chicago Clarence Worley grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted). Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 4 Chicago Clarence Worley grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted). Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 4 Chicago Clarence Worley grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted). Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 4 Chicago Paul Langdon strikes out. Paul Langdon strikes out. Paul Langdon strikes out. Paul Langdon strikes out. Ben Wilcox grounds out to the third baseman - great play by the third baseman to prevent a double! Ben Wilcox grounds out to the third baseman - great play by the third baseman to prevent a double! Ben Wilcox grounds out to the third baseman - great play by the third baseman to prevent a double! Ben Wilcox grounds out to the third baseman - great play by the third baseman to prevent a double! Chuck Collins walks. Chuck Collins walks. Chuck Collins walks. Chuck Collins walks. Jake Olsen grounds out to the shortstop. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 5 New York Jake Olsen grounds out to the shortstop. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 5 New York Jake Olsen grounds out to the shortstop. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 5 New York Jake Olsen grounds out to the shortstop. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 5 New York Dick Ritchie flies out to the left fielder. Dick Ritchie flies out to the left fielder. Dick Ritchie flies out to the left fielder. Dick Ritchie flies out to the left fielder. Steve Willis strikes out. Steve Willis strikes out. Steve Willis strikes out. Steve Willis strikes out. Bobby Buchek flies out to the center fielder. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 5 Chicago Bobby Buchek flies out to the center fielder. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 5 Chicago Bobby Buchek flies out to the center fielder. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 5 Chicago Bobby Buchek flies out to the center fielder. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 5 Chicago F.J. Scott strikes out. F.J. Scott strikes out. F.J. Scott strikes out. F.J. Scott strikes out. Jack McCullough singles in front of the right fielder. Jack McCullough singles in front of the right fielder. Jack McCullough singles in front of the right fielder. Jack McCullough singles in front of the right fielder. Royce Thompson walks. Royce Thompson walks. Royce Thompson walks. Royce Thompson walks. Bill Cook grounds into a 6-4-3 double play. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 6 New York Bill Cook grounds into a 6-4-3 double play. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 6 New York Bill Cook grounds into a 6-4-3 double play. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 6 New York Bill Cook grounds into a 6-4-3 double play. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 6 New York Mark Covington grounds out to the second baseman. Mark Covington grounds out to the second baseman. Mark Covington grounds out to the second baseman. Mark Covington grounds out to the second baseman. Gil Hanna strikes out. Gil Hanna strikes out. Gil Hanna strikes out. Gil Hanna strikes out. Don Gardner grounds out to the shortstop. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 6 Chicago Don Gardner grounds out to the shortstop. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 6 Chicago Don Gardner grounds out to the shortstop. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 6 Chicago Don Gardner grounds out to the shortstop. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 6 Chicago Scott Shireman pops out to the catcher. Scott Shireman pops out to the catcher. Scott Shireman pops out to the catcher. Scott Shireman pops out to the catcher. Paul Langdon flies out to the left fielder. Paul Langdon flies out to the left fielder. Paul Langdon flies out to the left fielder. Paul Langdon flies out to the left fielder. Ben Wilcox flies out to the center fielder. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 7 New York Ben Wilcox flies out to the center fielder. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 7 New York Ben Wilcox flies out to the center fielder. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 7 New York Ben Wilcox flies out to the center fielder. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 7 New York Milt Donovan pops out to the shortstop. Milt Donovan pops out to the shortstop. Milt Donovan pops out to the shortstop. Milt Donovan pops out to the shortstop. Zeek Watson grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted). Zeek Watson grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted). Zeek Watson grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted). Zeek Watson grounds out to the first baseman (unassisted). Clarence Worley pops out to the shortstop. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 7 Chicago Clarence Worley pops out to the shortstop. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 7 Chicago Clarence Worley pops out to the shortstop. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 7 Chicago Clarence Worley pops out to the shortstop. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 7 Chicago Chuck Collins grounds out to the second baseman. Chuck Collins grounds out to the second baseman. Chuck Collins grounds out to the second baseman. Chuck Collins grounds out to the second baseman. Jake Olsen grounds out to the shortstop. Jake Olsen grounds out to the shortstop. Jake Olsen grounds out to the shortstop. Jake Olsen grounds out to the shortstop. F.J. Scott flies out to the center fielder. