Sim Dynasty Rulebook

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[edit] Site Wide Rules

Accessing any team on this site or posting any messages on the forum indicates your knowledge of these rules and an agreement to be bound by them.

Consequences for breaking the following rules will be determined on a case by case basis; they may range from simple warnings, to reversal of trades (or other actions), to loss of players, loss of picks, or loss of the franchise.

Private leagues will generally follow these same guidelines without explicit league rules to the contrary, but may have specified unique procedures for implementation; please consult your league rules. Due to abundance of cheating in free Single Season Leagues, staff intervention is more likely and all reversals of trades or other transactions and removal of owners will be at the discretion of the site staff.

[edit] General Rules

[edit] Multiple Accounts

[edit] Cheating

Cheating will not be tolerated. Attempting to define every way to cheat is not feasible, but the list includes throwing games against specific owners, exploiting any loopholes or game bugs to get an unfair advantage, etc, controlling multiple accounts, etc.

[edit] No "Renting" Of Players

Players may not be borrowed to other teams for any reason. Whether it be to develop the player or his stats, to help a certain team win, or any other reason which places a player on the major league roster of another team with the intent of returning him. Exception: CP trades will still be allowed in leagues which do not have specific rules against them, as long as the players involved are not purposely played in the majors.

[edit] Draft Pick & CP Trades

Draft picks can be traded out in dynasty leagues to however many seasons each owner is renewed for, up to 5. In private and speed leagues these can only be traded up to your renewal, and limited by a preset number of seasons out. This applies also to CP trades. You cannot trade CPs for seasons beyond the current one, or beyond the number of seasons set for draft pick trades for leagues that allow longer trades. See Coach Point Trades for more details regarding CP trades.

[edit] Details Of Trades And Agreements Must Be Posted

If you make a trade/agreement with another owner which includes something not clearly detailed as part of the transaction, you must post the details on the league message board. This is intended specifically for CP trades in leagues that allow them, or trades conditional on an unforeseen event like one of the players in the trade retiring. Trades "to be named later", agreements to trade picks beyond the league trade pick window or (for Dynasty leagues) seasons the owners are not renewed for are prohibited. Trading players back and forth to "borrow" them are especially prohibited. Please note that any trade with a conditional element is completed at your own risk, and the site administrators will only offer limited support and assistance.

[edit] Inactive Owners May Be Removed

Sim Dynasty is most enjoyable for everyone in a league when all team owners are actively managing their teams. Although we know you may not be able to play every single day, it does become a problem for all owners in the league when an owner doesn't manage his or her team for weeks at a time, especially in faster moving leagues.

Owners who are inactive without previous arrangement may be removed from team ownership and their team sold to a replacement owner. For all Dynasty leagues and other 3 game per day leagues, owners may be removed for four weeks of inactivity. For leagues that play 6 to 9 games per day, inactivity for three weeks may result in removal. Higher paced 12 and 15 game per day leagues may remove owners after two weeks of inactivity. Football owners may be removed after three weeks of inactivity.

Inactivity is normally judged by the last date you were active in a league (looking at the standings or roster, not just connecting to the home page); however, if your team is not being actively managed (more than 25 players in the minors in baseball, or leaving high-rated draftees on the Inactive roster in football) for the inactivity period, you may lose your team even if you are logging in just enough to appear to be active.

Usually the league Commish will attempt to contact you before listing your team for sale due to inactivity, however if you are inactive your team may be removed without notice. If you have an active subscription to a league, being removed from the league will not automatically cancel your subscription; it is your responsibility to cancel your subscription.

[edit] Trade Abuse Reporting

Owners who feel that trades are severely lopsided, and whose league doesn't have a specific rule and process for reporting abuse of the trade system, should use the Report Trade Abuse feature on the Help menu to report the problem. If three owners report a trade, a league vote will occur. Trades will be reversed if 66% of the league (those that actually vote to overturn or uphold, not abstain votes) feels they should be. The 2 owners involved in the trade do not vote. The percentage can be varied in Speed leagues.

Trade abuse reports are NOT part of the simulation; they are an administrative function to report abuse of the game. Abusing the trade abuse report function may result in losing the ability to initiate further trade abuse reports.

[edit] Excessively Lopsided Trading

Trades that appear to excessively benefit one team will be reversed. This extends to accepting offers made to you which excessively benefit you. It doesn't matter who offered the trade, if it's severely lopsided, it hurts the whole league. Typically, we will only reverse obviously collusive deals in Trial leagues using this policy. I don't recall ever using it in a pay league, but we reserve the right to do this without a vote in pay leagues, specifically when collusion or other foul play is suspected.

