Sim Dynasty
Sim Dynasty


Reggie Smith League
2048 Schedule/Results   (All Games)
Game#DateOpponentResult PHI PitcherOpp. Pitcher
14/1/2048 @ Chicago Cubs Results  
24/2/2048 @ Chicago Cubs Results  
34/3/2048 @ Chicago Cubs Results  
44/4/2048 @ Brooklyn Boys of Summer Results  
54/5/2048 @ Brooklyn Boys of Summer Results  
64/6/2048 @ Brooklyn Boys of Summer Results  
74/8/2048 St. Louis Estonians Results  
84/9/2048 St. Louis Estonians Results  
94/10/2048 St. Louis Estonians
Denny Loewer (R)Chuck Weis (R)
104/11/2048 @ New York Mess
Tim Mackanin (R)Lazarus Timulty (L)
114/12/2048 @ New York Mess
Harry Beamon (R)Lincoln Bayes (L)
124/13/2048 @ New York Mess
Bunk Tejera (R)Sparky Enea (R)
134/14/2048 @ Cincinnati Redlegs
Bill Proctor (R)Raul Bowsfield (R)
144/15/2048 @ Cincinnati Redlegs
Denny Loewer (R)Grady Kretlow (R)