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 8 New York F.J. Scott flies out to the center fielder. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 8 New York F.J. Scott flies out to the center fielder. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 8 New York F.J. Scott flies out to the center fielder. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 8 New York Dick Ritchie grounds out to the pitcher. Dick Ritchie grounds out to the pitcher. Dick Ritchie grounds out to the pitcher. Dick Ritchie grounds out to the pitcher. Steve Willis grounds out to the shortstop. Steve Willis grounds out to the shortstop. Steve Willis grounds out to the shortstop. Steve Willis grounds out to the shortstop. Bobby Buchek strikes out. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 8 Chicago Bobby Buchek strikes out. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 8 Chicago Bobby Buchek strikes out. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 8 Chicago Bobby Buchek strikes out. Runners left on base: 0 Inning: 8 Chicago Jack McCullough grounds out to the pitcher. Jack McCullough grounds out to the pitcher. Jack McCullough grounds out to the pitcher. Jack McCullough grounds out to the pitcher. Royce Thompson walks. Royce Thompson walks. Royce Thompson walks. Royce Thompson walks. Bunk Moreland comes in from the bullpen to pitch. Pitcher is being pulled because of the certain circumstances stamina rule which states SP should be immediately pulled when tired and a runner is on at least 1st. Bill Cook flies out to the left fielder. Bunk Moreland comes in from the bullpen to pitch. Pitcher is being pulled because of the certain circumstances stamina rule which states SP should be immediately pulled when tired and a runner is on at least 1st. Bill Cook flies out to the left fielder. Bunk Moreland comes in from the bullpen to pitch. Pitcher is being pulled because of the certain circumstances stamina rule which states SP should be immediately pulled when tired and a runner is on at least 1st. Bill Cook flies out to the left fielder. Bunk Moreland comes in from the bullpen to pitch. Pitcher is being pulled because of the certain circumstances stamina rule which states SP should be immediately pulled when tired and a runner is on at least 1st. Bill Cook flies out to the left fielder. Scott Shireman grounds into a force play to the shortstop. Royce Thompson is out at second base with the second baseman covering the bag. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 9 New York Scott Shireman grounds into a force play to the shortstop. Royce Thompson is out at second base with the second baseman covering the bag. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 9 New York Scott Shireman grounds into a force play to the shortstop. Royce Thompson is out at second base with the second baseman covering the bag. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 9 New York Scott Shireman grounds into a force play to the shortstop. Royce Thompson is out at second base with the second baseman covering the bag. Runners left on base: 1 Inning: 9 New York Omar Little is pinch hitting for Mark Covington. Omar Little grounds out to the second baseman. Omar Little is pinch hitting for Mark Covington. Omar Little grounds out to the second baseman. Omar Little is pinch hitting for Mark Covington. Omar Little grounds out to the second baseman. Omar Little is pinch hitting for Mark Covington. Omar Little grounds out to the second baseman. Gil Hanna flies out to the center fielder. Gil Hanna flies out to the center fielder. Gil Hanna flies out to the center fielder. Gil Hanna flies out to the center fielder. Al Hash is pinch hitting for Bunk Moreland. Pinch hitting for the pitcher because it is the last at bat. Al Hash pops out to the catcher. Runners left on base: 0 New York total runners left on base: 0 Chicago total runners left on base: 6 Al Hash is pinch hitting for Bunk Moreland. Pinch hitting for the pitcher because it is the last at bat. Al Hash pops out to the catcher. Runners left on base: 0 New York total runners left on base: 0 Chicago total runners left on base: 6 Al Hash is pinch hitting for Bunk Moreland. Pinch hitting for the pitcher because it is the last at bat. Al Hash pops out to the catcher. Runners left on base: 0 New York total runners left on base: 0 Chicago total runners left on base: 6 Al Hash is pinch hitting for Bunk Moreland. Pinch hitting for the pitcher because it is the last at bat. Al Hash pops out to the catcher. Runners left on base: 0 New York total runners left on base: 0 Chicago total runners left on base: 6
Batting:2B - Bill Cook (24), Bill Cook (24), Bill Cook (24), Bill Cook (24).HR - Chuck Collins (15), Chuck Collins (15), Chuck Collins (15), Chuck Collins (15).GIDP - Bill Cook, Bill Cook, Bill Cook, Bill Cook.
New York Mentoring: SP Mentor Grade: B- RP Mentor Grade: B- Batter Mentor Grade: B- Improvements: Andruw Thomas improves in velocity Matt Hooper improves in contact_vs_righty Andruw Thomas improves in velocity Yohanny Gonzales improves in power_vs_righty Hank Gates did not respond to coaching in 2B
Chicago Mentoring: SP Mentor Grade: B+ RP Mentor Grade: B Batter Mentor Grade: B Improvements: Bill Beattie did not respond to coaching in power_vs_lefty Ira Kasko improves in control 5 CP REDS did not respond to coaching in power_vs_righty Bill Beattie did not respond to coaching in power_vs_righty Jon Votto improves in 2B