[edit] Ratings Limits to Waiving Players

You cannot waive anyone who has a A- rating or higher or demote anyone who has an A- rating or higher unless they have options (cannot be claimed off option waivers when demoted). This rule is automatically enforced for trial and dynasty leagues; speed and private leagues may have it enforced at their option, or have the limits set differently.

[edit] Tanking in System 3/4 Speed Leagues

Owners in Speed leagues that use system 3 or 4 minor league improvements must either 1) Put their team in a position to win the most games or 2) Put their team in a position to best develop major league players. It is unacceptable to develop your team only in the minors and play an entire major league roster of scrubs. If you see a team in your league that does not meet these criteria, please post a private note in Support. We then may contact the owner in question for an explanation of why he is playing the players he is playing and come to a decision.

[edit] Message Board and other communications rules

The use of the forum Message Boards is considered by many to be an essential part of the game; however, access to the forum is a privilege. Note that these rules apply to all forms of site communication, included but not limited to personal messages, trade notes, team notes, player notes, chat/instant messaging.

  1. The following will not be tolerated on the message boards, trade messages, player and team notes, player and team names, personal messages (PMs), chat, or any other form of communication available:
    • Personal attacks, flaming, insults, using derogatory or irritating nicknames for owners or misspellings of other owner's names, or threats of any kind. Note that "personal attacks" does NOT include in-game "trash talk". Negative talk about simulated players or teams is fine. Go ahead and insult that pitcher, just not the pitcher's owner.
    • Profanity or offensiveness. This includes any attempt to get around any filters by creative misspellings, profanity in foreign languages, etc.
    • Racial or Sexual Harassment.
    • Being obnoxious or irritating in general, whether it's as yourself or as some sort of character you have created. Excusing obnoxiousness as "humor" or "performance art" or any other attempt to get around this rule will not be allowed.
    • Attempts to disrupt the league, bait owners into arguments, or interfere with others' enjoyment of the game for any reason.

    Basically, if you give multiple owners reason to complain to the Admin about you, you will likely be asked to stop whatever you are doing.

  2. Controversial topics (including, but not limited to, politics and religion) that serve no purpose but to start an argument are not permitted.
  3. Topics and posts in the "Sim Forums" should remain relevant to the game and forum; any personal discussions - or disagreements - should remain in "Other Stuff" or a league specific forum from which they arise.
  4. Inappropriate, adult, or obscene content will not be allowed. Please realize that users come from many backgrounds and ages; teenage minors may be users on the site, other users may view or share teams and messages boards with family, and all owners have different standards of decency and obscenity.
  5. Spamming and other advertisements are not permitted. Established customers who wish to review, suggest or advise others on other sites or opportunities may not use inappropriate forums and should not use direct links or engage in unsolicited and/or unwanted advertisement or recruitment via the message boards. Other contact information such as email and PM gained through SimDynasty may not be used for unrelated purposes.
  6. If you are not part of a league, please refrain from posting in that league unless you have a question about joining, or something constructive to say. If the Commish or Admin ask you to stay out of the league forum and you don't, you may lose forum privileges.
  7. Using any form of communication to try to get around a trade proposal block or any other type of block that the other owner has initiated is not allowed. The other owner has already decided that they do not want this type of communication from you; you need to honor that, no matter how much you feel they will be receptive to your offer.

Violation of any of these policies or refusal to respond to staff warnings may result in being banned from the message boards. Violating these guidelines on the main site may result in loss of access to the site, including forfeiture of any teams. If you lose a paid team die to violation of this rule, or choose to quit a league because of enforcement of this rule, no refunds will be given.

[edit] Private Messages

Please note that the site Admins can review "private" messages on the site, including PMs and trade comments, and these messages may be reviewed while investigating personal disputes, possible collusion or cheating, etc.

[edit] No Intentional Disruption

Any owner who, in the sole judgement of Admin, is intentionally trying to disrupt a league, the simulation, the website, or the message boards may be removed from the league or site without warning or refund. If we believe the disruption may not be intentional, we may opt to give a warning and allow the owner to correct the situation.

[edit] Rule Interpretation

The Admin is the final arbiter of rule issues, and any conflicts will be decided in the spirit of the rule in question. There will be no "rule lawyering" or nit picking to try to get around something, or to try to force consequences onto another owner.

Retrieved from "http://rules.simdynasty.comSite_Rules"