From Sim Dynasty Rulebook
Fatigue and Substitution
In the past, there have been a couple of bits of advice older owners
routinely gave to newer owners: Set all players on Conditioning drills,
and set the Substitution settings as high as possible to keep your
freshest players in the game.
Why was this necessary? Because fatigue impacted the game far more than
it should.
First, let's define our terms. You will see both
Energy and
Fatigue mentioned; these are the opposite of each other. Substitution
settings are measured in Energy, so a player with 80% Energy has 20% Fatigue.
Conditioning represents the maximum Energy a player can have in a
particular game, and is a reflection of the work a player put into
practice the prior week (which is why Attitude affects Conditioning,
as well as coming off an injury mid-week).
The lower a player's Energy
is, the lower his skill ratings are for that particular play.
In game design, everything is about balance and in game play everything
is about making decisions. If the balance is off enough that a blanket
piece of advice like "Set all players on Conditioning drills, and set the
Substitution settings as high as possible" is true, then important
decisions are being taken out of the game, leaving less differentiation
between team owners. To look at it another way, the two things that
decide a game are owner decisions and random chance; for each decision
opportunity lost, random chance plays a bigger part in the outcome.
With that in mind, several changes were made some time ago to how fatigue
is handled during a game; however, advice is still given based on the old
system. Here are the details of how fatigue is handled:
In the past, fatigue was straightforward: For every 5 points of fatigue,
a player lost 2% from his ratings, so at the default replacement point
of 50%, a player was playing at 80% of his maximum skill.
Under this system, even small amounts of fatigue took the skill edge off
of star players, so keeping energy at its highest level was paramount.
Thus, the advice to substitute at 80% came into fashion, as the backup
player at 90 or 95% energy was likely to perform better than the starter
at 80% energy.
This is no longer true. Skill levels
no longer fall off at a linear rate. Now, with 90% energy, a player
still has 99% of his full ratings rather than 94% under the old system.
At 80% energy, he still has 95% of his ratings as opposed to 88% under
the old system.
A starter at 95% skill is almost always better than
a backup at 100% skill. Thus, unless your starters and backups have
nearly equal skill,
substituting out at 80% is counterproductive.
The falloff does get steeper, though. Here are some examples:
At 95% energy, a player has 99.8% of his skill.
At 90% energy, a player has 99.0% of his skill.
At 85% energy, a player has 97.8% of his skill.
At 80% energy, a player has 95.2% of his skill.
At 75% energy, a player has 92.4% of his skill.
At 70% energy, a player has 89.0% of his skill. (About equal to the old 80% energy level)
At 65% energy, a player has 85.2% of his skill.
At 60% energy, a player has 81.1% of his skill.
At 55% energy, a player has 76.7% of his skill.
At 50% energy, a player has 72.2% of his skill.
Another important change related to fatigue is that in the old system,
players started to recover energy the moment they left a formation.
This allowed you to substitute two players back and forth and essentially
neither would ever tire because they recovered so quickly. Now, a player
has to be off the field for 30-90 seconds (depending on Stamina) before
they start to recover energy. (These are "time-of-day" seconds rather than
game clock seconds, so in practice this means most players will start
recovering after 1 or 2 plays off the field.) Thus, swapping two players
or two sets of players back and forth will have a more negative impact
as no one really gets time to rest properly, unless they have a high
How does this relate to Conditioning? Conditioning represents the maximum
Energy level a player can have during a game. In the past there was enough
difference between 95% and 100% that some owners would put their whole
team on Conditioning drills. Now, that strategy will be less necessary.
A player at 100% Conditioning can of course play at his maximum longer,
and players with Attitude problems may still need Conditioning on their
bad weeks, but it will now be far more productive to make Conditioning
decisions on a case by case basis rather than just blanketing everyone
in Conditioning and giving up the potential development from other drills.