Show classic player card
Dom DiMaggio League
Red Wolf Relief Pitcher
Retired (1952, Age 34)
ERA 5.38 Total Rating C+   Bats/Throws L/L
W-L 8-8 Status Deceased (1995) Option Years 0  
SV 5 Age at Death 77 Date of Birth 03-24-1918
K 38 Drafted Round 36, Pick 566
Majors Svc Time 0 years
(67 games)
IP 98.2
WHIP 1.65
Contact vs. R D+ Contact vs. L Endurance   Ldrship
Power vs. R D- Power vs. L Velocity C-   Mentor Val C+
Speed C+ Bunt B- Control B-
 C * --- SS --- Range WS Rings 0
1B --- LF --- Arm A- WS Appearances 0
2B --- CF ---   Health C+ LCS Appearances 0
3B --- RF ---   Injured Days 0 All Star Teams 0
* League requires 50% rating to start at catcher.

1950 DET
38 10 9 0 11
1951 DET
53 35 32 0 20
1952 DET-BAL
32 19 18 1 9
0 0 0 0 0
123 64 59 1 40
Career Transactions
1952-11-01Red Wolf has retired from the Baltimore Potomacs
1952-09-05A trade has been completed between the Detroit Red Wolves and the Baltimore Potomacs. The Baltimore Potomacs receive Red Wolf, Draft Pick - 1954 Round 4 (DET), Draft Pick - 1954 Round 5 (DET), Draft Pick - 1953 Round 4 (DET) from the Detroit Red Wolves in exchange for Rob Moss.
1952-07-20The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Robin Gibb to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Red Wolf to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Pavel Chekov to the minors. The Detroit Red Wolves have designated A.J. Smith for assignment.
1952-04-01The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Willy Wonka to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have designated Red Wolf for assignment.
1951-10-08The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Red Wolf to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent James Bond to the minors.
1951-10-06The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted James Bond to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Brisco County Jr. to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Red Wolf to the minors. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Willy Wonka to the minors.
1951-10-05The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Red Wolf to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Willy Wonka to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Brisco County Jr. to the minors. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent James Bond to the minors.
1951-10-03The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Gil Gerard to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Brisco County Jr. to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Maurice Gibb to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Bob Fishback to the minors. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Derek Lowe to the minors. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Red Wolf to the minors.
1951-09-25The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Red Wolf to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent James Bond to the minors.
1951-09-23The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Jonathon Archer to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Red Wolf to the minors.
1951-09-17The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Red Wolf to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Jonathon Archer to the minors.
1951-09-15The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Brisco County Jr. to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Red Wolf to the minors.
1951-08-29The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Gil Gerard to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Red Wolf to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Brisco County Jr. to the minors. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Fireball Roberts to the minors.
1951-08-24The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Fireball Roberts to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Red Wolf to the minors.
1951-07-30The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Red Wolf to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Fireball Roberts to the minors.
1951-07-27The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted James Bond to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Red Wolf to the minors.
1951-07-10The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Red Wolf to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Andy Andrews to the minors.
1951-07-06The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Jonathon Archer to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Red Wolf to the minors.
1951-06-29The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Red Wolf to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Brisco County Jr. to the minors.
1951-06-26The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted James Bond to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Red Wolf to the minors.
1951-06-06The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Red Wolf to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Fireball Roberts to the minors.
1951-06-05The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Brisco County Jr. to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Red Wolf to the minors.
1951-06-01The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Andy Andrews to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Red Wolf to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Brisco County Jr. to the minors. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Gil Gerard to the minors.
1951-05-29The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted James Bond to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Red Wolf to the minors.
1951-05-22The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Red Wolf to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Fireball Roberts to the minors.
1951-05-17The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted James Bond to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Brisco County Jr. to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Red Wolf to the minors. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Fireball Roberts to the minors.
1951-05-16The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Gil Gerard to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Red Wolf to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Brisco County Jr. to the minors. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent James Bond to the minors.
1951-05-09The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Andy Andrews to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Red Wolf to the minors.
1951-05-03The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Red Wolf to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent James Bond to the minors.
1951-05-02The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Andy Andrews to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Fireball Roberts to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Red Wolf to the minors. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent James Bond to the minors.
1951-04-27The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Bubba Green to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Red Wolf to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Fireball Roberts to the minors. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Harvey Harris to the minors.
1951-04-25The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted James Bond to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Red Wolf to the minors.
1951-04-23The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Red Wolf to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Brisco County Jr. to the minors.
1951-04-20The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Andy Andrews to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Dudley Doright to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Brisco County Jr. to the minors. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Red Wolf to the minors.
1951-04-17The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Red Wolf to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Andy Andrews to the minors.
1951-04-13The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted James Bond to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Dudley Doright to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Red Wolf to the minors. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Maurice Gibb to the minors.
1951-04-09The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted James Bond to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Red Wolf to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Bob Tramback to the minors. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Andy Andrews to the minors.
1951-04-06The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Art McTigue to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Bob Tramback to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Brisco County Jr. to the minors. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Red Wolf to the minors.
1951-04-03The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Red Wolf to the major league team.
1951-04-01The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Red Wolf down to the minors.
1951-03-01The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Red Wolf to the major league team.
1950-10-03The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Joe Fidrych to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Benjamin Sisco to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Jean-Luc Picard to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Sam Malone to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Dudley Doright to the minors. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Red Wolf to the minors. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Jeffrey Pinnance to the minors. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent James Bond to the minors.
1950-10-01The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Dudley Doright to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Red Wolf to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Joe Fidrych to the minors. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Benjamin Sisco to the minors.
1950-09-25The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Fireball Roberts to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Brisco County Jr. to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Dudley Doright to the minors. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Red Wolf to the minors.
1950-09-22The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Red Wolf to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Sam Malone to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Fireball Roberts to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Norm Chow to the minors. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Brisco County Jr. to the minors. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent James Bond to the minors.
1950-09-19The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Joe Fidrych to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted William Riker to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Fireball Roberts to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Norm Chow to the minors. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Red Wolf to the minors. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Sam Malone to the minors.
1950-09-17The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Red Wolf to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent William Riker to the minors.
1950-08-28The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Norm Chow to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Red Wolf to the minors.
1950-08-17The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Joe Fidrych to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Red Wolf to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Fireball Roberts to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Norm Chow to the minors. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Sam Malone to the minors. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent James Bond to the minors.
1950-08-12The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Sam Malone to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Red Wolf to the minors.
1950-08-08The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Brisco County Jr. to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Red Wolf to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Norm Chow to the minors. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent James Bond to the minors.
1950-08-03The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted James Bond to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Norm Chow to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Brisco County Jr. to the minors. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Red Wolf to the minors.
1950-07-31The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Red Wolf to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Fireball Roberts to the minors.
1950-07-25The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Conner McCleod to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Fireball Roberts to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent John Johnson to the minors. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Red Wolf to the minors.
1950-07-18The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Red Wolf to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Fireball Roberts to the minors.
1950-07-13The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted James Bond to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Red Wolf to the minors.
1950-07-06The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Red Wolf to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent James Bond to the minors.
1950-07-01The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Sean Elmore to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Fireball Roberts to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Red Wolf to the minors. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Roman Gabriel to the minors.
1950-06-26The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Red Wolf to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent James Bond to the minors.
1950-06-12The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Fireball Roberts to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Red Wolf to the minors.
1950-06-08The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Red Wolf to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Fireball Roberts to the minors.
1950-05-27The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted James Bond to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Red Wolf to the minors.
1950-05-17The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Red Wolf to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Fireball Roberts to the minors.
1950-05-11The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted James Bond to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Red Wolf to the minors.
1950-05-09The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Red Wolf to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent James Bond to the minors.
1950-04-19The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Norm Chow to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Red Wolf to the minors.
1950-04-18The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Red Wolf to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Norm Chow to the minors.
1950-04-13The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted JamesT. Kirk to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Red Wolf to the minors.
1950-04-10The Detroit Red Wolves have renamed Red Taylor to Red Wolf.
1950-04-04The Detroit Red Wolves have promoted Red Taylor to the major league team. The Detroit Red Wolves have sent Brisco County Jr. to the minors.